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Will ANYONE take the Bills' HC job?

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I really am not usually this pessimistic, but this is seriously bad.


NOBODY wants this job!


I understand the Bills taking their time - to an extent, but when half of the candidates that you want to

talk to turn down the opportunity to even interview for what would be a promotion and big pay increase,

you have to figure that SOMETHING is very BROKEN.


At this point, whomever they hire will have no credibility from day 1 since he will obviously be a desperation

hire. How will this desperation hire even put together a staff of assistants. Who will want to come work for

the 15th or 16th choice of an organization?


Almost everything that's been reported about this subject has been second or third hand. No one really knows exactly who has been contacted, who has interviewed or who has or has not turned the job down. It's simple: The team wants to keep the process confidential. They're doing it that way because it's an essential part of the process. No coaching search in the history of the league has been done "in public".


At this point, it doesn't who they hire, becuase no one (at least on this board) will be happy with it.


If you're an "old timer", you'll recall that no one knew who Bill Polian was. Or John Butler.


And of course, the ultimate reality: Winning cures all whining.

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