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I guess business is bad... Not enough idiots to listem to them. I wish I can say the same for the other side of the aisle... Business seems to be booming.



Some cons never get enough red meat.

Regarding Air America:

Take a look what came from it.....


Franken is a senator which absolutely pisses off everyone here :rolleyes: , Maddow has a successful cable show, Randy Rhodes can still be heard locally on KB going on four years now....


A failure?


Look who's president?

Some cons never get enough red meat.

Regarding Air America:

Take a look what came from it.....


Franken is a senator which absolutely pisses off everyone here :wallbash: , Maddow has a successful cable show, Randy Rhodes can still be heard locally on KB going on four years now....


A failure?


Look who's president?

Ahh yes, there it is....


I have been thinking of 2006 a lot lately. I remember living in Center City when those elections happened. It was surreal, as if all the problems of the world were suddenly instantly solved because the Democrats took over Congress. I have a feeling that we are going to see this a lot from liberals over the next 2 years: pretending that it's still 2006. Which is no surprise, since prior to that, most of them had been pretending it was still 1965.


Instead of dealing with the reality of today: less than 21% of Americans call themselves "liberals", a Republican Senator just gave them a Mass. kicking, and now their media is in serious decline, and, since they can't blame Bush anymore....it seems we are soon to be treated to a whole lot of name-calling, blaming everybody else, and yes, denial of what is happening right now in favor or pretending like it's still the bad old days of 2006-09. :rolleyes:


I mean honestly what is it going to take for you guys in the far-left to realize that hardly anybody in the country agrees with you? That's right, the same # of people that believe in Alien abduction believe in your ideas. What's it going to take for you to get the concept that if you want ANY of your agenda taken seriously, you have to work/compromise with others? Why? Because we are Americans, and we know BS when we smell it, and especially when we are asked to eat it(Global Warming, Socialist Health Care Reform, Net Neutrality)

Randy Rhodes can still be heard locally on KB going on four years now....


Randy Rhodes can still be heard there locally :rolleyes: locally :wallbash::lol:


Randy Rhoads on the other hand can still be heard nationally, and he died like 30 years ago

Randy Rhodes can still be heard there locally :rolleyes: locally :wallbash::lol:


Randy Rhoads on the other hand can still be heard nationally, and he died like 30 years ago

When I first went for my pilots license lession #1 was never buzz the tour bus.

Randy Rhodes can still be heard there locally :rolleyes: locally :wallbash::lol:


Randy Rhoads on the other hand can still be heard nationally, and he died like 30 years ago

Every day for a year straight? Crazy Train at 5 in the morning. :lol: And no, it wasn't my idea.

Some cons never get enough red meat.

Regarding Air America:

Take a look what came from it.....


Franken is a senator which absolutely pisses off everyone here :wallbash: , Maddow has a successful cable show, Randy Rhodes can still be heard locally on KB going on four years now....


A failure?


Look who's president?


So you define success as being on the air? Because the last time I checked, she is getting her azz kicked by reruns of the Beverly Hillbilly's. Way to set the bar low. :rolleyes:

Some cons never get enough red meat.

Regarding Air America:

Take a look what came from it.....


Franken is a senator which absolutely pisses off everyone here :rolleyes:

No one cares about Franken.

Maddow has a successful cable show

Rachel Maddow is losing to Lou Dobbs' RERUNS.

Randy Rhodes can still be heard locally on KB going on four years now....


A failure?

Bankruptcy is a pretty good gauge of failure.

Look who's president?

Look who just loss a Senate seat they've held for 47 YEARS in a state where 75% of registered voters are Democrats. Look who has raised the debt ceiling 2.9 TRILLION dollars in a YEAR. Look who not only hasn't started bringing troops home but has in fact INCREASED our commitment. Look who couldn't use a super majority to get ANYTHING passed.


The clock is ticking and the only people who don't realize it are the so called "intellectual progressives". It's just too bad the alternative sucks nearly as much.

Some cons never get enough red meat.

Regarding Air America:

Take a look what came from it.....


Franken is a senator which absolutely pisses off everyone here :rolleyes: , Maddow has a successful cable show, Randy Rhodes can still be heard locally on KB going on four years now....


