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Brown for Senate!!!

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The way the latest polls are looking, Coakley needs something incredible to happen to be able to defeat Brown tomorrow. Obviously polls aren't always a perfect indicator, but it's still pretty amazing that we are at this point on the day before the election. Very happy about this!


Well, on Boston poll has Brown surging to double-digit lead over Marcia Brady/Coakley.

It's a bell weather poll, and anything can happen, but this is sounding good.

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Well, on Boston poll has Brown surging to double-digit lead over Marcia Brady/Coakley.

It's a bell weather poll, and anything can happen, but this is sounding good.

Wow! A new PPP poll came out late last night and has Brown up by 5 points and there was another one that I can't remember the name had him up by 9 points. Everywhere I read, from the WAPO, to Politico to TheHIll, the majority of the bloggers overwhelmingly support Brown. It should be interesting and could change the whole landscape of the healthcare reform.

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Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......


All the while, America loses

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Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......


All the while, America loses

Y'know, I appreciate how easy it is to listen to both sides of an argument and talk about how stupid the argument is, but it doesn't work in this instance.


This race is about Obamacare. Plain and simple. America doesn't want it. In fact, it's SUCH a bad idea that a Senate seat held for almost 50 years by a guy who allegedly committed his life to universal health care could very possibly be LOST to a Republican based almost exclusively on his opposition to the very type of program Kennedy wanted.


While the two-party system clearly has its failures, this is not one of them. Even if Coakley gets out the SEIU vote tomorrow and pulls it off, the message is clear, and while you may hate the two party system, it's the second party that can stop this embarrassingly useless health care bill.

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Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......


All the while, America loses


Not this time around. In this age of instant information, Americans are much more well informed and much more powerful than they've ever been before. So much so that even in the bluest of blue states MA, they are so offended at the unseemly nature of this current administration that they've resorted to voting for a republican senator. There's a real backlash against politicians who refuse to listen, who have the gall to mock the American people, who lie and who don't follow through on their promises.


Brown beating Coakley is a HUGE loss for the corrupt old school politics as usual and a HUGE win for America. There's a real independent movement happening, where politicians (no matter their political affiliation) can no longer hide and will finally have to start listening and answering to the American people.

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Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......Republicans win....democrats win.....republicans win....democrats win......


All the while, America loses

Oh, so you're saying that they should vote for Joe Kennedy. Ok :wallbash:


It's about voting for the best candidate, forget about the R or the D for a second, and look at the people who are running for office, and people should vote for those who they best believe represent their values.


Take a stand for once Adam, this schtick is getting pretty old.


Regarding the senate race, here's another poll.


A new InsiderAdvantage poll conducted exclusively for POLITICO shows Republican Scott Brown surging to a nine-point advantage over Martha Coakley a day before Massachusetts voters trek to the ballot box to choose a new senator.


According to the survey conducted Sunday evening, Brown leads the Democratic attorney general 52 percent to 43 percent.


"I actually think the bottom is falling out," said InsiderAdvantage CEO Matt Towery, referring to Coakley's fall in the polls over the last ten days. "I think that this candidate is in freefall. Clearly this race is imploding for her."


The numbers show males and independents overwhelmingly breaking for Brown, who has married his GQ looks with a populist tone in a pick-up truck on the campaign trail.


Brown holds a 15-point lead among males and crushes Coakley by 41 points among self-described independents, a group that's been steadily inching away from the Democratic party over the last year due to growing apprehension with government spending, bailouts and health care reform.


"Men are not going to vote for Coakley at all. You have a very angry male voter who's repudiating whatever is being said in Washington and they're taking it out on this woman. And independents are clearly going to the Republican in droves. What's left are the Democratic voters," said Towery, who is a former aide to Newt Gingrich.


And the survey shows almost a quarter of Democratic voters lining up with Brown.


A DailyKos/Research 2000 poll released Monday painted a much tighter campaign, showing the race knotted at 48 percent each.


"We're about to learn whether Obama can deliver electoral votes," wrote DailyKos founder Markos Moulitsas on his Twitter page.


But that three-day survey was conducted between Friday and Sunday, whereas the entire InsiderAdvantage phone survey of 804 likely registered voters was completed Sunday night.


Towery noted his polling indicates President Barack Obama's Sunday visit to the Bay State for Coakley won't be enough to pull her over the finish line.


