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The end of "The Tonight Show"


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For my money, in their primes, Letterman was the only one who could hold a candle to Johnny Carson. Leno is awful, but if you are old enough to remember, ironically, his appearences on Lettermen's original NBC show ("what's my beef?") were "can't miss tv" way back when... Conan is funny, but he is still, to this day, awful with the interview segment of his show. You can normally shut him off a half hour in, and feel relatively confident you aren't missing much. I know a lot of folks seem to like Craig Ferguson, but I don't get it...he is kind of annoying...for my money (not that I watch many of the late night talkies any more), Jimmy Kimmel is the best right now.



I agree on the Conan thing, he's at his best before the guests come on and Kimmel is pretty good but it's hard to compare any of them to Letterman in his prime, hell even Letterman now. To me Dave has always been the king of latenight, sorry Carson fans. As far as Ferguson goes, well I think he is cut from the same cloth as Letterman when it comes to "doing his thing". Craig Ferguson is still coming into his own and no one, I mean NO ONE makes love to the camera like him, he makes you believe that your in the same room with him and that will continue to take him a long way in this business.

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You have to respect the guy for wanting to take care of his staff. Conan and Letterman both seem like class acts in that regard. Leno might be too, but those stories haven't been told like they were for the other two.


If by some chance NBC does try to ice Conan out like that, I would love to see him offer his writing services up to a competitor. NBC couldn't possibly stop him from offering ideas to other shows.

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Letterman was the best until about 15 years ago, now he's WAY too old for trying to do his type of humor. He comes across as being very bitter most nights. It's very painful to watch.


Leno is generic, but that type of humor works in a 5-day-per-week Tonight-style of show.


Conan is an acquired taste. He's interesting, but not yet suited for the Tonight "star" role. He needs more seasoning.

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I agree on the Conan thing, he's at his best before the guests come on and Kimmel is pretty good but it's hard to compare any of them to Letterman in his prime, hell even Letterman now. To me Dave has always been the king of latenight, sorry Carson fans. As far as Ferguson goes, well I think he is cut from the same cloth as Letterman when it comes to "doing his thing". Craig Ferguson is still coming into his own and no one, I mean NO ONE makes love to the camera like him, he makes you believe that your in the same room with him and that will continue to take him a long way in this business.


I liked Kimmel when he was on live in his first year or so, I think he is taped now. Kimmel now is OK but he is far from the best on Late Night. I never got the fascination with Letterman to me I think Letterman's monologue and skits aren't funny and while he is great with guests I think that the guests are the weakest part of any late night show. So to me Letterman is the best at the weakest portion of the formula while Conan is very good at the strong point of the formula.

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I only caught part of the Stern show today so someone who heard the whole discussion correct me if I'm wrong. It seems Howard is considering appearing on Conan before his gig ends to give him a ratings spike that Leno would never be able to match when he comes back at 11:35. I know Howard's hatred for many celebrities is largely schtick (Oprah etc.), but he really seems to despise Leno with a passion.

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I only caught part of the Stern show today so someone who heard the whole discussion correct me if I'm wrong. It seems Howard is considering appearing on Conan before his gig ends to give him a ratings spike that Leno would never be able to match when he comes back at 11:35. I know Howard's hatred for many celebrities is largely schtick (Oprah etc.), but he really seems to despise Leno with a passion.

I would imagine Conan's ratings are going up as we speak. Heck, I even watched last night justto see what the fuss was about. Glad I did, actually. It was hilarious. He basically gave NBC and big FU all night. While all but admitting that he was drunk and just didn't care anymore. It was pretty good. I'll watch again tonight.

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You have to respect the guy for wanting to take care of his staff. Conan and Letterman both seem like class acts in that regard. Leno might be too, but those stories haven't been told like they were for the other two.


If by some chance NBC does try to ice Conan out like that, I would love to see him offer his writing services up to a competitor. NBC couldn't possibly stop him from offering ideas to other shows.

If he leaves NBC, Letterman absolutely HAS to immediately have him on The Late Show, right? The ratings for that would be off the charts as the two of them bond over NBC bashing. It would be hilarious.



I didn't even know people watched Bill Maher.

I assumed they canceled his show after Bush left office. What does he have left to talk about, Sarah Palin's book tour? I can get all the Bill Maher I need by reading Bishop Hedd's posts on PPP.

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I would imagine Conan's ratings are going up as we speak. Heck, I even watched last night justto see what the fuss was about. Glad I did, actually. It was hilarious. He basically gave NBC and big FU all night. While all but admitting that he was drunk and just didn't care anymore. It was pretty good. I'll watch again tonight.


That's the ironic thing the reason Conan worked at 12:30 slot is because he fed off the no one cares I am on so late factor (A thing Craig Ferguson now has mastered) but when he went on to 11:35 on a prestigious hosting spot you can't exactly play off of that because people do care about the "Tonight" show.


But Conan did try very hard to come into being a more professional host. I feel like had they stuck with him for at least another year he would have grown into the role and even brought something different to late night. So now that Conan is getting the ax he is basically saying !@#$ it no one cares I am getting canceled which makes him better because its what he did so well at 12:30.


