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If JaMarcus Russell were to become available via trade,


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Physically/athletically I think that the guy has some special gifts, especially that Gailey is suppose to excel in developing young QBs but attitude wise Russell is another story. Him being rumored as an underacheiver with a indifferent work ethic sure takes away a lot of his redeeming athletic qualities. Big time QBs are hard to find and I'm wondering if the positives outweigh the negatives and if he can be motivated enough to progress in his young career.

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Physically/athletically I think that the guy has some special gifts, especially that Gailey is suppose to excel in developing young QBs but attitude wise Russell is another story. Him being rumored as an underacheiver with a indifferent work ethic sure takes away a lot of his redeeming athletic qualities. Big time QBs are hard to find and I'm wondering if the positives outweigh the negatives and if he can be motivated enough to progress in his young career.


NFW...not motivated to get better...he's a bum!!

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Emphatically, NO, NO, NO!!!!!


All his raw talent will never make up for his complete lack of any semblance of a work ethic. He's lazy, stupid, fat, rich and could care less about football at this point. This guy cares less than Rob Johnson!!!!!

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Perhaps the biggest myth surrounding sports in general and pro football in particular is this idea that a coach can instill a professional work ethic in a player. That is strictly up to the player and speaks to his maturity or lack their of. Coaches can cajole, praise, and give halftime speaches that will make a player run through a wall. But that is always short-lived. Coaches can help with fundamentals like throwing mechanics but a coach CANNOT make a player grow up. A coach CANNOT instill a passion for the game. The player either has it or he doesn't. My sense is Russell either hasn't grown up enough to realize what he is or is simply content with his money and simply doesn't care to improve.





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i thought before i posted, and i came up with this:


hells no!


we just had 6 years of our own project qb's that didn't pan out. i dont want anyone else's garbage rejects at this point. especially if they are coming from oakland.


either trade for a proven veteran that isnt completely over the hill and/or draft and establish the qb yourself.

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Physically/athletically I think that the guy has some special gifts, especially that Gailey is suppose to excel in developing young QBs but attitude wise Russell is another story. Him being rumored as an underacheiver with a indifferent work ethic sure takes away a lot of his redeeming athletic qualities. Big time QBs are hard to find and I'm wondering if the positives outweigh the negatives and if he can be motivated enough to progress in his young career.


This is a joke right? Dam you Ashton Kutcher...

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Jamarcus Russell is a shining example of why many people STILL don't believe blacks can be good QB's.


Whether you believe that or not, it's something you shouldn't repeat out loud. It comes off as racist and insensitive. Anyone with common sense would know that. Apparently you have none.

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