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Laptop problem

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Did you try prying the keys off and then taking a hair dryer to the area? The problem is that it is a laptop and there is all kinds of crap undernaeth it unlik a standard keyboard. My brother dropped his cell phone in a cup of tea one time (don't ask)... Once it dried out, it worked fine... Except for the tea stains.




Good luck!

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Last night I spilled a beer[Alaska pale ale, good stuff] on my laptop. Well at first it went bat s..., wouldn't work at all. Now it seems to work OK except some of the keys are non-functional. Most are, but I can't type a j or x for example .

Is there some sort of way fix this??

A cleaner of some kind?



Um I think it's working just fine you typed both a j and an x.

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I Keep the spare in a shielded area. God I love being in weapons research. Comes in so handy for those little chores around the house.


Dude, EM pulse vs a new keyboard? Well, this is what we can expect from the military. Don't tell me, you use a bazooka to hammer in a nail. (Totally kidding)

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I am not military, but I do subscribe to the Powell doctrine.Don't use a tackdriver when a piledriver is available. Or the Tim Allen home improvement doctrine, if you prefer.


Well I suppose Tim did have his moments of success. For what it is worth, militarily I agree, !@#$ them up and answer questions later.

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