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Palin signs deal with FOX News

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What a joke... the "fair and balanced" network just keeps getting redder and redder. No denying it now that Fox News is nothing but a conservative mouthpiece! Fascist News Channel in this case chose perhaps the single most ignorant political figure out there! Too pathetic...





Washington (CNN) -- One-time Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin may have sent a clear message to the political world, analysts say, by signing a deal to become a TV commentator.


That message: She's unlikely to run in the 2012 presidential race.


"I do think maybe it suggests, sadly for Democrats, that she might not be running," said Democratic strategist and CNN contributor Paul Begala. "Democrats ... are pretty confident they can defeat Sarah Palin. She's not going to beat Barack Obama."


The former Alaska governor has signed a deal with Fox News to appear as a contributor on the network, a source with knowledge of the agreement confirms to CNN.


There are no plans for Palin to anchor her own program, the source said.


"Let's first hope for [Fox News President] Roger Ailes' sake that she doesn't quit that job the way she quit her job as governor of Alaska," Begala joked.


Nancy Pfotenhauer, a former McCain presidential campaign spokesperson, also indicated that Palin's new job is a possible sign of things to come.


"There's a slight indication she may not run," she said. "I assume this is a business decision on the part of both Fox News and on Gov. Palin's part."





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What a joke... the "fair and balanced" network just keeps getting redder and redder. No denying it now that Fox News is nothing but a conservative mouthpiece! Fascist News Channel in this case chose perhaps the single most ignorant political figure out there! Too pathetic...





Washington (CNN) -- One-time Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin may have sent a clear message to the political world, analysts say, by signing a deal to become a TV commentator.


That message: She's unlikely to run in the 2012 presidential race.


"I do think maybe it suggests, sadly for Democrats, that she might not be running," said Democratic strategist and CNN contributor Paul Begala. "Democrats ... are pretty confident they can defeat Sarah Palin. She's not going to beat Barack Obama."


The former Alaska governor has signed a deal with Fox News to appear as a contributor on the network, a source with knowledge of the agreement confirms to CNN.


There are no plans for Palin to anchor her own program, the source said.


"Let's first hope for [Fox News President] Roger Ailes' sake that she doesn't quit that job the way she quit her job as governor of Alaska," Begala joked.


Nancy Pfotenhauer, a former McCain presidential campaign spokesperson, also indicated that Palin's new job is a possible sign of things to come.


"There's a slight indication she may not run," she said. "I assume this is a business decision on the part of both Fox News and on Gov. Palin's part."





This shows she's always been more interested in money and celebrity status than she ever was in being a politician, since she resigned as Alaska Governor to make money off of a book deal. She knew she was overmatched becoming involved at the VP/Presidential and world level.


I'll look forward to seeing her Fox News clips on various comedy shows.

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What a joke... the "fair and balanced" network just keeps getting redder and redder. No denying it now that Fox News is nothing but a conservative mouthpiece! Fascist News Channel in this case chose perhaps the single most ignorant political figure out there! Too pathetic..


Relax, dude. She's hired to give political commentary, not report the news. If Fox commentators are mostly right of center, so what? Most networks have commentary, reporters and anchors who are left of center. I think it's healthy that we have choices. Sometimes those on the right will watch MSNBC and CNN to see leftwing talking points. Same holds true for Fox. Those on the left, whether they want to admit it or not, do tune in to see what the other side has to say.

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Relax, dude. She's hired to give political commentary, not report the news. If Fox commentators are mostly right of center, so what? Most networks have commentary, reporters and anchors who are left of center. I think it's healthy that we have choices. Sometimes those on the right will watch MSNBC and CNN to see leftwing talking points. Same holds true for Fox. Those on the left, whether they want to admit it or not, do tune in to see what the other side has to say.

It's just that all of the networks now seem to be into polarization of news viewpoints, rather than presenting an unbiased opinion. Fox seemed to push this polarization, but I agree that MSNBC is carrying the left's torch. At least CNN had some competent conservative viewpoints as opposed to that stooge Alan Colmes who was supposed to be the voice of the liberals on Fox. Now they ALL seem to be one extreme or the other. Personally, I get more out of watching the Daily Show, which is at least a laugh because of humor rather than disbelief.

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It's just that all of the networks now seem to be into polarization of news viewpoints, rather than presenting an unbiased opinion.


From a commentary perspective I agree. It drives the political anger quotient off the charts among the masses, but after awhile it loses effect and becomes predictable noise that causes a lot of people to tune out. From a news perspective, though, I like it. Fox is a very valuable watchdog of the left, causing them to face real repercussions if/when they spread disinformation. Same for networks on the left, who keep the right clean with their scrutiny.


As you alluded to, what we are honestly missing from the equation are commentators that are not programmed by the left or the right, and are capable of analyzing the issues from both perspectives without the flaming bias. Of course, the public craves red meat from both sides, not subtle, introspective, genuine discussion.

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Relax, dude. She's hired to give political commentary, not report the news. If Fox commentators are mostly right of center, so what? Most networks have commentary, reporters and anchors who are left of center. I think it's healthy that we have choices. Sometimes those on the right will watch MSNBC and CNN to see leftwing talking points. Same holds true for Fox. Those on the left, whether they want to admit it or not, do tune in to see what the other side has to say.


I agree. I think it is healthy to finally have polarized media choices back in our society.


Our country was founded on polarized choices... Only in the last 80 or so years has this changed (Radio and TV). I am Glad we are getting back to our roots.

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Who the !@#$ is Bob Beckel?




At least Pat B screwed up the vote in FLA during the 2000 Prez election.

The fact that you don't know who Bob Beckel is doesn't mean that NO ONE knows who he is. You'll also find Alan Colmes on Fox as well. I'm not arguing this makes Fox fair and balanced, but they often have people representing the left on many of their shows. Unfortunately, all you end up with is someone from the right arguing talking points with someone from the left, but since you brought it up...


I would also note that I've seen Barney Frank on O'Reilly more than a few times, and to be honest, it's always fun to watch.

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