All I have to say is Leno is washed up and if they think that bringing him back is going to pop the ratings for more then a few months they just aren't very forward thinking.

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I assumed they canceled his show after Bush left office. What does he have left to talk about, Sarah Palin's book tour? I can get all the Bill Maher I need by reading Bishop Hedd's posts on PPP.


Funny...spoken like someone who has never watched Mahers show... :worthy:

His is the only talk show on commercial television that has anything approaching adult conversation...Maher is great at what he does! He is very bright, and knowledgeable... he does his homework... I have been a big fan, since his Comedy Central "Politically Incorrect" show. People who don't watch him (like you I guess) seem to assume that he is ultra-liberal, which seems to discount anything he has to say... but that is not the case at all.


Bush leaving office has not been a big blow to Maher...there is no shortage of idiots out there...

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I liked Kimmel when he was on live in his first year or so, I think he is taped now. Kimmel now is OK but he is far from the best on Late Night. I never got the fascination with Letterman to me I think Letterman's monologue and skits aren't funny and while he is great with guests I think that the guests are the weakest part of any late night show. So to me Letterman is the best at the weakest portion of the formula while Conan is very good at the strong point of the formula.


I agree, I loved his show when it first came on, and he would have a week long guest host (the week Mike Tyson hosted was surreal... he practically forced himself on some hottie, who I can't remember, and Kimmel was awesome, trying to get Big Mike to back down), like the old Merv Griffin and Mike Douglas shows used to do. Early on, he couldn't get any A-list guests, so he had a lot of off-beat guests (like Lettermans original night show on NBC)... I like Kimmel because he is, by far, the most "real" of all the network talk show hosts. His irreverence is very natural... he doesn't really kiss ass, just for the sake of kissing ass.

His monologs are pretty funny most nights too... being dumped by Sara Silverman seems to have sharpened his comedic senses some...

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Funny...spoken like someone who has never watched Mahers show... :worthy:

His is the only talk show on commercial television that has anything approaching adult conversation...Maher is great at what he does! He is very bright, and knowledgeable... he does his homework... I have been a big fan, since his Comedy Central "Politically Incorrect" show. People who don't watch him (like you I guess) seem to assume that he is ultra-liberal, which seems to discount anything he has to say... but that is not the case at all.


Bush leaving office has not been a big blow to Maher...there is no shortage of idiots out there...

I'm not big into politics,but I've seen Maher and didn't come away thinking he was what most people would call a liberal. I thought he was a sort of libertarian-type? I don't know,but he says some really off stuff that makes you think. Reminds me a little of George Carlin.

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I agree, I loved his show when it first came on, and he would have a week long guest host (the week Mike Tyson hosted was surreal... he practically forced himself on some hottie, who I can't remember, and Kimmel was awesome, trying to get Big Mike to back down), like the old Merv Griffin and Mike Douglas shows used to do. Early on, he couldn't get any A-list guests, so he had a lot of off-beat guests (like Lettermans original night show on NBC)... I like Kimmel because he is, by far, the most "real" of all the network talk show hosts. His irreverence is very natural... he doesn't really kiss ass, just for the sake of kissing ass.

His monologs are pretty funny most nights too... being dumped by Sara Silverman seems to have sharpened his comedic senses some...

Kimmel was on a Leno segment last night and really let him have it pretty good...in a funny way of course. Can't believe Leno let that go to air.

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Funny...spoken like someone who has never watched Mahers show... :blink:

His is the only talk show on commercial television that has anything approaching adult conversation...Maher is great at what he does! He is very bright, and knowledgeable... he does his homework... I have been a big fan, since his Comedy Central "Politically Incorrect" show. People who don't watch him (like you I guess) seem to assume that he is ultra-liberal, which seems to discount anything he has to say... but that is not the case at all.


Bush leaving office has not been a big blow to Maher...there is no shortage of idiots out there...



Maher is an arrogant prick who advocates socialism openly....not my idea of entertainment.

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Maher is an arrogant prick who advocates socialism openly....not my idea of entertainment.


So long as the socialism doesn't impact him or the other rich liberals that frequent his show. :blink:


Yes buftex, I have watched his show from time to time but not recently. The times I have watched, he's always had a panel full of left wingers with a token moderate/conservative and they whoop it up while patting themselves on the back for being so enlightened compared to everyone else. I would bet that his attitude and treatment of Obama, Pelosi and the current gang bears little resemblance to his attacks on the government back when the other side was running things. But I'm sure there are still plenty of Sarah Palin jokes.

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So long as the socialism doesn't impact him or the other rich liberals that frequent his show. :blink:


funny thing, maher has said plenty of times on his show and others that the rich- himself included- should be taxed more to help provide universal health care among other things.

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So long as the socialism doesn't impact him or the other rich liberals that frequent his show. :blink:


Yes buftex, I have watched his show from time to time but not recently. The times I have watched, he's always had a panel full of left wingers with a token moderate/conservative and they whoop it up while patting themselves on the back for being so enlightened compared to everyone else. I would bet that his attitude and treatment of Obama, Pelosi and the current gang bears little resemblance to his attacks on the government back when the other side was running things. But I'm sure there are still plenty of Sarah Palin jokes.




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