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None of this changes unless Ralph is out of the picture.


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No way around it. He is the main, singular reason no one wants to work here. He promised change. So he hires from within a guy who has never been a GM. Why? Because he 'knows him'. Well the rest of the NFL world doesn't give a **** about Ralphies comfort level with his GM. Hold outside interviews with guys who are available and some that are up and comers and yes that can include Nix. But nope, Ralph can't do that.


Next, Any HC worth a damn is going to want personnel say. Do you not think assistants and former HC's not take note of the absolute failures we have had in Free agency and the Draft? They have to be looking at the moves made, not made and said WTF???? But hey, you want a guy to come in here and be strapped with that mess? Not happening.


But there is no way in hell Ralph Wilson is going to give that much power over, it just isn't going to happen. 'But ICE...Tom Donahoe....' !@#$ed up. Bottom line he !@#$ed up. But at the same time rumor around the league was Tom got calls several times a day from Ralph wondering what was going on. We all know Ralph can't keep his damn hands out of things and just let someone else run the show.


So here is what is going to happen, We are going to hire the one guy who is so hard up for a HC job he doesn't care if he fails, he just wants to be in the roll because we have seen most anyone worth a damn wont touch this job. We will have crap 'up and coming' coordinators and still have the same morons doing our scouting, free agency, drafting for us that we have for damn near a decade now.


So I will say it, until Ralph dies (*)is team isn't going to be any better than it is now. (*) I say dies since he has said he will keep it till he dies and absolutely will not sell no matter what.


Oh and this 'But then they will move' BS is pure BS. We get a new owner who is willing to clean house, give up the power that needs to be given up to a quality HC and GM, gets some real studs in here and this team will sell out every single week even with an increase in ticket sales. That = the team goes NO WHERE.


The best thing would be hoping for a new owner sooner than later.





None of this changes unless Ralph is out of the picture.


Why is everyone so Ga Ga over Grimm?


Any bets on Tennessee getting a better HC than us?


Grimm tells us why the Bills gig isn't that good.


I guess it could be worse...


Why doesnt a good HC want to come here?

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No way around it. He is the main, singular reason no one wants to work here. He promised change. So he hires from within a guy who has never been a GM. Why? Because he 'knows him'. Well the rest of the NFL world doesn't give a **** about Ralphies comfort level with his GM. Hold outside interviews with guys who are available and some that are up and comers and yes that can include Nix. But nope, Ralph can't do that.


Next, Any HC worth a damn is going to want personnel say. Do you not think assistants and former HC's not take note of the absolute failures we have had in Free agency and the Draft? They have to be looking at the moves made, not made and said WTF???? But hey, you want a guy to come in here and be strapped with that mess? Not happening.

Putting aside the fact that there is just nothing new here, let's address the points.


You can with some validity critique the way the Nix hire was made. Many have. It doesn't mean he'll be a bad candidate. And as recently as a year ago he would have been coming from outside the organization. Though this is just hypothetical and not at all realistic, If they had somehow lured Smith or Polian back, would that have been problematic just because Ralph would have only made the hire based on who he knew? Honestly, Nix was probably a best-case-scenario given that Ralph is the man.

But there is no way in hell Ralph Wilson is going to give that much power over, it just isn't going to happen. 'But ICE...Tom Donahoe....' !@#$ed up. Bottom line he !@#$ed up. But at the same time rumor around the league was Tom got calls several times a day from Ralph wondering what was going on. We all know Ralph can't keep his damn hands out of things and just let someone else run the show.

Rumors are just that. If they're propagated by the likes of Mortensen they're probably kernels of truth coated in a thick paste of garbage. By around 2006 or so Donahoe's performance was easily in question. I think Ralph's football judgment is bollocks, but put that aside for a second. If you were the man paying for Mike Williams, Greg Williams, Bledsoe instead of a #1 draft pick, McGahee with a perfectly serviceable RB already on the roster, wouldn't you be giving the man responsible for these decisions an earful? These are just a few notable examples of Donahoe's many poor decisions.

So here is what is going to happen, We are going to hire the one guy who is so hard up for a HC job he doesn't care if he fails, he just wants to be in the roll because we have seen most anyone worth a damn wont touch this job. We will have crap 'up and coming' coordinators and still have the same morons doing our scouting, free agency, drafting for us that we have for damn near a decade now.

I think the bigger problem is a question of who is overruling whom in the room. It's clear Jauron made a few of the worst decisions. It's also clear that Ralph made them take Dwayne Wright. It's also been suggested that Modrak had a few superior choices nixed (no pun intended), and that Guy has had to cheap out on some moves he'd like to make. Some of these things are unsubstantiated and we'll have to see what Buddy does. I have some faith in his track record. I don't like Guy at all but if Nix does in fact have control over football ops, I think he can strengthen the team's position whether or not Guy is involved.

So I will say it, until Ralph dies (*)is team isn't going to be any better than it is now. (*) I say dies since he has said he will keep it till he dies and absolutely will not sell no matter what.


Oh and this 'But then they will move' BS is pure BS. We get a new owner who is willing to clean house, give up the power that needs to be given up to a quality HC and GM, gets some real studs in here and this team will sell out every single week even with an increase in ticket sales. That = the team goes NO WHERE.


The best thing would be hoping for a new owner sooner than later.

Again, you might be right, but what of now? Furthermore, why make the classless move of an implied wish of death on anybody? I mantain that if anyone really feels this way, the best remedy is to become a more casual fan and not post the same thing ad nauseum to an audience of people who do care.

