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You gotta be impressed with J. Strategy Gray

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Obviously as seen last week, the best OC/HCs in the league can do him in as they seem to do in just about everyone, but overall, the doubts some folks have expressed about J. Gray's strategic abilities have been answered for me by the Bills virtually every week for several weeks in a row having whatever deficits they have in against an opponent in the first half and then they make whatever adjustments they have to at halftime and essentially shut down the opponent in the second half.


Gray showed what he could do last season as far as game tactics when he showed he had mastered the LeBeau run-blitz scheme by effectively making defensive play calls over the season.


However, this season even without LeBeau he has showed a deft strategic touch as a DC. He has generally put together defensive game plans which have kept the Bills in every game. Even better, he has shown the ability to analyze what the opponent is doing well in the first half, to figure out the correct response for what the opponent does well, and communicate this in an effective way to his squad under the pressure of limited time at half time and the team has responded by shutting down the opponent.


Hats off to J. Gray whose middle name appears to be Strategy as best as I can tell.

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I'm not convinced I like some of his game-planmning, which seems to occasionally get us in trouble in the first-half. But I agree the Bills have been stonewalling people in the second half and there's no reason to think that JGray isn't a significant reason. He seems to be growing into his job very well and I only look for it to get better as he racks up some experience chits.

Also a nod to Mularkey for keeping him on his staff. I don't think that's something most new coaches would have done coming in.


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I was amazed by who he was rushing. There would be no more than 4 rushers, but two of them would be Milloy and Posey. Surprisingly effective. He was really confusing the Rams line with the "can't tell who's coming from where" techniques...

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