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Is everyone certain JP starts 2005?


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The rest of this season somehow comes together and the Bills have the pieces in place to make a serious run next year. Is 1BD going to put their shot at a SB in the hands of an "unproven" rookie QB?


By comes together, I echo a lot of what's been posted here. Excellent defense, superior special teams and a strong running game. One needs basically a caretaker QB who won't lose games. Look at the Ravens run. Would experience be more important than flash if it's determined that the QB doesn't have to be another Peyton?


A little devils advocacy here, but once again, what if?

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The only problem is that in order to make "a serious run," we need to have (in addition to everything else you mentioned) a quarterback who won't completely screw the pooch when he faces New England. Last year's opening day notwithstanding, Drew's proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's not that guy.

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bib, i was wondering that myself... It all comes down to seattle. If drew plays lights out and we win handily again, then the door starts to open for drew in 2005 and close for jp in 2005. Its a big IF for the bills to win out and other teams to lose, but a playoff run or a tiebreaker miss of the playoffs would pretty much guarentee drew as the starter next year and JP as #2. But, before i get mobbed by people saying that i'm back on the bandwagon, just remember that drew has to win in seattle.

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bib, i was wondering that myself...  It all comes down to seattle.  If drew plays lights out and we win handily again, then the door starts to open for drew in 2005 and close for jp in 2005.  Its a big IF for the bills to win out and other teams to lose, but a playoff run or a tiebreaker miss of the playoffs would pretty much guarentee drew as the starter next year and JP as #2.  But, before i get mobbed by people saying that i'm back on the bandwagon, just remember that drew has to win in seattle.



I'm not on a bandwagon either way. They can play Annette Funicello at QB for all I care, as long as it wins games. I try to look as objectively as I can, and the entire team has developed as a whole, especially with the introduction of Willis. As one part of the game has improved, the rest of the facets seem to come on line. I agree. This Seattle game could make or break Bledsoe.

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bib, i was wondering that myself...  It all comes down to seattle.  If drew plays lights out and we win handily again, then the door starts to open for drew in 2005 and close for jp in 2005.  Its a big IF for the bills to win out and other teams to lose, but a playoff run or a tiebreaker miss of the playoffs would pretty much guarentee drew as the starter next year and JP as #2.  But, before i get mobbed by people saying that i'm back on the bandwagon, just remember that drew has to win in seattle.



If Drew beats Seattle (which I don't think he can and I don't think JP would be any better), then there will be more of a chance of him coming back as a starter next year. But I still think that remains doubtful. He would have to play lights out the rest of the season for it to be anything more than an open competition in next year's training camp.

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Unless Bledsoe starts throwing for 300 yards a game, the Bills will do what the Bengals did this year for Palmer, and hand the starting job in the offseason to Losman.



But do you think the Marvin Lewis made the right decision in Cincinnati? Seems to me that he took a team that made strides last year and was hoping to take the next step, and basically told them he didn't think they could win this year. 10 games into the season, Lewis is now he's saying he won't accept mediocrity? You can't set up a team to fail and then B word and moan when they fail. I'm soooo glad Lewis isn't coaching the Bills.


Depending on how the rest of the season goes for the Bills, I think it is quite possible Drew is the starter at training camp. JP needs to step up and earn the job and not count on the coaching staff handing it to him - exactly the way our RB position sorted itself out this year.


I want JP playing because he's better than Drew, not because he's a first round pick or "the future".

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I have to think that Bills mgt knows this is Drews last year here regardless of how well this team plays....two reasons:


- It isn't like Drew is taking this team on his shoulders and willing them to victory....if anything the team is winning even though he presents certain liabilities on the field....


- Doesn't he have a huge cap hit next year?....way to much to be a backup QB.

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But do you think the Marvin Lewis made the right decision in Cincinnati?  Seems to me that he took a team that made strides last year and was hoping to take the next step, and basically told them he didn't think they could win this year.  10 games into the season, Lewis is now he's saying he won't accept mediocrity?  You can't set up a team to fail and then B word and moan when they fail.  I'm soooo glad Lewis isn't coaching the Bills.


