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I only scanned a couple posts in this thread :"you suck!" "No. YOU SUCK!!" :blink:


I just can't take seriously any thread that encourages we sign Vick, then follows up with 'No, SERIOUSLY!' :thumbsup:

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you suck...the bills would be luck to have a guy like that even pick up the phone if we called.

see my reply to PaatMann



we'd be lucky? What a joke! :thumbsup:

  PaattMaann said:
But seriously...aside from him killing dogs (and lets face it, people make mistakes, and id rather take someone killing dogs than people -ray lewis, marvin harrison, donte stallworth, rae carruth)....this guy could be had for fairly cheap, at least cheaper than a top draftd QB and has proved he can be explosive in the NFL.....why not?


Lets get over the fact that he made a mistake, he served his time in federal prison and literally paid out of his butt for his discresions...he is a playmaker, has a rocket for an arm and is not going to be out of this world expensive...why not at least sign him, keep fitzie or edwards (or both) and let them all compete for it...if Vick cant make the throws or grasp the new offense, no big deal, we have a gimmick player that can get 10 snaps a game and provide a spark


Not to mention the "mastermind" (Brandon) gives something to the fans to boost excitement and ticket sales


so guys (and gals), really, aside from killing dogs...what is so good about our current QBs that should stop us from taking a shot on Vick...even if it does cost us a 4th round pick, we could just give the eagles back the pick we got for Peters...unless hes cut and we can trick him into signing with the bills (may not be that big of a trick if there arent too many starting QB spots in the NFL next year)


Get over the McNabb lies, not happening, he will be an eagle next year and he SHOULD BE....thats like the bills trading away Jim Kelly (and yea, look up their stats, same stats for both of em, very comparable QBs and their meaning to the franchise)


so, I digress, why not Vick?


He did allot more illegal than killing a few dogs. Running a criminal organization that crossed state boarders, illegal gambling, running a cover organization, and lying to his employers repeated even after being caught for a few. I personally couldn't think of a worse choice, and am totally against it. If the Bills sign him, it would be the last thing would ever have to do with the team.

  Va Bills said:
Sure he should be in the league because he has paid his debt to society.

1. I know people that hunt. They basically kill for sport. I just don't believe the fact that they enjoy the taste of deer meat

where they just have to have it. They do it because they enjoy killing. I put these people in the same category as Vick

when it comes to the killing aspect of animals.

2. What about the lovely animals rights actvist that feels that spaying or neutering your pet is cool because it controls pet

population, but want the death penalty for people that dog fight. If you had a choice to fight a big guy or be castrated

which would you choose. I would fight the big guys myself. I guess they don't feel castration is torture...BS

The problem was the gambling portion if his activities which he has paid the price for.

I love animals but they are not people. I prioritze the crime against any man before crime against animals.

If you don't like Vick thats fine, just don't hide under the guise of loving animals because until Fido and Rex start paying taxes they will not and should not be given the same rights as people.

People are always searching for reasons to hate as opposed to searching for reason to forgive.

Vick as a QB is better than what we have but I felt he needed to look the field better and try to become more of a pure

passer. TE is to afraid to make the 20 yard pass. TE also can not play in bad weather as well. Fitz is the one to keep as a backup between the two. I would like for Brandon to use his market genious on TE to get us a 3rd or 4th rounder for him.

The people you know that hunt: do they hang,drown or electricute the animals they hunt? Do they tape the muzzle of the animal they hunt and stick it in a pit so another animal can train on it? What the hell are you talking about would i rather fight a big guy or be castrated? bad analogy! Yeah, i think he paid his debt to society but don't think he should've been allowed back in the NFL, just like he couldn't be a cop, firefighter or in the military! And as far as being a changed man, I DON'T BUY IT!! Something is wrong with you if you could watch an animal suffer and not be affected! ESPECIALLY A HUMAN BEING(i agree with you on that).


Bottom line...Vick's quarterback rating is far better than TE 73 or Fitz (high 60's) and he has taken Atlanta to the playoffs, and he is very mobile. I saw his pass in the last Philadelphia game and he seems not to have forgotten what to do and how to move around. Bottom line..he's not expensive..will improve the qb situation...will allow us to fix the area that hurts us the most...the offensive line. Get er done.

  tennesseeboy said:
Bottom line...Vick's quarterback rating is far better than TE 73 or Fitz (high 60's) and he has taken Atlanta to the playoffs, and he is very mobile. I saw his pass in the last Philadelphia game and he seems not to have forgotten what to do and how to move around. Bottom line..he's not expensive..will improve the qb situation...will allow us to fix the area that hurts us the most...the offensive line. Get er done.


Bottom line... you're a moron.