A failure?


Look who's president?


:wallbash: Bankrupt, a failing presidency, a senate seat held for 47 years lost. Yup, that success right there by golly! You guys rock!

Ahh yes, there it is....


I have been thinking of 2006 a lot lately. I remember living in Center City when those elections happened. It was surreal, as if all the problems of the world were suddenly instantly solved because the Democrats took over Congress. I have a feeling that we are going to see this a lot from liberals over the next 2 years: pretending that it's still 2006. Which is no surprise, since prior to that, most of them had been pretending it was still 1965.


Instead of dealing with the reality of today: less than 21% of Americans call themselves "liberals", a Republican Senator just gave them a Mass. kicking, and now their media is in serious decline, and, since they can't blame Bush anymore....it seems we are soon to be treated to a whole lot of name-calling, blaming everybody else, and yes, denial of what is happening right now in favor or pretending like it's still the bad old days of 2006-09. :rolleyes:


I mean honestly what is it going to take for you guys in the far-left to realize that hardly anybody in the country agrees with you? That's right, the same # of people that believe in Alien abduction believe in your ideas. What's it going to take for you to get the concept that if you want ANY of your agenda taken seriously, you have to work/compromise with others? Why? Because we are Americans, and we know BS when we smell it, and especially when we are asked to eat it(Global Warming, Socialist Health Care Reform, Net Neutrality)


Air America went off the air locally about 5 years ago. I listened to it on WHLD 1270 on occassion mainly for the station's local morning show-which was a refreshing antidote to the far right bombast of angry white man Tom Buerle on WBEN-and Amy Goodman and Pacifica. As for Air America's programming it got tiresome fast. I don't know anyone who supports a liberal/progressive, left whatever agenda who really listens to any kind of talk radio. Personally speaking I pretty much just listen to Stephanie Miller and that's about it, 2 days a week. I dropped cable last fall so I don't see the CNN's, MSNBC's or Fox anymore. I honestly can't tell you how happy that makes me.



I know that has absolutely nothing to do with your post but maybe I was under the mistaken impression that this thread was about Air America.



As for the meat of your post my Gawd! Not only do Cons yearn for the not so bygone era of 2000-05, the era Of Bush/Chaney, Tom Delay and what they laughingly figured was the beginning of a period of permanent republican dominance, but you all (TO A T) still yearn for those bad old days of the great satan emperor Ronnie Raygun. Why stop there, you all still sport wood for Raygun's hero Goldwater....though Goldwater would probably cringe if he were around to take note of what passes for conservajism these days. So the cons weren't repudiated after Newtie's contract on America?Probably according to you they were validated.

I dropped cable last fall so I don't see the CNN's, MSNBC's or Fox anymore. I honestly can't tell you how happy that makes me.


Why didn't you just choose not to watch any of those stations when you did have cable? Except for the day the blizzard was coming up the east coast, I haven't stopped at any of those channels in months.

Why didn't you just choose not to watch any of those stations when you did have cable? Except for the day the blizzard was coming up the east coast, I haven't stopped at any of those channels in months.

I never paid a cable bill in my life and I wasn't about to start.

Bankruptcy is a pretty good gauge of failure.


But when you're liberals, profits are evil. So bankruptcy is a sign of good liberal values, and Air America is thus a raging success...


If you look at the Air America press release, it's pretty clear that the problems are not political, but rather the economy. Running a profitable radio show today is hard. All of talk radio is suffering right now. Rush, Savage, Hannity, Levin, Ingram...all of them are...ummm...having a hard...ummm...time...and...ummm...uhhh...


Okay, maybe that's not true, but sometimes Maddow uses the word "teabaggers" a lot on her TV show, and that never gets old, right? :rolleyes:

I dropped cable last fall so I don't see the CNN's, MSNBC's or Fox anymore.


I never paid a cable bill in my life and I wasn't about to start.


So you were for cable before you were against? How do you drop something you never for? Do you hard-core libs get cable for free?

So you were for cable before you were against? How do you drop something you never for? Do you hard-core libs get cable for free?


He probably stole it from someone who was rich...because, you know, they were rich, so they should share...

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