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I don't think it's a bad move at all to reject the Bills HC position. Look at our last few hires. Neither Gregg Williams or Mike Mularkey have gotten a shot elsewhere. Generally speaking, if you fail at your first gig you likely won't get another. This isn't always the case but more often than not it is. Given this it's very important that a "hot" coordinator pick a good situation.


Can anybody honestly say the Bills are a good situation? Look at our recent history. 10 years of losing with 3 HCs thrown in the scrap heap. Why would a young coordinator want this to be his first HC gig only to be the 4th HC thrown in the scrap heap never to be given another chance again?

Guess I am not as quick as you :thumbsup:


Allowing for intervening mistakes made in the past, Ralph is like 200 years old and a multi-millionaire. If anything, folks that reach a ripe old age are more concerned with the legacy they will leave behind rather than obtaining more material things.

That being said, I would not be so naive as to think that I know what motivates Ralph in particular. Dick said he could correct things and Ralph gave him free reign even though the signs of disaster were evident to even the most casual observers. It was not until another crotchety old rival from the NFL owner's Country Club gave him the finger that he actually cared enough to blow the mess up.


We could have an ultra-competitive, willing to spend up the hilt kind of owner like Snyder in DC, but that really does not translate into victories on the field.


His legacy? Ok so far it is fielding a losing team 4 out of 5 decades, firing the greatest GM of our time, screwing over a well respected guy in John Butler, and know across the league as being a meddling owner that won't field a competitive team.


Great Legacy


Whether you want to see Brandon as a heroic figure lashed to the mast like a modern day Odysseus or as a boot licking, status quo preservationist ala Waylon Smithers, people on the outside are and should be very suspicious of the decision making process of the inner circle. Whether it is all Ralph's idea or whether Ralph is making decisions based on the flavor of ass kissing and "tell him what he wants to hear" he gets from his cronies doesn't matter; it's that the decision making process has sucked for quite some time and no patent changes have been made to that power structure.


Why set yourself up for failure? I wouldn't accept a top position in a company if I knew I'd ultimately look worse when it fails. Afterward, you have a tougher time getting any job. Stay with somewhat competent organizations and keep building credibility until a solid, stable offer comes along.


IT starts at the top. If ralph wilson was serious about turning this team around, there would have been a true cleansing of the front office. Instead there was a half assed shake up. The other main problem, Russ Brandon actually got a promotion.


So it is obvious that a HC coming in will not be given the tools to succeed.

Guest dog14787
No and why are you flirting with Biscuit? :thumbsup:


Didn't mean to make you jealous...

Actually I was thinking that Promo The Robot is the main reason coaches arent beating down the doors :thumbsup:

Thinking the same thing, when he compares the former GM and current "Team President" to the guys taking tickets.




I hope he is just kidding.


There are several things. We have a 91 yr old owner who really should have sold the team, or at least the majority interest in it. If he croaks tomorrow, the highest bidder probably moves the team. It's almost as bad as Oakland except Ralph is not quite as whacky as Davis. On top of that, you have to try to sell people on the city of Buffalo. Good coaches who have more than one option, usually opt out of moving to Buffalo. Its the same thing with attracting quality free agents. You either pay too much for guys or you get guys like T.O. where nobody else was really interested. I wish Ralph would sell 51% of the team to someone committed to keep the Bills in WNY.

Whether you want to see Brandon as a heroic figure lashed to the mast like a modern day Odysseus or as a boot licking, status quo preservationist ala Waylon Smithers, people on the outside are and should be very suspicious of the decision making process of the inner circle. Whether it is all Ralph's idea or whether Ralph is making decisions based on the flavor of ass kissing and "tell him what he wants to hear" he gets from his cronies doesn't matter; it's that the decision making process has sucked for quite some time and no patent changes have been made to that power structure.

My concern as well, but have no idea how Brandon worked his way from Marketing guy to his current confidant role. One could argue that he has risen as fast as the organization has fallen into disarray.


That inner-circle could be rotten to the core - I hope we are wrong. That is why I hope that Buddy Nix has some moxy, it sounds like he disagreed with the Maybin selection and perhaps in his new role he will be more vocal and allowed to run the football organization like a football organization.


The recent purge and Brandon's role reminded me alot of the way Lovie Smith in Chicago took a big step back from most of his staff and acted like "who hired these idiots, they should be fired":thumbsup:

His legacy? Ok so far it is fielding a losing team 4 out of 5 decades, firing the greatest GM of our time, screwing over a well respected guy in John Butler, and know across the league as being a meddling owner that won't field a competitive team.


Great Legacy

Yeah... I've been around for that.


I followed that statement you highlighted with the following:


"That being said, I would not be so naive as to think that I know what motivates Ralph in particular. Dick said he could correct things and Ralph gave him free reign even though the signs of disaster were evident to even the most casual observers. It was not until another crotchety old rival from the NFL owner's Country Club gave him the finger that he actually cared enough to blow the mess up."


I know that sniping is a regular past time here, but I am really just looking for some new material.

There are several things. We have a 91 yr old owner who really should have sold the team, or at least the majority interest in it. If he croaks tomorrow, the highest bidder probably moves the team. It's almost as bad as Oakland except Ralph is not quite as whacky as Davis. On top of that, you have to try to sell people on the city of Buffalo. Good coaches who have more than one option, usually opt out of moving to Buffalo. Its the same thing with attracting quality free agents. You either pay too much for guys or you get guys like T.O. where nobody else was really interested. I wish Ralph would sell 51% of the team to someone committed to keep the Bills in WNY.

I thought that Kelly and other team media representatives said that the plan for succession was in place - must not be a very convincing plan.

Actually I was thinking that Promo The Robot is the main reason coaches arent beating down the doors :thumbsup:

I'm probably more culpable than Russ Brandon. For heaven's sake the guy is trying to do what you screaming babies want. But he's not a miracle worker. He has to deal with Ralph on one end and Ralph's reputation in the NFL on the other. But hey, 'eff him anyway, right?



Thinking the same thing, when he compares the former GM and current "Team President" to the guys taking tickets.




I hope he is just kidding.

These Russ Brandon threads show me that people don't even have a clue. They are flailing about blaming everyone and everything out of frustration. The only solution is for Ralph to sell the team and move them to Los Angeles and put Bills Nation out of its misery. This endless, pointless complaining is making me crazy.



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