Depending on how the rest of the season goes for the Bills, I think it is quite possible Drew is the starter at training camp.  JP needs to step up and earn the job and not count on the coaching staff handing it to him - exactly the way our RB position sorted itself out this year.


I want JP playing because he's better than Drew, not because he's a first round pick or "the future".




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But do you think the Marvin Lewis made the right decision in Cincinnati?  Seems to me that he took a team that made strides last year and was hoping to take the next step, and basically told them he didn't think they could win this year.  10 games into the season, Lewis is now he's saying he won't accept mediocrity?  You can't set up a team to fail and then B word and moan when they fail.  I'm soooo glad Lewis isn't coaching the Bills.


Depending on how the rest of the season goes for the Bills, I think it is quite possible Drew is the starter at training camp.  JP needs to step up and earn the job and not count on the coaching staff handing it to him - exactly the way our RB position sorted itself out this year.


I want JP playing because he's better than Drew, not because he's a first round pick or "the future".



That's a good question. On the other hand, if the Bills would have handed the starting RB position to McGahee from the start of the season, would the Bills have been better off? Probably.


It's tough to say. It would be great if Bledsoe started to light things up and made this argument moot, but right now, he's just playing well enough to not lose.


With an entire offseason and preseason (and some starts this year), I believe the coaches can get Losman to that level at least. At that point, it comes down to who has the most upside, and Losman's mobiity gives him the edge.

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What If the Bush twins show up at my house in thong bikini's with a gallon of KY jelly?


Thats about as likely to happen as the Bills putting it together this year


We're a 7-9 or 8-8 team


@Seattle L: Bledsoe starts on the road vs a decent team. Losman may get snaps in garbage time

@Miami W: Our first road win of the season! Damn it always feels good to sweep the phish B)

Cleveland W: Should be able to beat Cleveland at home

@Cincinnati L: We suck on the road and Cincy is about the same level we are

@San Francisco W: 2-6 on the road is bad, especially when those 2 wins are against the bottom feeders of the league

Pittsburgh ?: Depends on their playoff situation. If they rest their starters we'll win, if they have anything to play for we lose

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What If the Bush twins show up at my house in thong bikini's with a gallon of KY jelly?

Thats about as likely to happen as the Bills putting it together this year


We're a 7-9 or 8-8 team


@Seattle L: Bledsoe starts on the road vs a decent team.  Losman may get snaps in garbage time

@Miami W: Our first road win of the season!  Damn it always feels good to sweep the phish B)

Cleveland W: Should be able to beat Cleveland at home

@Cincinnati L: We suck on the road and Cincy is about the same level we are

@San Francisco W: 2-6 on the road is bad, especially when those 2 wins are against the bottom feeders of the league

Pittsburgh ?: Depends on their playoff situation.  If they rest their starters we'll win, if they have anything to play for we lose



I'd appreciate a PM and directions.

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If the Bills do not make the playoffs this year AND Bledsoe is back in 2005, I will not renew my season tickets.



Personally, I see opinions such as this one (by kasper13) being the #1 factor. Yes the Bills attendance has been excellent this year with a losing Team, but asking the Fans to come back in droves next Season after missing the Playoffs, with Drew still the starting QB...Well...I think it's too much for the Organization to ask quite frankly...


You have to give the Fan Base hope...And granted I'm assuming the Bills do not go 6-0, or 5-1 from this point on, but I think it's a fair assumtion...Plus even if Bledsoe plays better on the Road and builds upon a performance like yesterdays, he's still only an average NFL QB at best...Bills Fans are hoping that JP will be much better than average in time. And if you are coming off a losing, non Playoff Season, JP HAS to Start in 2005. You can't say to your Fans that status quo will work next Season when it was not good enough this year...


BTW, I'm not saying Bledsoe is the sole problem (once again)...But he is the Starting QB...And unless you are a Superstar QB, if your Team is coming off a losing Season, your job is in jeopardy...period, end of story... B)

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Sorry BiB but opposing Defenses, with talent, will put 7,8 in the box and make DB beat them. At that point, I picture DB as the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz singing "If I Only Had A Brain " ...wearing a white road jersey.


Like he'd remember 4 seconds worth of words?

