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Brown for Senate!!!

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If Brown wins, Obama is politically dead. No? Not just health care (insurance).


Obama campaigned in NJ and VA and those Democrats lost. If Obama campaigns in MA and that Democrat loses...what does that say about Obama? Besides that he's 0 for 3.

One can only hope.

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With Pelosi gone first!

That would not just be the best thing for Obama. That would be the best thing for America ;)


But seriously, a Republican House/Senate would set up an adversary for the Obama Administration to play the blame game with. Now his only nemesis is the boogeyman who left office a year ago

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That would not just be the best thing for Obama. That would be the best thing for America ;)


But seriously, a Republican House/Senate would set up an adversary for the Obama Administration to play the blame game with. Now his only nemesis is the boogeyman who left office a year ago


Ahh point taken.

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Apparently the Brown camp is not above doing whatever it can to get Bishop Hedd's vote.


After Obama's visit yesterday to stump for Coakley, the left-leaning Public Policy Polling has Brown up by 5%. Maybe being around Coakley helped Obama's numbers, so that'd be good...

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Beat Martha "This is Ted Kennedy's seat" Coakley... :)



I want to see this headline...Brown Teabags Coakley!


B-);):lol: :lol:



When the people of Massachusetts tell you they've had enough, then you know you're in serious trouble (and I'm not talking about Coakley). There's no way to spin this for Obama, but it'll be funny to watch him and his liberal cohorts try.

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I want to see this headline...Brown Teabags Coakley!


George W Bush Strikes Again B-)



If you think there's magic out there and things can be turned around overnight, then you would vote for someone who could promise you that, like Scott Brown," Kennedy said. "If you don't, if you know that it takes eight years for George Bush and his cronies to put our country into this hole ... then you know we have a lot of digging to do, but some work needs to be done and this president's in the process of doing it and we need to get Marcia Coakley to help him to do that.


Hope and Change

Sparkles And Sunshine

Bait And Switch


Oh, and her name is Martha btw

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I'll believe it when I see it. Polls are one thing...counting the votes is another. Maybe a few Black Panthers and nasty union men hovering around strategic suburban precincts will help make sure Brown comes up short? We'll see...


And then if Brown does win, there'll be a bunch of recounts and lawsuits claiming election fraud, because it's impossible for a state that's 80+% registered Democrat to vote a Republican to the Kennedy Senate Seat.

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I'll believe it when I see it. Polls are one thing...counting the votes is another. Maybe a few Black Panthers and nasty union men hovering around strategic suburban precincts will help make sure Brown comes up short? We'll see...

Someone jokingly posted this morning that Brown now leads Coakley in the latest poll by 5%, which is within the margin of ACORN. B-)


Probably not a good idea for Obama, in response to Brown connecting with people in part because he's driving around in his GM truck with 200,000 miles on it, to tell everyone "Forget the truck. Everybody can buy a truck."


If everyone could buy a truck, Coakley probably wouldn't have blown a 31% lead.

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Today on Morning Joe, Chris Matthews made an ugly and bigoted plea for catholics to vote against the protestant Brown. I kid you not...






Of course no one on the set admonished him for this not so veiled, unwarranted and unnecessary comment. Nice way for MSNBC to honor MLK day. All men are created equal, except when it's a close senate race. Then it's ok to highlight the candidate's religions in an effort to gin up the catholic vote. The problem is Coakley is self loathing and doesn't think catholics should work in hospitals!



They need to rename his show Nutball with Chris Matthews.

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