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Mass. Health Model, Not Obama's, Pleases Voters

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I figured so much and telegraphed it immediately.


Mass. Health Model, Not Obama's, Pleases Voters


''I think we're paying enough for the health issue in Massachusetts without paying for the rest of the nation,'' said the 50-year-old cafeteria manager from Fitchburg, Mass."


If this doesn't shout: "I got mine, screw the rest." I don't know what does. I figured so much in a state like MA.


In staging his upset win for the seat that ''liberal lion'' Edward M. Kennedy held for nearly 50 years, Republican Scott Brown tapped into those fears. He vowed to block President Barack Obama's health care overhaul even as he defended the 2006 state law, which he supports and which continues to have the backing of a majority of Massachusetts voters.


I said this right off the start... The only reason MA voters voted in Brown was because of their selfish pocket books... They have their healthcare, who cares about others.


If they are so dissatified with their state universal health care... I am waiting for them to repeal it. :beer: Like that is going to happen!


''Right now people are disgusted at the health care bill and how it's going,'' Brown said in the closing days of the campaign. ''Everybody deserves health care coverage, but we can do it better; we have done it better here in Massachusetts.''


IMO, every republican or anybody who is against national health care in our country should get on their hands and knees and thank people like Teddy Kennedy for getting universal HC only in his state of MA... It is the only way a deeply blue state would vote this way: Their greedy pocket book. Be damned with the rest of the nation: "I got mine."


"Brown said he didn't just want to kill the bill, but wanted to send it ''back to the drawing board'' and open up the process."


I will tell you what... It is good Brown got in... Now the national can model health care after MA's wonderful way of doing things.


"Brown has said it should be up to states to decide, like Massachusetts, whether to expand health care with help from the federal government, if needed. He also largely avoided talking about key elements that the Senate bill shares with the Massachusetts law, including the requirement that nearly everyone be insured or penalties for businesses that don't offer coverage."


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I've always felt that there's nothing wrong with talking to yourself. It's when you start talking back that you have a problem... :beer:



Easy there sparky.


I said the words "Oh"... Which means my second post was an extension of the first without having to edit.


Now that is cleared up... Mind commenting on the actual topic?


I thought so.

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Bottom Line: This bill was never going to be approved even if Coakley won and the Dems still had their Super Majority. Democrats are INCOMPETENT!


Get it?


First it was supposed to be on Obama's desk by July of 2009. Then August. Then by Thanksgiving. Then by Christmas. Then comes the outright GRAFT of the Nebraska Cornhusker deal. The Louisiana Purchase. Then unions wouldn't have to pay for it while the rest of us would.


You should go and work for Obama. He's bringing back all of his 2008 Presidential campaign staff for the November mid-term elections. A kind of Spring 1945 Adolf Hitler bunker-mentality now going on in the White House. You would be a perfect fit.

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Who cares how it was done, as long as it WAS done. Mass can go bankrupt with their socialized medicine program for all anyone cares. Hopefully they saved the rest of the U.S. from the same fate.


They (MA) won't go bankrupt. Basically the republicans found in essence a dem (Brown) that was willing to act like (vote nationally against HC) a republican... It only worked BECAUSE MA already has universal coverage. Gotta hand it the repubs, they played it perfectly obstructing the rest of nation though a "patsy" (no pun intended) state!




So do you think they should repeal their (MA's) universal HC? Fat chance, Brown wants to model the nation's after MA's... He even said it!


The bottom line is: M!@#$s don't want to help anyone else... Did anyone see it any other way... :nana:

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Bottom Line: This bill was never going to be approved even if Coakley won and the Dems still had their Super Majority. Democrats are INCOMPETENT!


Get it?


First it was supposed to be on Obama's desk by July of 2009. Then August. Then by Thanksgiving. Then by Christmas. Then comes the outright GRAFT of the Nebraska Cornhusker deal. The Louisiana Purchase. Then unions wouldn't have to pay for it while the rest of us would.


You should go and work for Obama. He's bringing back all of his 2008 Presidential campaign staff for the November mid-term elections. A kind of Spring 1945 Adolf Hitler bunker-mentality now going on in the White House. You would be a perfect fit.


So what was everyone afraid of? Why the Brown bandwagon. After the election, he basically sounds like a dem anyway... EXCEPT he will vote against HC. And like I said, only becasue MA has it already.


Did you just bring up Hitler? You sound like the liberals from 2000-2008... :beer:


It is what it is... Would you expect a blue state like MA to act any differently.


"I got mine... Now everybody else can fo !@#$ themselves."


It is the American way!

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They (MA) won't go bankrupt. Basically the republicans found in essence a dem (Brown) that was willing to act like (vote nationally against HC) a republican... It only worked BECAUSE MA already has universal coverage. Gotta hand it the repubs, they played it perfectly obstructing the rest of nation though a "patsy" (no pun intended) state!




So do you think they should repeal their (MA's) universal HC? Fat chance, Brown wants to model the nation's after MA's... He even said it!


