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LOL when I saw the subject, I thought you were suggesting that a hall of fame be created for the best posters on TSW of all time.

Andandand ininin thisthisthis halhalhal, wewewe haveheavehave thethethe bestbestbest posteterosters...uh, sorry about the echo...


Cookie Gilchrist

Billy Shaw

Jack Kemp

Pete Gogolak

Tom Sestak

Butch Byrd

Mike Stratton "The hit heard round the world"

Elbert Dubenion

Glen Bass

Tom Day

Jim Dunaway

Ron McDole

George Saimes


i know you asked for players, but.......


i would nominate the idiot fan a few years back that attempted to get away from stadium security by running along the club seat overhang at the ralph. needless to say he didnt make it far before falling off the roof onto the lower level below.


that's gotta hurt.


i dont think i've ever laughed that hard at a game in my life.

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