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Ya know what I like ALOT about MM?


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He doesnt sit up their at press conferences after a big win and gloat. Williams gloated out the a_s.


I believe in the phrase, when you win say little, when you lose say less.


MM has a good attitude and so far has been pretty damn good as far as his comments to the media. Unlike many of our HC, he tells the complete truth, is willing to make big changes (mcGahee), and talks details.


I have only seen a few mistakes as far as clock management and he defintely proved something as far as ability to overcome adversity goes. GW was terrible at adapting, learning, and making changes to get wins for us.


As much as I hate Losman not starting when Im sure thats the right thing to do, I have to give Mularkey props for not giving up and continuing to believe.


We may just have our SB coach fellas. This guy is growing on me. Del-Rio, Marv Lewis, John Fox, all have similar type of records. MUlarkey is sticking to his guns, simply side stepping stupid slams put his way, not making excuses, just side stepping and maintaining a positive tough minded attitude. Id like to see him show that he is a hard assed motivator a.l.a. Parcells, but how much is that working for the Tuna now anyways? I will even give props to Mularkey for obviously being on the ball and getting pissed whne there are subtle mistakes made on the field. Much better than the Levy or Williams "deer in the head lights look" that we used to get all the time. I watch Mularkey and unlike Williams he "gets" when we have subtle screw ups that cost us big plays. I watch him on the sidelines and he really is focused and concentrating on whats happening.


Im telling ya, I cant blame Mularkey for not starting Losman while we still have some life left in us. If he would just officially make the permanent change to JP when we lose our 7th Ill be happy. Im starting to feel like Mularkey has got what we want. Lets get rid of some of the "cancers" on this team that are most likely to question him, and lets start building the NEW team with Mularkey top dog, Losman the leader on O and Spikes the leader on D. Gray is flat out a stud for keeping this D this good for this long.


Maybe our putrid start this year really was because of New system, new coaches, and a team that hasnt yet become a team. If you believe that, are willing to can the 12th man for the Pats... Drew, andf we dont drop off with our recent flurry of high caliper play, Im onboard with this front office!

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