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So you were for cable before you were against? How do you drop something you never for? Do you hard-core libs get cable for free?

It basically fell into my lap when I moved back to Buffalo 6 years ago. 5 and a half years of free cable was fun but I wouldn't pay a penny for that crap. Talk about something that needs a complete overhaul its the cable/dish whatever industry, and its only gotten worse with media consolidation.

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It basically fell into my lap when I moved back to Buffalo 6 years ago. 5 and a half years of free cable was fun but I wouldn't pay a penny for that crap. Talk about something that needs a complete overhaul its the cable/dish whatever industry, and its only gotten worse with media consolidation.

Be patient. We'll get to the satellite/cable TV industry as soon as we're done with banks, car manufacturers, talk radio, student loans, health care, global warming and taxing people for creating carbon dioxide.

But when you're liberals, profits are evil. So bankruptcy is a sign of good liberal values, and Air America is thus a raging success...


They can't understand that profits = jobs.

Jobs = increase in GDP and tax revenue

Increase in tax revenue = more money for government spending


Some day libs will figure out that big business is their best friend.

It basically fell into my lap when I moved back to Buffalo 6 years ago. 5 and a half years of free cable was fun but I wouldn't pay a penny for that crap. Talk about something that needs a complete overhaul its the cable/dish whatever industry, and its only gotten worse with media consolidation.


Expect more media consolodation if your friends at most large metro newspapers and most TV networks continue to publish what you want to hear.

Be patient. We'll get to the satellite/cable TV industry as soon as we're done with banks, car manufacturers, talk radio, student loans, health care, global warming and taxing people for creating carbon dioxide.

But doesn't it need it? Cable is probably one of the most useless things you could blow your money on. Much of the crap on there being subsidized by people who actually pay is unwatchable. That's why I loved giving Adelphia and Time Warner the finger for five and a half years...they deserve it! More power to anyone else.

I know moving out of mom's cellar and being responsible for your own bills sucks.

I would not have minded if lightning had struck twice in the new building I now reside in....unfortunately, unlike my old residence, there was no wire coming out of the floor that said "Adelphia" that I was able to screw into the back of my TV and recieve 75 free channels, which 60 of them suck.

They can't understand that profits = jobs.

Jobs = increase in GDP and tax revenue

Increase in tax revenue = more money for government spending


That argument doesn't work when you believe the government, and not business, creates jobs.

I would not have minded if lightning had struck twice in the new building I now reside in....unfortunately, unlike my old residence, there was no wire coming out of the floor that said "Adelphia" that I was able to screw into the back of my TV and recieve 75 free channels, which 60 of them suck.


Isn't stealing great? Do you help yourself to a cup of coffee at 7/11 when no one is looking too?


I'm guessing that if those 15 channels don't suck, you must enjoy them. So how is that a worse situation with whatever you call media consolidation, when in the good ol' days you were limited to 3.5 channels?

That argument doesn't work when you believe the government, and not business, creates jobs.

Which is why the stimulus is an utter failure. Over 50% of the jobs created or saved have been from a direct result of bailing out state budgets which were used to save lots of state jobs and the rest were basically for infrastructure projects which are temporary and most of the time not money well spent.


Tax cuts promotes company growth, there is NO better way to promote jobs other than to provide an environment that is conducive for job growth.


They just don't get it.

That argument doesn't work when you believe the government, and not business, creates jobs.

Gawd Tommy can you be anymore trite, cliched, hackneyed, etc, etc, etc?



I guess this is your economics lesson for today kids.

Which is why the stimulus is an utter failure. Over 50% of the jobs created or saved have been from a direct result of bailing out state budgets which were used to save lots of state jobs and the rest were basically for infrastructure projects which are temporary and most of the time not money well spent.


Tax cuts promotes company growth, there is NO better way to promote jobs other than to provide an environment that is conducive for job growth.


They just don't get it.

