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Expect our team to sign another big name in FA


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Russ B is about to pull another Terrell Owens on us- I can feel it. He'll bring in another big name like McNabb or Vick to get the fans and media talking about us again. I feel that Buddy, Nix, etc. will try to make a splash in free agency to throw us dogs some bones. The question is, will we bite this time, like we did with TO this past season?

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Russ B is about to pull another Terrell Owens on us- I can feel it. He'll bring in another big name like McNabb or Vick to get the fans and media talking about us again. I feel that Buddy, Nix, etc. will try to make a splash in free agency to throw us dogs some bones. The question is, will we bite this time, like we did with TO this past season?



Of course we will! What are we stupid? :thumbsup: Wait, don't answer that.

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I guess they should not sign any big free name agents so Russ Brandon will not be reported as doing publicity stunts. This of course would allow the mob to say Bills were cheap and could not attract premiere free agents and stoke their torches.


If you are going to damned if you do and damned if you don't just ignore the mob who could not get a job competitively in NFL anyways.

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Russ B is about to pull another Terrell Owens on us- I can feel it. He'll bring in another big name like McNabb or Vick to get the fans and media talking about us again. I feel that Buddy, Nix, etc. will try to make a splash in free agency to throw us dogs some bones. The question is, will we bite this time, like we did with TO this past season?


So you would rather not have the Bills sign free agents? :thumbsup:

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