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All of you that are hating the Bills and the move that they have made are probably the same people that stayed to watch the Huston playoff game.


Give the guy a chance.


I agree, have to give the guy a chance. It could be a lot worse meaning the Bills are still in Buffalo.

Spoken like a guy who knows the full history of this pathetic franchise under a mediocre owner.

I guess I do and your right it has been sad except for the early 60's and ninetys. I treasure those memories and hope they can make somemore for us. If they ever win the SB in my life time I might even get a Tatoo.


My point is IF and I do say IF we win 10 or 11 games this year you all will be right back saying best hire ever. You will all act as if You favored the hire from the beginning.

I was at that game along with many others and now they are dead to me. Retaining Jauron and signing TO put them on probation. This was it. I honestly can't watch them destroy themselves any more. This move is going to kill the franchise in Buffalo. Season tickets will drop by 15-30% this year. No real FAs are going to come here with this. Are you serious? They are going to stink out of the box because they still won't have a QB which will kill any remaining vibe to sell any more tickets next year. By the end of next year the buzzards will already be circling as ESPN constantly shows an empty Ralph with a 3-13 team. Ralph isn't going to live long enough to fix this one and the epic fail that is about to ensue will kill off the fanbase so as to remove any valid arguments against leaving.


Go ahead flame me, give out personal attacks. Call me bandwagon fan, a traitor, and whatever. I don't care. You're getting upset because you know I'm right and you just won't admit it to yourself. This was the most critical hire in the history of the franchise and, predictably, they blew it.

You guys seem to think Cowher knows what he is doing he says Gailey is the right coach. So your argueing with Cowher.

They probably brought Cowher in to ask him about Gailey and others.

Many of us will do both (Hate the Bills but give him a chance). There is clearly a problem when the top 8 GM and coaching candidates turn the Bills down. The Bills have done a lot of things the past 10 years to give the whole league, AND it's fan base, the perception they don't have a clue. Nix and Gailey will do NOTHING to dispel those notions... unless results are seen on the field. I predict ticket-holders are about to abandon the Bills in droves... but I also think that many Bills fans will remain loyal and will be begging for some... ANY... sign of life from this team... and then return to the Stadium.


Wow! Perception is reality? And are you sucking off of Sullivan's teat? Sports Writers and the media care about relevancy! Don't buy into it, young Buffalo fan!


Yep we suck now, but things get better, and this was a good day....


The Donahoe era is flushed clean!!!

You guys seem to think Cowher knows what he is doing he says Gailey is the right coach. So your argueing with Cowher.

They probably brought Cowher in to ask him about Gailey and others.

Yes, I'm disagreeing with Bill Cowher's diplomacy regarding a former colleague. I don't want Bill Cowher to pick a coach. I want Bill Cowher to coach and I highly doubt that Mr. Cowher would say that Chan is a better coach than he is.

All of you that are hating the Bills and the move that they have made are probably the same people that stayed to watch the Huston playoff game.


Give the guy a chance.


and all you guys posting crap like this probably posted similar crap when Jauron was hired...and how did that work out?

All of you that are hating the Bills and the move that they have made are probably the same people that stayed to watch the Huston playoff game.


Give the guy a chance.


Heck, it could prove to be a great hire. It's not as if Gailey hasn't tasted success, something we haven't had much of the past 15 years....


What I don't understand is why the ones claiming to be "done" with the team still come here and post.


If you're "done", then be done. Stop coming around.


Maybe the mods could place a tag on everyone who "jumps ship" so we can keep up with them. That could be interesting...

What I don't understand is why the ones claiming to be "done" with the team still come here and post.


If you're "done", then be done. Stop coming around.


Maybe the mods could place a tag on everyone who "jumps ship" so we can keep up with them. That could be interesting...


agreed. if you're "done", then stop !@#$ing talking about it and just !@#$ing leave.


I went in a totally different direction. I wrote Chan Gailey a letter after his press conference and "talked" about a vision of igniting this team again into a true Super Bowl winner! Silly me, but you know what, I did this with Bill Polian, so I said to him (Gailey) that this is a watershed day in the history of Bills football. Try a little persistance in the never ending babble of "should I stay or should I go" garbage! Look at New Orleans, every dog has its day people, so I FULLY expect the Bills to return to prominance some day and frankly, I think it'll be soon!!

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