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Mary Had A Little Lamb

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Haven't teleprompters been in use for such a long time? Wasn't Bush the first one to really take flak for this.


I am not saying that it is okay to constantly rely on these things... But come on, is BO using them any more than other POTUS did? Obviuosly he is if he uses them at a elementary school! :P


Kinda funny on how this same argument manifests itself over an over again, back and forth between dueling parties/beliefs.


It was sad back then when the left was accusing the right and it is sad now. I mean, we are in an age when tech totally controls how people look... Yes, I don't like it... Sad sign of the times... I don't see things changing, just getting worse.


Is this tech any different than staring down at a piece of paper? The podium and piece of paper are gone people... Get over it... Just as nobody in their right mind would use a slide rule over a calculator today.


I would think the techy boys would be proud. Just as the piece of paper was the way to deliver a speech, now is the teleprompter. Notice I said an important word: speech. Lincoln had the Gettysburg written down and read it off a piece of paper. No? What is the difference with a teleprompter?


For the record, I still have an hard time accepting the tech over the piece of paper.

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Well, it certainly wouldn't be acceptable to simply sit down and read to the kids gathered around him.

What a terrible image that would be.


Of course... We can joke all we want. Obama and past prez's do it when giving formal speeches I take.


I now am slowly accepting it as a tech thing that replaces paper. Just as if ones uses a Kindle to read a book.


What is the difference between reading a speech with note cards or a teleprompter. A teleprompter makes the person more attractive when delivering the speech.


Like I said... Lincoln used a manuscript... What is the difference? Just technology. But it makes for good jokes!


People gotta be kidding themselves if they see a person giving a formal speech and think they are reading it off the top of their head... Never happened and never will. Tech now just gives one the illusion the speech is from memory. How naive are people if they think it is from memory?

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Teleprompter is exactly that. Nothing more than a techy way to replace paper. To me both should be used ONLY when needed. With that being said, knowing that one wrong word, one mistake he will get blasted. Better to be safe than sorry.

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Of course... We can joke all we want. Obama and past prez's do it when giving formal speeches I take.


I now am slowly accepting it as a tech thing that replaces paper. Just as if ones uses a Kindle to read a book.


What is the difference between reading a speech with note cards or a teleprompter. A teleprompter makes the person more attractive when delivering the speech.


Like I said... Lincoln used a manuscript... What is the difference? Just technology. But it makes for good jokes!


People gotta be kidding themselves if they see a person giving a formal speech and think they are reading it off the top of their head... Never happened and never will. Tech now just gives one the illusion the speech is from memory. How naive are people if they think it is from memory?

A formal speech to a 6th grade class? Was he going to forget the name of the school? :P

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Thanks Jim for pointing out feigned stupidity and why people like Obama need a teleprompter to even take a dump. Because idiots like you will jump on every misspoken word, phrase and letter and use it for some half-assed political advantage..

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Thanks Jim for pointing out feigned stupidity and why people like Obama need a teleprompter to even take a dump. Because idiots like you will jump on every misspoken word, phrase and letter and use it for some half-assed political advantage..


Just like you did re GW, eh? Can you imagine this blockhead having brains enough to master piloting a F-106 jet, as GW did?



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Thanks Jim for pointing out feigned stupidity and why people like Obama need a teleprompter to even take a dump. Because idiots like you will jump on every misspoken word, phrase and letter and use it for some half-assed political advantage..


Did you even see the 22 second video in the link... All it shows him addressing only pool reporters with a set spiel and the teleprompters... What is the differnece if he had index cards? Nothing.


IMO, nothing wrong with having a set response when addressing the reporters... Especially in today's age.


Show me the video with the children...


I am glad everybody takes the time to actually observe what they are viewing.


Hate on!

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I like to watch

Obama speak.


He is


so inspring


and I get to exercise my


neck, as I watch him.


Left to right.


I guess he smarter than George Bush.


Believe me, I have a hard adjusting to the changing tech too. Yet, would it look different if he glanced down on note cards like inthe old says? You would slam him for that.


Lincoln read his Gettysburg from paper.


Sign of the time with the head movement... Eveybody knows they are not doing it from memory.


Are some people really fooled that through the ages orators talked from memory?

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