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After 35 years of being a Bills fan


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When my friend that I share season tickets with asked me if I was going to re-up after the season, I told him of course. The Bills were then trying to lure Shanahan, Cowher, Gruden and Billick to lead this team. Since then the likes of Marty Schott, Brian Schott, Grimm and Harbaugh have said thanks, but no thanks to this team. I have never been embarrassed or ashamed to be a Bills fan until yesterday on my way home to Rochester from Utica when I heard on the radio that Jim Harbaugh turned the Bills down. That was what I thought was rock bottom until today when I hear that Chan Gailey is all but the new HC of my beloved Buffalo Bills. WHAT!!! Are you kidding me? This is Jauron all over. Another clueless puppet on the sidelines who needs to be checked every 10 minutes for a !@#$ing pulse. THIS IS THE BOTTOM!!!!


I will not renew my season tickets and will not purchase any Bills merchandise until this team is competitive again. I think I will have plenty of time to save my money. Chan FREAKING Gailey??? Unbelievable, or no excuse me, this is unBILLievable. But in all reality it is BILLievable. Until Ralph is taking a dirt nap, there is absolutely NO HOPE for this team.


Anyone who wants to say I was never a true Bills fan if I think this way, is a complete idiot. I have been a lifelong Bills fan through thick and thin and this is the worst I have ever seen it. To have so many coaches say no, they have no interest in coaching this team, that in itself is a complete embarrassment to me as a Bills fan. I am still a Bills fan, but only from the couch in my home.


A big F YOU to RW and the Bills franchise. You have ruined what football means to the hard working blue collar WNYers. I am disgusted. Just one fans opinion.

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WHAT!!! Are you kidding me? This is Jauron all over. Another clueless puppet on the sidelines who needs to be checked every 10 minutes for a !@#$ing pulse.




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Can we just put all the whiney, life sucks, I hate the Bills, cry baby threads in one place?


They are in one place, The Stadium Wall. On a day like today, when the bills for the thousandth time pull this **** on their fans, there should be life sucks, I hate the Bills, cry baby threads. There should be lots of them.

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When my friend that I share season tickets with asked me if I was going to re-up after the season, I told him of course. The Bills were then trying to lure Shanahan, Cowher, Gruden and Billick to lead this team. Since then the likes of Marty Schott, Brian Schott, Grimm and Harbaugh have said thanks, but no thanks to this team. I have never been embarrassed or ashamed to be a Bills fan until yesterday on my way home to Rochester from Utica when I heard on the radio that Jim Harbaugh turned the Bills down. That was what I thought was rock bottom until today when I hear that Chan Gailey is all but the new HC of my beloved Buffalo Bills. WHAT!!! Are you kidding me? This is Jauron all over. Another clueless puppet on the sidelines who needs to be checked every 10 minutes for a !@#$ing pulse. THIS IS THE BOTTOM!!!!


I will not renew my season tickets and will not purchase any Bills merchandise until this team is competitive again. I think I will have plenty of time to save my money. Chan FREAKING Gailey??? Unbelievable, or no excuse me, this is unBILLievable. But in all reality it is BILLievable. Until Ralph is taking a dirt nap, there is absolutely NO HOPE for this team.


Anyone who wants to say I was never a true Bills fan if I think this way, is a complete idiot. I have been a lifelong Bills fan through thick and thin and this is the worst I have ever seen it. To have so many coaches say no, they have no interest in coaching this team, that in itself is a complete embarrassment to me as a Bills fan. I am still a Bills fan, but only from the couch in my home.


A big F YOU to RW and the Bills franchise. You have ruined what football means to the hard working blue collar WNYers. I am disgusted. Just one fans opinion.


I'm with you

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Can we just put all the whiney, life sucks, I hate the Bills, cry baby threads in one place?

How bout up your Raider loving ass? Ralph can sell 73,000 tickets to this circus, why can't there be 73,000 Ralph/Bills suck threads?

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We're all Bills fans and obviously too tied to them to turn our backs; even though we all might think about it a lot nowadays. Maybe the answer is for all of us to get a side piece team. Some team in the NFC that we can root for when it does not directly affect the Bills fortunes. Just for the sake of sanity. I've never been able to root for multiple teams in one professional sports league and never understood people who have multiple "favorite" teams. But I'm starting to get it. OBD gives us bad product continuously. We deserve better for our time and money.

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When my friend that I share season tickets with asked me if I was going to re-up after the season, I told him of course. The Bills were then trying to lure Shanahan, Cowher, Gruden and Billick to lead this team. Since then the likes of Marty Schott, Brian Schott, Grimm and Harbaugh have said thanks, but no thanks to this team. I have never been embarrassed or ashamed to be a Bills fan until yesterday on my way home to Rochester from Utica when I heard on the radio that Jim Harbaugh turned the Bills down. That was what I thought was rock bottom until today when I hear that Chan Gailey is all but the new HC of my beloved Buffalo Bills. WHAT!!! Are you kidding me? This is Jauron all over. Another clueless puppet on the sidelines who needs to be checked every 10 minutes for a !@#$ing pulse. THIS IS THE BOTTOM!!!!


I will not renew my season tickets and will not purchase any Bills merchandise until this team is competitive again. I think I will have plenty of time to save my money. Chan FREAKING Gailey??? Unbelievable, or no excuse me, this is unBILLievable. But in all reality it is BILLievable. Until Ralph is taking a dirt nap, there is absolutely NO HOPE for this team.


Anyone who wants to say I was never a true Bills fan if I think this way, is a complete idiot. I have been a lifelong Bills fan through thick and thin and this is the worst I have ever seen it. To have so many coaches say no, they have no interest in coaching this team, that in itself is a complete embarrassment to me as a Bills fan. I am still a Bills fan, but only from the couch in my home.




A big F YOU to RW and the Bills franchise. You have ruined what football means to the hard working blue collar WNYers. I am disgusted. Just one fans opinion.


Dude your not alone, from polls on this board 70-75 percent of the fans are disappointed in this hire. I never thought it would come to Chan FREAKING Gailey. This time was gonna be different. This time we we're going to get some great coaches and a great GM, money was no object, Ralph was gonna open up the purse strings. Things needed to change and Ralph and the front office got the message from the fans. It rapidly went downhill when the big names said no. They took other jobs are were content with waiting in retirement for something better. Then it was getting rebuffed by a coordinator that has never even been offered a HC opportunity. Then it was getting the cold shoulder from an 8-5 Stanford coach, turning down a NFL head coaching gig. And finally, the piece de resistance, the kick in the stomach to Bills Nation, Chan, yes that Chan, FREAKING Gailey. Only the truely dillusional fan will try and spin this in a positive light. You know, like a Pirate fan thinking they have a chance this year.

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You may not be a Raiders fan, but your avatar shouts Black Hole Raider fan 24/7. And sorry, those aren't my tears that you think are salty. :thumbsup:


(His avatar is from one of the most badass football movies ever.)

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