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Beer die is my favorite drinking game ever. It takes some serious hand eye coordination and you need to be able to chug copious amounts of beer. My friend has a beer die table and our crew is 30-50 years old. Well his son got Christened two years ago. We broke out the beer die table for the Christening. Funnest Christening I have ever attended


tried to read about this "beer die" game on wiki, but the listing didnt really make sense to me. care to explain?

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Drink a beer for every Chan Gailey thread..... This could get interesting...



Update: there are 30 Chan Gailey threads on the first page... Good luck all!!!!


Edit: 54 Threads on Chan Gailey on pgs 1 & 2


Drinking is not a game. :w00t:


Although some college gals introduced me to flippycup a few years ago and once we adjusted some rules and made it a contact sport, that was sort of fun.


There is the timeless standard of Beer Pong. Then there is baseball (Very team oriented drinking game) which is you line up for cups single file and if you get it into the 1st cup its a single, if you get it in the second 1 its a double and so on and so on. If you miss the cups its a strike. If you hit the cup but it doesn't go in then its a ball 5 balls you get a walk, 2 strikes your out only 2 outs per inning AND you have to force in any runs.


One team member has to chug a beer for every run scored and a home run results in all 4 member of the team chugging a beer. If you hit a single, double, or triple you have to drink the beer that's in that cup and refill it when its been chugged Obviously. I like the game its much more team oriented and there is much more drinking involved in the game then beer pong.

tried to read about this "beer die" game on wiki, but the listing didnt really make sense to me. care to explain?


You need one die, 4 cups, 4 players, 4 chairs, lots of beer, and a modified ping pong table(no net). You can't say 5 or 7, nor roll a 5.


Basic rules are 2 players per team. Everyone has a full cup of beer (16 oz+), two players per side- each side is a team. Each player puts a beer at arms length along the border of the board (by where the wrist sits), and that beer must remain there for any shot. First team shoots. Die tossed needs to go as high as the length of the table (from the ground). You aim for the opposing cup. If it does not go that high, it is an illegal shot and shooter forfeits toss. If it lands in cup both teammates on side where dice splashed need to chug their full beer. They leave die in cup, and spit it out on the table when done chugging. If it is a 5- enjoy another. If any toss stays on table and is a 5, your team owes a full beer.


Tossing the die requires a lot of skill. But the whole game is catching it. The point of the game is to catch the die if it ends up bouncing off your side of the table- with only one hand (and no traps). The dice bounce wicked and it is a challenge. The way you point is if the die lands on your opponents side of table, bounces off, and neither of the opposing team catches it. That is one point- you usually play to 7 or 10. Some versions of this game have many, many other rules, but that is the basic idea.


Great fun!

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