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PP observation


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It is my hope that a year of NFL seasoning with allow Jason Peters to come on strong next year.....


He may not be a "high IQ" guy.....but he has ALL the tools...for a guy that big to be able to run like he does....man



John, he's wearing #71 . That's a Offensive Tackles' number. That's his future.

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The trade ended up crushing the passing game last year when Moulds went down (we were too inexperienced and lacked talent beyond Moulds).  With that being said it is really paying off now, since we don't have to pay PP big $$ and we have Willis to show.  It is working out really well now!


PLUS we still got Kellsey and look how he's starting to play.


no gilbride and a lack of run support crushed the passing game.

not to mention the less than stellar play of bledsoe.

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I could live with that. Concentrated on him when he came in. He just destroys his man.


His technique is sorely lacking but he has good feet and looks pretty darn strong. Of course, we were playing the RAMS - who think a roster full of former BILLS castoffs is the key to a strong DLine.

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To all those people that compared him to Alvin Harper (back when he was traded)...props to you!  When you're good in Buffalo..don't leave.  That's the lesson.  So few players leave Buffalo and end up doing as well as they did here.  Now PP has hurt my fantasy team but luckily I have Culpepper and the Ravens D to carry me through the tough games.



That's a very good point. It's almost like a curse. Limiting this to players on the upswing or at their supposed peak when they chose to leave, look at these guys:


Nate Odoms

House Ballard

Jeff Burris

Shane Conlan

Peerless Price


I'm sure I'm missing someone, but I think the your point is true...the grass is not always greener on the other guys field.

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That's a very good point.  It's almost like a curse.  Limiting this to players on the upswing or at their supposed peak when they chose to leave, look at these guys:


Nate Odoms

House Ballard

Jeff Burris

Shane Conlan

Peerless Price


I'm sure I'm missing someone, but I think the your point is true...the grass is not always greener on the other guys field.



Marcellus Wiley come to mind too.

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On thing that Peerless did that I ALWAYS absolutely hated was how he alligator armed passes.......


I simply think that Evans heart is bigger.....the guy has already been through so much......he has huge heart



Peerless has nice eyes. :)

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