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Can We Compare Haiti to New Orleans?


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Please, the Republicans are only slightly less guilty of the same sort of thing. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Republicans ARE liberals when it comes to spending. The only time they're conservative is when they're campaigning. I'm pretty sure I've made that perfectly clear a number of times.

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This whole thread consists of series of incorrect statements. ;)


Of course mine are right... :P If they would have just fixed the pumps and mowed the levees, we probably would not be talking about big bad Katrina... But who am I do know, I pull a string attached to a sump pump float to drain river water out of machine pits... <_<


Sure I am just a peon... But the one thing I did notice when I was down in NOLA before Katrina was the inorrdinate (there should be none) amount of tall growth (and of all things trees!) on the levees. WTF is up with that? Even after the storm when they made an effort to clean up their past mistakes by chopping trees down off the levees, crazy people were hollering bloody murder. Go figure. Damn if you do, damn if you don't. Even when they do attempt to do maint. (back in FEBRUARY BEFORE the storm), it has been reported that local contracts were ripping large trees with roots and all right out of the ground... Not stumping them just above the ground, leaving the root systems in place.

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You are dumb enough to argue we have helped the people of Haiti prior to now?

Between fiscal years 1995 and 1999 - $884 million, $230 million in 2006. (wiki)

Most probably went for cars, houses, trips and expenses for the ruling elite.

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Don't forget the Christmas tsunami either. That was Bush's fault too.


Yeah, I heard one of Rush's informed callers say Bush had a hospital ship there in 2 days. Rush of course went along with this complete falsehood without actually agreeing with him (he is slick that way).

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Haiti earthquake-obama's 12th "katrina moment"

Except the media doesn't play it that way. As Tom mentioned the rules of the military are looser in Haiti and they are able to do a lot more, and quicker. In addition, because of Katrina and the perceived slights by FEMA< Coast Guard, HUD, etc.... different and more lax rules are in place to get things done faster and a lot more infastructure was put in place. Why it is taking so long has me wondering. As of yesterday, a food and water distribution system still was not in place, 5 days after the disaster.


Of course, the media doesn't like to tell you the facts especially if it means throwing this administration under the bus.

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