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Favorite Actors {Present Day--Deceased--Foreign--Deceased}


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Lemmie hear em.....



Present--Al Pacino/Denzel Washington


Deceased-- Mitchum/Bogie


Present Foreign--Alain Delon/Daniel Auteuil


Foreign Deceased--Toshiro Mifune/Jean Gabin


Present: Crispin Glover/Chris Eigeman

deceased: James Mason/Timothy Carey

Present Foreign: Jean-Paul Belmondo (not really present, but still alive)

Foreign deceased: Jean Gabin (Moontide is totally the cat's ass)

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Present: Michael Emerson (Ben on "Lost"), Laura Linney :D , Alan Alda (tho, not sure it's right to put a M*A*S*H nod in a "present" category), Harrison Ford rarely disappoints


Deceased: Cary Grant, Paul Newman


Foreign: Matthew MacFadyen, Audrey Tatou, and I've gotta agree on Daniel Auteuil ("Jean de Florette/Manon des Sources")


Foreign Deceased: Yves Montand, Paul Eddington & Nigel Hawthorne (tho, they had the benefit of great writing on "Yes, (Prime) Minister)

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Lemmie hear em.....



Present--Al Pacino/Denzel Washington


Deceased-- Mitchum/Bogie


Present Foreign--Alain Delon/Daniel Auteuil


Foreign Deceased--Toshiro Mifune/Jean Gabin

Present(alive) -Mickey Rooney

Deceased-Jackie Gleason/Bogie/Oliver Hardy

Present Foreign-hmmm

Foreign Deceased-Alec Guiness/David Niven/Stan Laurel

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Favorite Deceased - Nicolas Cage....hey, a guy can dream can't he.

I know he's a favorite whipping boy but Cage doesn't bother me. I actually enjoyed National Treasure.


Current: Harrison Ford, Connery


Deceased: Brando, John Wayne (grew up on his stuff), Monroe, Hepburn





Least favorite--narrow minded of me, but I won't put a nickle into the pockets of Tom Cruise or John Travolta.

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I know he's a favorite whipping boy but Cage doesn't bother me. I actually enjoyed National Treasure.


Current: Harrison Ford, Connery


Deceased: Brando, John Wayne (grew up on his stuff), Monroe, Hepburn





Least favorite--narrow minded of me, but I won't put a nickle into the pockets of Tom Cruise or John Travolta.


I enjoyed National Treasure as well, but that's about the only Cage movie I can really think of that I liked.

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Present--Dan Aykroyd, Robert Deniro


Dan Aykroyd is very underrated... he has the ability to create something out of nothing, and is perhaps the best unscripted actor of our generation.


Deceased-- Burgess Meredith, Jimmy Stewart


Burgess Meredith was blackballed in the 50's unfairly, and has always been to me a very passionate actor that could be a lead or a supporting actor- comedy, suspense, drama... very, very talented.


Present Foreign-- Alan Rickman, Daniel Day Lewis


Alan Rickman and Daniel Day Lewis both do far too few movies for my tastes... they are outstanding in every movie. EVERY movie...


Foreign Deceased-- Sir Alec Guinness, Charlie Chaplin


I'm afraid that most people have not seen that many of their movies, but growing up I can remember being awed by their presence in the movies they acted in... and the Chaplin scenes in The Kid and The Great Dictator still move me every time I see them.

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surprised no love for Tom Hanks, I think he does a great job in mostly anything he does. also really like the work of Phillip Seymour Hoffman.


Nice call out on Dan Ackroyd, he really rises above his SNL days and his 'acting' shines through

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