Well done


  PaattMaann said:
But seriously...aside from him killing dogs (and lets face it, people make mistakes, and id rather take someone killing dogs than people -ray lewis, marvin harrison, donte stallworth, rae carruth)....this guy could be had for fairly cheap, at least cheaper than a top draftd QB and has proved he can be explosive in the NFL.....why not?


Lets get over the fact that he made a mistake, he served his time in federal prison and literally paid out of his butt for his discresions...he is a playmaker, has a rocket for an arm and is not going to be out of this world expensive...why not at least sign him, keep fitzie or edwards (or both) and let them all compete for it...if Vick cant make the throws or grasp the new offense, no big deal, we have a gimmick player that can get 10 snaps a game and provide a spark


Not to mention the "mastermind" (Brandon) gives something to the fans to boost excitement and ticket sales


so guys (and gals), really, aside from killing dogs...what is so good about our current QBs that should stop us from taking a shot on Vick...even if it does cost us a 4th round pick, we could just give the eagles back the pick we got for Peters...unless hes cut and we can trick him into signing with the bills (may not be that big of a trick if there arent too many starting QB spots in the NFL next year)


Get over the McNabb lies, not happening, he will be an eagle next year and he SHOULD BE....thats like the bills trading away Jim Kelly (and yea, look up their stats, same stats for both of em, very comparable QBs and their meaning to the franchise)


so, I digress, why not Vick?

I hope you're joking about calling Russ Brandon a mastermind. He is a total moron. But other than that, I actually agree with your premise. It would be a good move, football-wise. Brandon WOULD be happy (he can tell Ralph he's selling tickets). But the problem is that, just like coaches and GM's who have options, Vick may not want Buffalo. Brandon (and Wilson) have destroyed the Bills league-wide credibility. NO "good" player who has options to go elsewhere is currently considering Buffalo, I can promise you that. The time to get Vick was LAST year, when he really had limited options.

  PaattMaann said:
But seriously...aside from him killing dogs (and lets face it, people make mistakes, and id rather take someone killing dogs than people -ray lewis, marvin harrison, donte stallworth, rae carruth)....this guy could be had for fairly cheap, at least cheaper than a top draftd QB and has proved he can be explosive in the NFL.....why not?


Lets get over the fact that he made a mistake, he served his time in federal prison and literally paid out of his butt for his discresions...he is a playmaker, has a rocket for an arm and is not going to be out of this world expensive...why not at least sign him, keep fitzie or edwards (or both) and let them all compete for it...if Vick cant make the throws or grasp the new offense, no big deal, we have a gimmick player that can get 10 snaps a game and provide a spark


Not to mention the "mastermind" (Brandon) gives something to the fans to boost excitement and ticket sales


so guys (and gals), really, aside from killing dogs...what is so good about our current QBs that should stop us from taking a shot on Vick...even if it does cost us a 4th round pick, we could just give the eagles back the pick we got for Peters...unless hes cut and we can trick him into signing with the bills (may not be that big of a trick if there arent too many starting QB spots in the NFL next year)


Get over the McNabb lies, not happening, he will be an eagle next year and he SHOULD BE....thats like the bills trading away Jim Kelly (and yea, look up their stats, same stats for both of em, very comparable QBs and their meaning to the franchise)


so, I digress, why not Vick?


OK. I haven't read every response, but i will give you my simple answer. Because he sucks!


He's done his time. I would fully endorse bringing him to Buffalo! He showed some promising signs towards the end of the year. Hey why not? Edwards,Fitzpatrick,Brohm.....I'll take Vick!


The problem with Vick, on the field at least is at this point how do we know what he is . He has not played in years at at his best he was up and down , granted more up then down but still not a model of consistancy


SIGN, SEAL AND DELIVERY ME VICK... ill be first in line with my 100 bucks for that jersey and ill also forgive ralph and buddy a.k.a. the good ole boys for forcing me to be ok with chan *fundamentals* gailey...when can i get my damn jersey??? and everyone sayin he sucks must have not seen him play... cuz i seen a guy defenses hated to play, a strong arm, pro bowler, beat legends at there field and got to the nfc championchip with no recievers..BUT HE SUCKS ha! slap yourself please...granted that was 3 years ago but sayin he sucked then is more retarded than buddy nix sayin he got 15 calls a day over the bills job....


First off, let me just say that I believe in the legal system. I believe that if you do a crime, you have a punishment, and once that has been fulfilled, you deserve to be let back into society.


However, there is nothing saying that you become a morlally re-habilitated person. In fact, I'm sure most people don't commit the crime again soley for the reason of not going back to jail. It doesn't mean that they wouldn't do it again if they couldn't get caught. And most people, do end up back in jail.