The bottom line is: M!@#$s don't want to help anyone else... Did anyone see it any other way... :nana:

Do a search on Massachusetts health care and see that their costs are rising to prohibitive levels. They may not go broke in the next few years, just like Medicare is several decades away from going bankrupt; but it's coming. As for what Brown says, it's no different than Obama saying that Medicare is a great program...and then saying it's going broke and needs to be fixed. :lol:


But okay, let's say that Massachusetts' health system is the greatest model ever and that they acted selfishly. What about Ben Nelson, who needed to be bribed in order to secure his (crucial) vote, with his state getting a handout that the rest of the country has to pay for? What about Mary Landrieu and Louisiana? What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Unless you think those were justified and what Mass did was reprehensible. In which case, there's nothing further to discuss.

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I had read that Brown commented taht with 98% of people in MA having healthcare there was no need to pass a federal bill so other Americans could have healthcare. Screw the rest of the country.


I also heard him state that his mother availed herself of the welfare system when times were tough. I would love to see his voting record on THAT too since "he got his".


Nothing to see here, just another hypocritical politician.

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I had read that Brown commented taht with 98% of people in MA having healthcare there was no need to pass a federal bill so other Americans could have healthcare. Screw the rest of the country.


I also heard him state that his mother availed herself of the welfare system when times were tough. I would love to see his voting record on THAT too since "he got his".


Nothing to see here, just another hypocritical politician.

True. Brown is no different from Nelson and Landrieu.

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Way to spin the story. Yes, the Mass health plan is similar to what Congress is thinking about. But the M!@#$s are figuring out now that the plan is costing way too much for what it is providing (very few additional covered residents due to the plan). Take their own exploding costs, and add the extra disproportionate burden that the state would have to pay to cover the Fed plan, and it's easy to see why there was a revolt.


Amazing that even people in bluer than blue state have had enough. Also amazing that the likes of you think it's ok to continue raping other people as long as it doesn't come out of your pocket.

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I had read that Brown commented taht with 98% of people in MA having healthcare there was no need to pass a federal bill so other Americans could have healthcare. Screw the rest of the country.


I also heard him state that his mother availed herself of the welfare system when times were tough. I would love to see his voting record on THAT too since "he got his".


Nothing to see here, just another hypocritical politician.

Still hurts doesn't it?


Regarding Brown, so far the guy has said all the right things, he's come out against the health care bill but says he is willing to work on making it better. I hope that is his true intention and we'll soon see.

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First of all, for every person you can find in a NYT article saying "this wasn't a vote against Obama but a vote against providing health care for people who already have it," I can find you a Fox/Newsbusters/Drudge/Big Government story interviewing Mass. Democrats who voted for Brown because they were concerned that Obama is trying to push his socialist agenda on the rest of the country.


Two million voters...not hard to find five with your personal take on the results. Surprised it took the NYT five days.


Second, the front-running Senate bill was a useless, irresponsible, piece of crap abortion that is so poorly and disgustingly put together, that it mades the Retatta recipe look like a good thought for a Wednesday night family meal. We were a gnat's asshair away from this garbage being shoved up our ass, and the people of Massachusetts stopped it DEAD in it's tracks. This is the epitomy of pulling one out of your ass. While I'll be happy to discuss it, rest assured: don't care how...don't care why...the bill is DOA and anything the left tries to do to push it through on their own right now is the absolute kiss of death for November.


But if the NYT article makes you feel better, that's okay. Believe what you read.


The bill is dead. All ye know, and all ye need to know.

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First of all, for every person you can find in a NYT article saying "this wasn't a vote against Obama but a vote against providing health care for people who already have it," I can find you a Fox/Newsbusters/Drudge/Big Government story interviewing Mass. Democrats who voted for Brown because they were concerned that Obama is trying to push his socialist agenda on the rest of the country.


Two million voters...not hard to find five with your personal take on the results. Surprised it took the NYT five days.


Second, the front-running Senate bill was a useless, irresponsible, piece of crap abortion that is so poorly and disgustingly put together, that it mades the Retatta recipe look like a good thought for a Wednesday night family meal. We were a gnat's asshair away from this garbage being shoved up our ass, and the people of Massachusetts stopped it DEAD in it's tracks. This is the epitomy of pulling one out of your ass. While I'll be happy to discuss it, rest assured: don't care how...don't care why...the bill is DOA and anything the left tries to do to push it through on their own right now is the absolute kiss of death for November.


But if the NYT article makes you feel better, that's okay. Believe what you read.


The bill is dead. All ye know, and all ye need to know.

You want to read another article?


you're gonna love this one.




Even in a liberal newspaper, the comments are overwhelmingly tilted to one side.

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I have a friend up there who hates it and considers himself conservativs, while I have also heard democrats absolutely rip the system up there. Now I have only heard a few people's opinion, so it definitely is not a viable sample to base the state's opinion on.

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In the unlikely event that anyone bothered to read and decipher the above rants, could you post a brief summary for the rest of us?






The summary is right here:


"I had read that Brown commented taht with 98% of people in MA having healthcare there was no need to pass a federal bill so other Americans could have healthcare. Screw the rest of the country..."


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