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Farm Team

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Let's face it the Bills have been the farm team for the league for years. Maybe if we held on to our talent and paid them we would be a better team. No matter who the coach is if Ralph continues his ways it will be more of the same. I believe that the football fraternity feels the Bills are not committed to winning based on their inability to keep talent. :thumbsup:

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That' exactly what this team is. A stepchild, bush league. We draft busts on purpose and when we do hit a home run, we let them go to free agency. We draft DB's becuase they are cheaper to sign. This is mearly a developmental team for players and coordinators. Ralph is not commited to winning, but putting fans in the seats. It's all about value, cheap players, cheap coaches, full stadium, equals profit in owners pocket. That's why no coaches will come here. They don't have control of draft and roster because Ralph tells them to pick cheap players and positions. Coaches know this organization puts profit over championships. Get enough home wins to keep the fan base happy and coming back with expectation of "next year".

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That' exactly what this team is. A stepchild, bush league. We draft busts on purpose and when we do hit a home run, we let them go to free agency. We draft DB's becuase they are cheaper to sign. This is mearly a developmental team for players and coordinators. Ralph is not commited to winning, but putting fans in the seats. It's all about value, cheap players, cheap coaches, full stadium, equals profit in owners pocket. That's why no coaches will come here. They don't have control of draft and roster because Ralph tells them to pick cheap players and positions. Coaches know this organization puts profit over championships. Get enough home wins to keep the fan base happy and coming back with expectation of "next year".


You're a douche. But more for your ridiculous avatar.

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You're a douche. But more for your ridiculous avatar.

I agree about the avatar but the guy as a point.


Greer, Winfield, Jimmy Leohnard, Pat Williams, all are playing deep in January this year and they all were developed by the Bills.


April will be fixing Philly ST this year, Perry will be doing a good job in NY, etc. etc ad nauseum.


But, good noews, at least we still have Modrak, Guy, and Brandon!

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Disagree on the avatar. It's right on the money.


Yeah, hyperbole is fun. Just like those Bush/nazi photos. The pendulum swings both ways. Moron.


I agree about the avatar but the guy as a point.


Greer, Winfield, Jimmy Leohnard, Pat Williams, all are playing deep in January this year and they all were developed by the Bills.


April will be fixing Philly ST this year, Perry will be doing a good job in NY, etc. etc ad nauseum.


But, good noews, at least we still have Modrak, Guy, and Brandon!


Didn't even read it, honestly. The avatar was so absurd it didn't warrant listening to his opinion.

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Right. Sure you raised the same objections about Bush, moron.


Don't think I actually compared Bush - who historians, since the end of his presidency, have been 'unkind' to thus far, to say the least - to 1930's Adolf Hitler. If I did, please show me where and I will reconsider. If not, please shut the !@#$ up as you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

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Don't think I actually compared Bush - who historians, since the end of his presidency, have been 'unkind' to thus far, to say the least - to 1930's Adolf Hitler. If I did, please show me where and I will reconsider. If not, please shut the !@#$ up as you clearly don't know what you're talking about.



I'm sorry, I mistook you for a hypocrite Democratic Party hack. But to think Obama doesn't stand for socialism is clearly denying reality. I mean, for crying out loud, he and his cronies in the Congress just signed us on for a trillion dollar health insurance entitlement.

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I'm sorry, I mistook you for a hypocrite Democratic Party hack. But to think Obama doesn't stand for socialism is clearly denying reality. I mean, for crying out loud, he and his cronies in the Congress just signed us on for a trillion dollar health insurance entitlement.


Funny, where have you been the last ten years? Or even longer...? Get a !@#$ing grip...

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Don't think I actually compared Bush - who historians, since the end of his presidency, have been 'unkind' to thus far, to say the least - to 1930's Adolf Hitler. If I did, please show me where and I will reconsider. If not, please shut the !@#$ up as you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

W. did kill more people than anyone currently on the planet by far including Osama Bin Laden.....


He is not Hitler but he ranks for sure.


Go Bills!

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Funny, where have you been the last ten years? Or even longer...? Get a !@#$ing grip...


Make no mistake: the other criminals are no better. They're still criminals, stealing from the taxpayer. But that still doesn't change the fact that the individual currently occupying the White House is a socialist.

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W. did kill more people than anyone currently on the planet by far including Osama Bin Laden.....


He is not Hitler but he ranks for sure.


Go Bills!

Wait till Obama Care kicks in. There will be a whole lot of dying going on. A casket cost less than a mammogram.

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+2 on the avatar. It's the truest statement on the entire board. Obama doesn't hide his socialist agenda. He's quite open about it.

Take it somewhere else please Mr. Fox News.


W. started us down this path by putting us in 2 wars, taking a massive surplus left by Bill and turning it into a massive deficit, and the overseeing the destruction of our economy in the months before leaving office. And also, HE started the HUGE bailout program (ie socialism) to ensure his butt buddies at Goldman Sachs got massive bailout plus the pay-through from AIG which was essentially free money for them.


Now, about the Bills.....

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That' exactly what this team is. A stepchild, bush league. We draft busts on purpose and when we do hit a home run, we let them go to free agency. We draft DB's becuase they are cheaper to sign. This is mearly a developmental team for players and coordinators. Ralph is not commited to winning, but putting fans in the seats. It's all about value, cheap players, cheap coaches, full stadium, equals profit in owners pocket. That's why no coaches will come here. They don't have control of draft and roster because Ralph tells them to pick cheap players and positions. Coaches know this organization puts profit over championships. Get enough home wins to keep the fan base happy and coming back with expectation of "next year".


Wrong-o fella. The DB or Corner position is one of the highest salary wise positions in football. Second highest on D.


The second highest paid player in the NFL on defense is a cornerback. Good ol Nate Clements. But i guess facts are overrated. :thumbsup:




Your statements are not only false but ludicris and lack any kind of backing as well. Can you back them up. Im tired of this sh*t being thrown aorund and no one providing factual evidence that any of this is happening. Drafting a bust on purpose?


C'mon man maybe it's you who has to get a clue.

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