Also, addressing the mentality that other NFL players have done worse things and gotten away with it or there is more dog-fighting occuring in the world than we could like to admit, does that make it right? No, just cause someone bucks the trend doesn't make it okay. If I beat my wife 5 times this week and you only do it 3 times, are you a better person than me? No, we are both @ssholes.


With that being said, I don't care if Vick was the potential greatly greatest QB on earth and guaranteed us a Superbowl, I don't want that absolute piece of **** on our team. The man drowned dogs. He shot them. He electrified them. He set them up to kill each other. That is a sick, SICK human being. That is not okay. And we aren't talking once. We are talking a graveyard full of dogs. You don't just rehab that out of your mind. And all the people in the world who also do it, they are evil human beings also.


So no, I don't want Vick. I don't want the murdering Ray Lewis. I don't want the father of 11 Travis Henry. Just cause they did their time or beat the system, doesn't mean they are good people or I have to like them.


You put Vick on this team. I'm done. I mean it, DONE. I can take anything else. I could even puke my way through having Tom Brady on the team. And believe me, that would be painful. But you put someone like Vick on this team, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the whole franchise.


Ok a few thoughts from an Atlanta Bills fan.

I also follow the Falcons and Ga Tech.

Let me just say that Gailey and Vick would be terrible. Gailey had a qb named Reggie Ball white at GT, a match made in hell.

Vick has lost his greatest asset, his speed. He was a marginal(at best) passer. No thank you.

  jdubs said:
Why does ANYONE want Vick here? Sometimes I wonder where people come up with crap? 1st off the Guy is a d-bag and a horrible passer. 2nd, the Guy ain't a spring chicken no more, and he's not going to be able to rely on his legs for very much longer. Throw in the winter weather, small market team for a big market player and there's why thinking Vicky being a Bill is a ridiculous thought.

His legs at 30 are still faster than ANY other QB in the game. Plus his stint in the slammer rested them up a bit.

  Virgil1528 said:
First off, let me just say that I believe in the legal system. I believe that if you do a crime, you have a punishment, and once that has been fulfilled, you deserve to be let back into society.


However, there is nothing saying that you become a morlally re-habilitated person. In fact, I'm sure most people don't commit the crime again soley for the reason of not going back to jail. It doesn't mean that they wouldn't do it again if they couldn't get caught. And most people, do end up back in jail.

He's also not remorseful about his crimes as shown by his statements "It's unfortunate this happened to me"...something I've heard him say at least twice the last few months...he's not the victim, he's the one who made victims of children who lost their best friends to that monster...and considering his lack of remorse, he'd do it again if he thought he could get away with it


Also, addressing the mentality that other NFL players have done worse things and gotten away with it or there is more dog-fighting occuring in the world than we could like to admit, does that make it right? No, just cause someone bucks the trend doesn't make it okay. If I beat my wife 5 times this week and you only do it 3 times, are you a better person than me? No, we are both @ssholes.


With that being said, I don't care if Vick was the potential greatly greatest QB on earth and guaranteed us a Superbowl, I don't want that absolute piece of **** on our team. The man drowned dogs. He shot them. He electrified them. He set them up to kill each other. That is a sick, SICK human being. That is not okay. And we aren't talking once. We are talking a graveyard full of dogs. You don't just rehab that out of your mind. And all the people in the world who also do it, they are evil human beings also.


So no, I don't want Vick. I don't want the murdering Ray Lewis. I don't want the father of 11 Travis Henry. Just cause they did their time or beat the system, doesn't mean they are good people or I have to like them.

criminals don't belong in the NFL, period. It's not that hard to follow the law...and I'd wager there's a lot of people out there who could play in the league if we tossed the habitual criminals from the league. Quite frankly, I'm still shocked that Goodell reinstated him after originally being hard on trouble-makers in the league.

  The_Philster said:
He's also not remorseful about his crimes as shown by his statements "It's unfortunate this happened to me"...something I've heard him say at least twice the last few months...he's not the victim, he's the one who made victims of children who lost their best friends to that monster...and considering his lack of remorse, he'd do it again if he thought he could get away with it



criminals don't belong in the NFL, period. It's not that hard to follow the law...and I'd wager there's a lot of people out there who could play in the league if we tossed the habitual criminals from the league. Quite frankly, I'm still shocked that Goodell reinstated him after originally being hard on trouble-makers in the league.



Instead of why not, I would ask why go after a 30 year old convicted felon with a 73.6 career rating

who hasn't started a game at QB since 2006 and is currently under contract?


BUT, He won at Lambeau Field!


In the first half, the Packers had a punt blocked that resulted in a touchdown, muffed a punt that led to another TD, missed a field goal and could not convert a 1st-and-goal at the Falcons 1. Favre also threw an interception in the opening quarter. Vick finished with a whopping 117 yards passing.


Million dollar arm- 10 cent head

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