blzrul Posted January 21, 2010 Posted January 21, 2010 You have to understand that she just repeats everything that Schultz, Olberman and Maddow says. I don't watch that stuff. I hate pundits.
blzrul Posted January 21, 2010 Posted January 21, 2010 How's yours hanging? Excellent analysis of what you thought about the election. Typical. Very Martha Coakley-esque in fact. I'm surprised you didn't include a shot at him driving his truck, too. Your boy at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. really pounded that one home. Would LOVE to hear the reaction of this group of brainiacs if a female candidate had been a Playboy centerfold. Well maybe not, it's soo predictable, half the avatars say it all. I wouldn't know Coakley if I passed her on the street. She didn't seem an inspiring choice. I kinda figured I'd let MA decide that and they did. This guy seems to be another empty suit like Palin - all flash and charisma. I hope he's not. But it is interesting to hear him talk about his rough early life (on public assistance), brush with the law and all that. I would expect with that experience he would be vitally interested in making sure others who have that same bad luck have the same advantages his family did. But I don't see it. The truck thing? That was done in TX years ago and probably many other places. Look up 'MARKETING'. It's the one area in which Rove and the GOP excel. They can take a turd and make it seem like Godiva.
DC Tom Posted January 21, 2010 Posted January 21, 2010 Would LOVE to hear the reaction of this group of brainiacs if a female candidate had been a Playboy centerfold. Happened in the CA governor's race. I believe a stripper finished just behind Arnold. This guy seems to be another empty suit like Palin - all flash and charisma. I hope he's not. But it is interesting to hear him talk about his rough early life (on public assistance), brush with the law and all that. I would expect with that experience he would be vitally interested in making sure others who have that same bad luck have the same advantages his family did. But I don't see it. The truck thing? That was done in TX years ago and probably many other places. Look up 'MARKETING'. It's the one area in which Rove and the GOP excel. They can take a turd and make it seem like Godiva. Holy crap. You manage to completely denigrate someone rising above their background, and get in both a senseless Palin and Rove slam, in six lines of text. Are we menopausal or something?
Endzone Animal Posted January 21, 2010 Posted January 21, 2010 I guess the primary reason why I don't have much respect for liberal activists is that they are so cartoonishly one dimensional. A Republican wins in MA and suddenly all those northeast sophisticated intellectuals who always voted Dem are now just blithering ignoramouses and rednecks because they voted GOP? I don't mean to sound smug, or appear elitest, but it simply is the truth that these people do not demonstrate very much unintelligence. Of course, there are plenty on the right edge that lack intelligence, too, but you need to go much further out to the periphery to find them, while the center left of the democrat party seems to all too often be infected with a failure to grasp basic reality.
Chef Jim Posted January 21, 2010 Posted January 21, 2010 Happened in the CA governor's race. I believe a stripper finished just behind Arnold. No actually she finished underneath him.
IDBillzFan Posted January 21, 2010 Posted January 21, 2010 Would LOVE to hear the reaction of this group of brainiacs if a female candidate had been a Playboy centerfold. Well maybe not, it's soo predictable, half the avatars say it all. I wouldn't know Coakley if I passed her on the street. She didn't seem an inspiring choice. I kinda figured I'd let MA decide that and they did. This guy seems to be another empty suit like Palin - all flash and charisma. I hope he's not. But it is interesting to hear him talk about his rough early life (on public assistance), brush with the law and all that. I would expect with that experience he would be vitally interested in making sure others who have that same bad luck have the same advantages his family did. But I don't see it. The truck thing? That was done in TX years ago and probably many other places. Look up 'MARKETING'. It's the one area in which Rove and the GOP excel. They can take a turd and make it seem like Godiva. PRE-EMPTIVE NOTE TO SIMON: a repetive partisan hack is about to make fun of a repetitive partisan hack, so you may ignore this post instead of jumping in to comment that the problem with America is that reptitive partisan hacks argue with each other. Blz, I think the reason you like Obama so much is because you both have so much in common. Allow me to clear up a couple of things for you. Like Obama did while campaigning for Coakley on Sunday, if you're stupid enough to admit you don't know anything about the subject you're discussing, don't be doubly stupid to quickly form a negative opinion on that subject. People aren't as stupid as you think they are. Here is part of Obama's speech on Sunday: Now, I’ve heard about some of the ads that Martha’s opponent is running. He’s driving his truck around the commonwealth — (laughter) — and he says that he gets you, that he fights for you, that he’ll be an independent voice. And I don’t know him, he may be a perfectly nice guy. I don’t know his record, but I don’t know whether he’s been fighting for you up until now, but here’s what I do know. I do want somebody who’s independent. I want a senator who’s always going to put the interests of working folks all across Massachusetts first — ahead of party, ahead of special interests. So he doesn't know anything about Brown. He doesn't know his record. He doesn't know what he's been fighting for, and yet he's stupid to then tell everyone that even though he knows nothing about Brown, he knows he'll be lockstep with the GOP in DC. So he knows nothing, but that doesn't keep him from speaking about him. And as a man who says he wants to take care of middle America, why in holy hell do you make fun of a guy's truck? Are you that freaking stupid? Really? Is there no end to his stupidity? Alternately, you say you know nothing about Coakley, but add that "she didn't seem an inspiring choice." You say you know nothing about Brown, but he must be an empty suit "like Palin" because 20 years ago he posed half-naked in Cosmo. You guys don't know a damn thing, and yet you're up for a quick bitchslap of the subject anyway. Genius. And for what it's worth, it's becoming obvious to everyone except you far lefties that Obama is, quite possibly, them most polished turd ever. It's impossible to believe that someone could be raised so highly and dropped so quickly and yet STILL doesn't understand that he is part of the problem.
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