It's honestly stunning to me just how much they DON'T get it. They're driving this economy like Thelma and Louise are at the wheel, and somehow think they can keep their jobs by blaming Bush and demonizing the very people who are in charge of hiring. It's right up there with Hillary yelling at China about the internet.


Tip to the current administration: when you have no leverage and need something from someone, it's a good idea not to demonize them to the world.


Maybe that's just me.

It's honestly stunning to me just how much they DON'T get it. They're driving this economy like Thelma and Louise are at the wheel, and somehow think they can keep their jobs by blaming Bush and demonizing the very people who are in charge of hiring. It's right up there with Hillary yelling at China about the internet.


Tip to the current administration: when you have no leverage and need something from someone, it's a good idea not to demonize them to the world.


Maybe that's just me.


Idealism untempered by realism.


It's generally a feature of American government, but particularly so with this current bunch.

Isn't stealing great? Do you help yourself to a cup of coffee at 7/11 when no one is looking too?


I'm guessing that if those 15 channels don't suck, you must enjoy them. So how is that a worse situation with whatever you call media consolidation, when in the good ol' days you were limited to 3.5 channels?

"Stealing" Drevil? Let's be real here. I move into a building where there's a wire sticking out of the floor (I didn't ask for it to be there, it just was) of the living room and bedroom. I then proceed to attach said wire to my TV for shiits and giggles...ya know...see what happens. Bingo! Cable...which I didn't think would last a week. After a month rolled by I asked the building owner if cable came free with the rent and he told me no. Adelphia, and later Time Warner, could have stopped by anytime and removed the wires from my premises...but no. They could have snipped the cable out from the pole in the back alley the 100 times they stopped by with their truck parked outside my kitchen but did they? No. So if I get you right I should have reported this immediately to this wonderful altruistic and much beloved corporation.



Right after I replant my cherry tree.

"Stealing" Drevil? Let's be real here. I move into a building where there's a wire sticking out of the floor (I didn't ask for it to be there, it just was) of the living room and bedroom. I then proceed to attach said wire to my TV for shiits and giggles...ya know...see what happens. Bingo! Cable...which I didn't think would last a week. After a month rolled by I asked the building owner if cable came free with the rent and he told me no. Adelphia, and later Time Warner, could have stopped by anytime and removed the wires from my premises...but no. They could have snipped the cable out from the pole in the back alley the 100 times they stopped by with their truck parked outside my kitchen but did they? No. So if I get you right I should have reported this immediately to this wonderful altruistic and much beloved corporation.



Right after I replant my cherry tree.


As long as you think it's ok, then it's ok. They are only a big faceless corporation, and you are a breathing human being. You deserve free stuff.

"Stealing" Drevil? Let's be real here. I move into a building where there's a wire sticking out of the floor (I didn't ask for it to be there, it just was) of the living room and bedroom. I then proceed to attach said wire to my TV for shiits and giggles...ya know...see what happens. Bingo! Cable...which I didn't think would last a week. After a month rolled by I asked the building owner if cable came free with the rent and he told me no. Adelphia, and later Time Warner, could have stopped by anytime and removed the wires from my premises...but no. They could have snipped the cable out from the pole in the back alley the 100 times they stopped by with their truck parked outside my kitchen but did they? No. So if I get you right I should have reported this immediately to this wonderful altruistic and much beloved corporation.



Right after I replant my cherry tree.


So you knowingly stole cable, got it. You're a piece of work.


BTW, is your wifes name Tacy?

As long as you think it's ok, then it's ok. They are only a big faceless corporation, and you are a breathing human being. You deserve free stuff.

I think we all deserve free stuff GG.....every once in awhile.


It makes up for the stuff that was ganked from us.

So you knowingly stole cable, got it. You're a piece of work.


BTW, is your wifes name Tacy?

Well yeah...how else would I be able to get the YES Network?



....and what a season it was!

As long as you think it's ok, then it's ok. They are only a big faceless corporation, and you are a breathing human being. You deserve free stuff.


Only because someone threw a cup at Ron Artest...

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