"When there's a nine-point difference, it's awfully hard to shave off enough to win," Towery said. "The older voters are even tied. And the youngest voters have turned against the Democrats," he said, pointing to Brown's 61 to 30 percent lead among voters 18 to 29 years old. (Voters 65 and older, typically a key Democratic constituency, are divided between the two contenders, 48 percent a piece).


InsiderAdvantage's polling pool was made up of 20 percent Republicans and 43 percent of Democrats, though estimates show that independents make up just over 50 percent of all Massachusetts voters. "It'd be even worse for (Coakley) if we weighed it towards more independents," Towery said.


Other election eve polling is also tracking towards Brown. The Republican pollster, American Research Group, pins Brown's lead at 7 points, 52 to 45 percent, in a three-day survey released Monday. And Suffolk University's polling of three bellwether counties had them all breaking towards Brown by double-digit margins. Public Policy Polling's final survey put Brown up 51 to 46 percent, a lead that falls within the margin of error.


A third-party independent candidate Joe Kennedy, who some feared would confuse voters by siphoning votes through the power of his name, is now seen as less of a factor. He captures just 2 percent of support in the InsiderAdvantage poll.


"If this race were to tight up, he might make the difference," said Towery. "But this is a disaster (for Democrats)," he said.

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Y'know, I appreciate how easy it is to listen to both sides of an argument and talk about how stupid the argument is, but it doesn't work in this instance.


This race is about Obamacare. Plain and simple. America doesn't want it. In fact, it's SUCH a bad idea that a Senate seat held for almost 50 years by a guy who allegedly committed his life to universal health care could very possibly be LOST to a Republican based almost exclusively on his opposition to the very type of program Kennedy wanted.


While the two-party system clearly has its failures, this is not one of them. Even if Coakley gets out the SEIU vote tomorrow and pulls it off, the message is clear, and while you may hate the two party system, it's the second party that can stop this embarrassingly useless health care bill.


Do we actually know that Brown doesn't support the current health care plans in Congress?

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Do we actually know that Brown doesn't support the current health care plans in Congress?

And does it even matter? I'm sure a few hundred million more in pet pork to whoever is the next most malleable Republican can still get the bill passed.



Someone jokingly posted this morning that Brown now leads Coakley in the latest poll by 5%, which is within the margin of ACORN. :wallbash:

Laugh if you want, but if this thing gets anywhere near a "recount", they'll steal it from Brown in a heartbeat.

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Not this time around. In this age of instant information, Americans are much more well informed and much more powerful than they've ever been before. So much so that even in the bluest of blue states MA, they are so offended at the unseemly nature of this current administration that they've resorted to voting for a republican senator. There's a real backlash against politicians who refuse to listen, who have the gall to mock the American people, who lie and who don't follow through on their promises.


Brown beating Coakley is a HUGE loss for the corrupt old school politics as usual and a HUGE win for America. There's a real independent movement happening, where politicians (no matter their political affiliation) can no longer hide and will finally have to start listening and answering to the American people.

Just as they were offended by the previous administration......

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And does it even matter? I'm sure a few hundred million more in pet pork to whoever is the next most malleable Republican can still get the bill passed.

I'm not sure Obama/Reid/Pelosi/Axelrod/Emmanual could buy a Republican right now. Not even Snowe. The GOP is a mess, but they seem to be pretty united on this if for no other reason than there is not a single poll available anywhere outside DailyKos that shows the American people like the current health care bills. So while they may not oppose it for the right reason, I have confidence they'll hold their position. If Brown wins tomorrow, I wouldn't be surprised if a few Blue Dog Dems start re-thinking this thing. In fact, I'll have to do some digging, but I saw a report this past weekend about a blue dog complaining that the process is taking too long, and if they don't start paying attention to the economy and jobs, they're all toast. Plus, Barney Frank may be an idiot, but I don't think he's kidding when he says that if Brown wins, the current health care bills are dead.


Laugh if you want, but if this thing gets anywhere near a "recount", they'll steal it from Brown in a heartbeat.

This, I fear, is nuts-on accurate.


I hope brown loses just to squash this bull **** unfounded and unsubstantiated logic.

You keep telling yourself that, Skippy.

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then substantiate it. lets see evidence for this outlandish claim you are making


Is this evidence good?


Although these two polls do not prove anything new or groundbreaking, they are consistent with the narrative that health care reform has a lot of tepid supporters and many more passionate opponents. And now that the Senate has dropped the public option, expect its support to become even more tepid
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