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Bledsoe Dominated Rams Tonight!


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You Bledsoe bashers make me sick....You CANNOT give the guy credit when he does well.....


Dude... this just in.... a twelve year veteran that makes $6M per year is supposed to do "WELL" week in and week out.


I don't expect him to duplicate Peyton Mannings performance, but I do expect him to put up better numbers that Grampa Testeverde... and he clearly is not. there are at least 20 QBS that show better numbers than him. WTF are the Bills paying him $6M to do? Can't we get the same performance level from a 6 or 7 year vet that maks 1/5 of what Bledsoe makes? Or better yet... how about we pay $6M/year for a real QB.

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AirBledsoe11 - the last living Bledsoe Apologist. Grasping onto Drew's last short-curly for dear life.


Bledsoe has ONE decent (I dont even want to say GOOD - because I watch other games, and know what "good" looks like) game, and you think he's the answer?


Open your eyes man...

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AirBledsoe11 - the last living Bledsoe Apologist. Grasping onto Drew's last short-curly for dear life.


Bledsoe has ONE decent (I dont even want to say GOOD - because I watch other games, and know what "good" looks like) game, and you think he's the answer?


Open your eyes man...



Where did the guy say Bledsoe was "the answer?" I saw a post that said, "Hey people who bash Bledsoe every week, why not admit that he played very well today?"


But no. The bashers expect the entire planet to listen them or else. :rolleyes: He led the team to 17 points on the last three drives of the first half -- all three drives starting in Buffalo territory. But the bahers say he sucks because the ST scored a TD and gave him another "drive" on the 5 yard line for an easy TD. ;) Whatever. Apparantly you, ICE, et al, just get your jollies by picking a player and CRUSADING against them. Knock yourself out.


Are you taking applications for next year's bashee yet?


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I think Bledsoe played well. 160 yards passing in the first half is very good, considering he was carrying the team in the first half:

* the defense was giving up points

* the running game was shut down

* the special teams were not a factor


Because all of the other phases of the game got hot in the second half, they did not need to throw the ball. Otherwise, the yards passing would be higher.


I do want to see more consistancy out of Bledsoe and no more games like last week in NE. He can't cost his team games, just like he probably can't carry a team for the entire game any longer.

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I do want to see more consistancy out of Bledsoe and no more games like last week in NE. He can't cost his team games, just like he probably can't carry a team for the entire game any longer.


Remind us again Why the Bills are paying him $6M/year???

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Bledsoe has been decent this year. If you take away the ravens game and last week's Pasties game, DB has been rather solid.

And if you take away his two best game, he has been rather horrid.


It's all moot, though, because the NFL is not in the business of striking games from the record to suit the statistical desires of the fans.

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And if you take away his two best game, he has been rather horrid.


It's all moot, though, because the NFL is not in the business of striking games from the record to suit the statistical desires of the fans.



Otherwise Bills fans would make the Patriots 2-14 (they can beat the Fishies twice for us). :rolleyes:



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Remind us again Why the Bills are paying him $6M/year???



He's basically getting 6M a year for his name. Mularkey said this was supposed to be a smash mouth offense where it is not won by the QB. I'm happy with Bledsoe's performance, he did rather well yesterday. We'll never see the Bledsoe of old again, so if that's what you're looking for give up on your tirade.


I'm by no means a Bledsoe apologist, I root for whoever is behind center for the Bills. But give credit where credit is due, he kept us in the game in the first half.


Save your tirade against Bledsoe for next week when he will undoubtedly suck on the road. How about enjoy this week's win for a couple of days.

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