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Like he'd remember 4 seconds worth of words.



I'm not saying it would be a good or bad thing. Just wondering how the team's brain trust views it. Could it hurt for JP to at least think he has to earn it? Losman could come in and set records-or he could come in and have rookie struggles. Who's to know? I'm giving a very compartmented scenario that probably would not pan out anyway. But we've all seen things come out of this team that has made us shake our heads with wonder. It boils down to a "known" quality vs an unknown, when you have a team that is set up to go "all the way".

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I guess (and like all other posters to TSW who are not in OBD and more preferably in TDs head this only a guess based on what it looks like he and the Bills are doing and the contract situations) that the Bills resigned Bledsoe to a contract which pays him well within but an amount that a quality starter would get in 2004 and 2005. After that point all bets are contractually off as the Bills can cut him with little contractual pain.


I assume they did this with the thought that Losman would not be ready to start in 2004 and may well not be ready to start in 2005 (though he easily could be and they hoped he would).


The problem is that Bledsoe has not played well enough this season to merit quality starter pay for his output this year and almost certainly won't in 2005 either. This has come about despite us movimg to a run first and then run against offense which is far more appropriate to what Bledsoe can produce since even at his best he has needed a top-notch HC to win with him at QB who emphasizes that he throw the damn ball (Parcells in having Bledsoe QB a team to the SB) or has him run a powered down offense which relies on his golden arm as a change-up rather than relying on it to win (he won a must-win game for Belicheck running a powered doen selective O designed for Brady). Bledsoe can win (despite what Bledsoe haters on this board says reality shows teams have won big time twice with him at QB) but in order to do so one cannot rely on him passing and his arm, one needs to rely on the potent threat he offers and mix it up.


At any rate, Bledsoe's contract for next year call for him to be paid $6+ million if we keep him (anything at $7 million is a reasonable wage for a winning QB) but he has shown it is extremely difficult to win with him at QB.


The Bills strike me as having limited choices:


1. Cut Bledsoe after June 1, 2005 which reduces his 2005 cap hit to $3+ million in dead space. This is regrettable but manageable financially. The big problem is that it forces us to rush Losman along and all signs indicate he will not be ready this year and maybe not next to start.


2. Try to make it work with Bledsoe. This looks really dubious to me, but perhaps if the team somrhow pulls it off in Seattle (not likely at all but possible) you can stuggle along developing this team into a winner in its final games of this season (though making the playoffs even winning out is pretty tough mathematically as well as being virtually impossible practically given all the road games and Bledsoe\s road performance to date). Still if this worked, one can develop JP in a more sane manner this year and you let the chips fall where they may in training camp next year.


ICE and other posters say that the ONLY way to develop Bledsoe is to have him play and so start him yesterday. I agree that it is essential that a player play in order to have him develop, however, I disagree that starting him now (or quite frankly at any point this season) is the ONLY way he gets play.


My sense is that the better part of intelligence is to start JP when he is ready to start and not a moment sooner or a moment later. However, rather than rushing his development by forcing him to start meaningless games, he should play this year in mop-up duty, to fill in for Bledsoe if he is hurt (though Matthews will be may unfortunate first choice as back-up), or possibly for a half in the dog days of the season if we lose another or two.


It was interesting to hear Vic Carucci's take on thias situation last night on Dhannel 7 (he like the rest of us in no god who is always right, but he has been paid to pay too much attention to the NFL and has done so). He feels as I do that starting Losman right now and probably anytime in 2004 may actually do more to hurt his development as a player and the team than bringing him along slowly.


My sense is that JP does get some serious starts in 2005, but it would be great for the Bills if somehow Bledsoe showed enough over the end of this season to merit giving him the time to not be put into the Todd Collins development speed program.


Even with us having some proven QB rehabilitators guiding the O, I don't see them reviving Bledsoe's career in the few opportunites we have left to do so to not force JP to produce unfortunately sooner than he may be ready to do so.

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I guess (and like all other posters to TSW who are not in OBD and more preferably in TDs head this only a guess based on what it looks like he and the Bills are doing and the contract situations) that the Bills resigned Bledsoe to a contract which pays him well within but an amount that a quality starter would get in 2004 and 2005.  After that point all bets are contractually off as the Bills can cut him with little contractual pain.