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No way around it. He is the main, singular reason no one wants to work here. He promised change. So he hires from within a guy who has never been a GM. Why? Because he 'knows him'. Well the rest of the NFL world doesn't give a **** about Ralphies comfort level with his GM. Hold outside interviews with guys who are available and some that are up and comers and yes that can include Nix. But nope, Ralph can't do that.


Next, Any HC worth a damn is going to want personnel say. Do you not think assistants and former HC's not take note of the absolute failures we have had in Free agency and the Draft? They have to be looking at the moves made, not made and said WTF???? But hey, you want a guy to come in here and be strapped with that mess? Not happening.


But there is no way in hell Ralph Wilson is going to give that much power over, it just isn't going to happen. 'But ICE...Tom Donahoe....' !@#$ed up. Bottom line he !@#$ed up. But at the same time rumor around the league was Tom got calls several times a day from Ralph wondering what was going on. We all know Ralph can't keep his damn hands out of things and just let someone else run the show.


So here is what is going to happen, We are going to hire the one guy who is so hard up for a HC job he doesn't care if he fails, he just wants to be in the roll because we have seen most anyone worth a damn wont touch this job. We will have crap 'up and coming' coordinators and still have the same morons doing our scouting, free agency, drafting for us that we have for damn near a decade now.


So I will say it, until Ralph dies (*)is team isn't going to be any better than it is now. (*) I say dies since he has said he will keep it till he dies and absolutely will not sell no matter what.


Oh and this 'But then they will move' BS is pure BS. We get a new owner who is willing to clean house, give up the power that needs to be given up to a quality HC and GM, gets some real studs in here and this team will sell out every single week even with an increase in ticket sales. That = the team goes NO WHERE.


The best thing would be hoping for a new owner sooner than later.


Please hire a therapist.

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Worse. He's actually toned down the schtick so that now he kind of fades into the trollish background. But it still is a bit like the old EP being scratched.



It's pretty ridiculous, every time I happen to refresh it seems like ICE has started a new thread. It's getting annoying, people wanted the Bills to take their time and hire the right man for the job, but every time some new quote comes out about someone, everyone needs to take as negative a view as possible and we will never ever hire a good coach and we will be damned for eternity to be a horrible team until we move.


blah blah Ralph is cheap nothing will change, do we need a new thread every single time for it?

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So I will say it, until Ralph dies (*)is team isn't going to be any better than it is now. (*) I say dies since he has said he will keep it till he dies and absolutely will not sell no matter what.


Oh and this 'But then they will move' BS is pure BS. We get a new owner who is willing to clean house, give up the power that needs to be given up to a quality HC and GM, gets some real studs in here and this team will sell out every single week even with an increase in ticket sales. That = the team goes NO WHERE.


1. Mr. Wilson doesn't owe you fried potatoes. If you feel differently, write him a letter. Stop bothering us.

2. There is a very good chance the team will be moved after he passes away. It's not about attendance, we're already in the top 10 in the league of attendance. It is about maximizing revenue, and there's not much more to be squeezed out of Buffalo. Most likely, someone who spends the hundreds of millions of dollars it will take to buy this team will want maximum return on their investment, and they're not going to get it in Buffalo.

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Worse. He's actually toned down the schtick so that now he kind of fades into the trollish background. But it still is a bit like the old EP being scratched.


Agree that it was worse the first go-around. But it is now clear he came back and took a much softer tone to make it appear he changed his antagonistic ways. After a few weeks of that, he is right back where he was before, totally obnoxious. Destined not to end well.

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Thought this deserved a bump. Nobody would turn down the Vols huh? Also, nice job editing the original post to try and save some face.




Per Houston sports radio last night, Muschamp is currently making $900K a year as Texas' D-coordinator and Tennessee was offering a 7-year, $21 million offer to be their HC.


Got it Ice? The guy was offered 3X his current salary and turned down the Vols.


BTW, I like the concept of Ice editing his original post to try and "save some face" - as if that were possible....

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1. Mr. Wilson doesn't owe you fried potatoes. If you feel differently, write him a letter. Stop bothering us.

2. There is a very good chance the team will be moved after he passes away. It's not about attendance, we're already in the top 10 in the league of attendance. It is about maximizing revenue, and there's not much more to be squeezed out of Buffalo. Most likely, someone who spends the hundreds of millions of dollars it will take to buy this team will want maximum return on their investment, and they're not going to get it in Buffalo.


Ah there is the problem right there. You would rather have a ****ty team than no team and Ralph knows it

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Agree that it was worse the first go-around. But it is now clear he came back and took a much softer tone to make it appear he changed his antagonistic ways. After a few weeks of that, he is right back where he was before, totally obnoxious. Destined not to end well.



Feel a case of the redass coming on?

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The Catch 22. If Ralph is out of the picture, it's unlikely that the Buffalo Bills exist.


Which is another reason to hate Ralph. He could put plans in place that would guarantee the Bills stay in Buffalo, but he refuses. While I don't agree with Darth most of the time, he is 100% correct in this one. Nothing will change until Ralph is gone. He claims to be willing to do whatever it takes to win and then stands in the way of doing it. He is a stubborn old man hanging on to the Bills like my Grandfather refusing to give up his drivers license. When Ralph's time on earth is done, then we will see what happens with the Bills. Maybe they will be sold to the highest bidder and moved to L.A. or Toronto or Malaysia. But then again, maybe they will get an owner who values the support that WNY has given the team all these years and will return the favor by signing a longterm extension to stay here and by doing everything they can to build a winner, two things Ralph refuses to do.

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