I assume they did this with the thought that Losman would not be ready to start in 2004 and may well not be ready to start in 2005 (though he easily could be and they hoped he would).


The problem is that Bledsoe has not played well enough this season to merit quality starter pay for his output this year and almost certainly won't in 2005 either.  This has come about despite us movimg to a run first and then run against offense which is far more appropriate to what Bledsoe can produce since even at his best he has needed a top-notch HC to win with him at QB who emphasizes that he throw the damn ball (Parcells in having Bledsoe QB a team to the SB) or has him run a powered down offense which relies on his golden arm as a change-up rather than relying on it to win (he won a must-win game for Belicheck running a powered doen selective O designed for Brady).  Bledsoe can win (despite what Bledsoe haters on this board says reality shows teams have won big time twice with him at QB) but in order to do so one cannot rely on him passing and his arm, one needs to rely on the potent threat he offers and mix it up.


At any rate, Bledsoe's contract for next year call for him to be paid $6+ million if we keep him (anything at $7 million is a reasonable wage for a winning QB) but he has shown it is extremely difficult to win with him at QB.


The Bills strike me as having limited choices:


1. Cut Bledsoe after June 1, 2005 which reduces his 2005 cap hit to $3+ million in dead space.  This is regrettable but manageable financially.  The big problem is that it forces us to rush Losman along and all signs indicate he will not be ready this year and maybe not next to start.


2. Try to make it work with Bledsoe.  This looks really dubious to me, but perhaps if the team somrhow pulls it off in Seattle (not likely at all but possible) you can stuggle along developing this team into a winner in its final games of this season (though making the playoffs even winning out is pretty tough mathematically as well as being virtually impossible practically given all the road games and Bledsoe\s road performance to date).  Still if this worked, one can develop JP in a more sane manner this year and you let the chips fall where they may in training camp next year.


ICE and other posters say that the ONLY way to develop Bledsoe is to have him play and so start him yesterday.  I agree that it is essential that a player play in order to have him develop, however, I disagree that starting him now (or quite frankly at any point this season) is the ONLY way he gets play.


My sense is that the better part of intelligence is to start JP when he is ready to start and not a moment sooner or a moment later.  However, rather than rushing his development by forcing him to start meaningless games, he should play this year in mop-up duty, to fill in for Bledsoe if he is hurt (though Matthews will be may unfortunate first choice as back-up), or possibly for a half in the dog days of the season if we lose another or two.


It was interesting to hear Vic Carucci's take on thias situation last night on Dhannel 7 (he like the rest of us in no god who is always right, but he has been paid to pay too much attention to the NFL and has done so).  He feels as I do that starting Losman right now and probably anytime in 2004 may actually do more to hurt his development as a player and the team than bringing him along slowly.


My sense is that JP does get some serious starts in 2005, but it would be great for the Bills if somehow Bledsoe showed enough over the end of this season to merit giving him the time to not be put into the Todd Collins development speed program.


Even with us having some proven QB rehabilitators guiding the O, I don't see them reviving Bledsoe's career in the few opportunites we have left to do so to not force JP to produce unfortunately sooner than he may be ready to do so.



Ghee, your right, if only we had started AVP, picked up Jeff Blake, or Trent Dilfer, we would be...hell...at LEAST 2 and 8 at this point!


I will agree that Losman should be getting serious reps with the 1st team O at this point in practice before he starts. Guess what, hes still stuck behind some has-been who NEEDS that snaps to even have a chance to win. Its all too bad at this point. but I dont see Drew doing much of jack squat for us the rest of this year or any of next. JP is our future, we may suffer through some painfull games but he has upside that has long since set on Drews time in the sun.


I have listened to your point about him being hurt by playing time, I just dont see it. Vic would probably have also said the same thing before Big Ben's first start, GUARANTEED! I respect Vic but he will always be conservative so as not to lose his credentials. He wont risk loosing his good name by taking any risk on anyone. The Bills and JP have nothing to lose and a SB win that much earlier to gain!

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