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Dear Mr. Wilson, I Am Done With The Bills.


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Oh god, same old tired rebuttal. This is about the entire organization and what it has become. Loyalty is definitely an asset, but you can't be a blind follower either.

You're bitching about personnel moves like a little girl...man up and realize you don't know everything

Are you wealthy off the lottery? Because if you ain't, there's no !@#$ing way you know that Frazier or Harbaugh or whoever else we may hire will work out...give it a rest and grow up.

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You're bitching about personnel moves like a little girl...man up and realize you don't know everything

Are you wealthy off the lottery? Because if you ain't, there's no !@#$ing way you know that Frazier or Harbaugh or whoever else we may hire will work out...give it a rest and grow up.



Who the f*ck said I knew who would work out as head coach? I am talking about actually showing some respect to the fans for the first time in years and us as fans standing up and demanding accountability. I'm arguing for you too you stupid ass.


By the way, what difference does it make how much money I have?

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Dear Buffalo Bills and Bills Fans Worldwide:


(forgive me if this is a bit long)


I've been watching the Bills since I was 9 years old back in 1988. I have followed them through thick and thin. I can honestly say that if the Bills hire Leslie Frazier or another up and comming coordinator to be the head coach instead of doing whatever it takes to get a proven leader in here, than I am done with this organization. You will have to prove to me that this team is worth MY TIME instead of the other way around.


I do not take this decision lightly, nor do I go off spouting idle threats or feeling sorry for myself or other fans. This decision is based in common sense and logic. It has been a long time dream of mine to watch the Bills win a Superbowl standing next to my father as we celebrate together. But the older he gets, and this franchise becomes more of a joke, the time invested seems like a complete waste. The older I get, and more responsibilities I take on, I find myself having less and less time to commit to passions of my youth. All of my time has become a premium that must be divided among my family, firends, work, clients, and just living life. The older I get and more responsibilities I have as a husband, a son, a future father, and a business owner leaves me less and less time everyday for personal activiites like watching the Bills. The fact that my free time is decreasing everyday, every minute becomes more and more important and I have less and less of it to waste on an organization that is not commited to their fans.


The fact that this organization has lost for years is not what really depresses me, the idea that this team has become a joke, and the management will cease to do anything to correct it is what really concerns me. It should be TRAVESTY to this organization that qualified coaches are not jumping at that chance to captain this ship. The idea that the front office has bought into the idea that being the head coach of the Buffalo Bills is a second rate job is not only stunning and dissapointing, but also unbelievably disrespectful to the fans and the enitre region of Western New York.


This organization has shown zero commitment to make this franchise better for the people who have dedicated enormous amounts of their time, energy and money to it. This organization hired an inside candidate to take the GM position without even looking outside the organization, when the enitre NFL universe knows that the entire organization is completely dysfunctional, full of "yes men" and incompentant. This organization has ruined and injured countless promising players and ended careers prematurly due to the desire to not pay for competent help when players have been injured, thus leaving the players they actually do care about exposed to depending on teammates who are not skilled enough to proetect them. This organization has let pride and ego get in the way of winning, running some of the best football minds in the business out the door over petty arguements and personal vendettas. This organization has managed to turn what used to be one of the best blue collar franchises in American Sports history into a depressed joke of franchise that has become a punch line waiting to be put out of it's misery.


Medicority is not tollerated in my business, or in my life, and will not be tolerated by the franchises I chose to spend my very valuable time and money on. This is it Bills, start making some serious moves to make this organization better or start losing fans.


I encourage all Bills fans to hear this letter and demand today that the Bills truly commit to becoming a winning organization that we can be proud of. It is D-DAY in Bills Nation and the organization needs to hear our plea. Get to fixing these problems or dare I say it......... get the hell out of Wetsern New York and let us get on with our lives

Poor grammar aside, I feel your pain. I resigned December 31st, 2008.



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Oh god, same old tired rebuttal. This is about the entire organization and what it has become. Loyalty is definitely an asset, but you can't be a blind follower either.

Dont get it twisted I am loyal to a point.


I will always be a fan, no doubt, but I don't drink the Koolaid when its does not have enough sugar.


True the organization at OBD needs an over hall, but I am not convinced it will happen with Ralph at the control either.


But that does not stop me from being a fan, all we can do is hope that they make the right decisions in the offseason. Sad to say that during the last 10 yrs they have not but every dog finds a bone once in a while, maybe the cards will fall right for them in the near future.


I dont worry about things I cant control, but I can sure post to a message board an let them know at OBD I am not happy.


But to just plain give up on them that's something I cant do, to many years invested , 37 yrs now, since I was 9. :flirt:

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True, but I think you are missing my point.


I quoted exactly what you said. You had to know by coming here and posting this that you'd end up getting flame sprayed. This is a Buffalo Bills fan website the is frequented by believe it or not DIE HARD BILLS FANS.

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Who the f*ck said I knew who would work out as head coach? I am talking about actually showing some respect to the fans for the first time in years and us as fans standing up and demanding accountability. I'm arguing for you too you stupid ass.


By the way, what difference does it make how much money I have?

look at the opening paragraph in your post...you'll give up on the team if they hire a coordinator instead of someone who's proven.. why?

You seem to think you know we'll fail if we don't get a proven coach so that suggests psychic powers...if you ain't using them to win the lottery, you're wasting them.

Oh, and if you're gonna start calling me names, you better be man enough to do it to my face instead of from behind a keyboard like a coward

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Dear Buffalo Bills and Bills Fans Worldwide:


(forgive me if this is a bit long)


I've been watching the Bills since I was 9 years old back in 1988. I have followed them through thick and thin. I can honestly say that if the Bills hire Leslie Frazier or another up and comming coordinator to be the head coach instead of doing whatever it takes to get a proven leader in here, than I am done with this organization. You will have to prove to me that this team is worth MY TIME instead of the other way around.


I do not take this decision lightly, nor do I go off spouting idle threats or feeling sorry for myself or other fans. This decision is based in common sense and logic. It has been a long time dream of mine to watch the Bills win a Superbowl standing next to my father as we celebrate together. But the older he gets, and this franchise becomes more of a joke, the time invested seems like a complete waste. The older I get, and more responsibilities I take on, I find myself having less and less time to commit to passions of my youth. All of my time has become a premium that must be divided among my family, firends, work, clients, and just living life. The older I get and more responsibilities I have as a husband, a son, a future father, and a business owner leaves me less and less time everyday for personal activiites like watching the Bills. The fact that my free time is decreasing everyday, every minute becomes more and more important and I have less and less of it to waste on an organization that is not commited to their fans.


The fact that this organization has lost for years is not what really depresses me, the idea that this team has become a joke, and the management will cease to do anything to correct it is what really concerns me. It should be TRAVESTY to this organization that qualified coaches are not jumping at that chance to captain this ship. The idea that the front office has bought into the idea that being the head coach of the Buffalo Bills is a second rate job is not only stunning and dissapointing, but also unbelievably disrespectful to the fans and the enitre region of Western New York.


This organization has shown zero commitment to make this franchise better for the people who have dedicated enormous amounts of their time, energy and money to it. This organization hired an inside candidate to take the GM position without even looking outside the organization, when the enitre NFL universe knows that the entire organization is completely dysfunctional, full of "yes men" and incompentant. This organization has ruined and injured countless promising players and ended careers prematurly due to the desire to not pay for competent help when players have been injured, thus leaving the players they actually do care about exposed to depending on teammates who are not skilled enough to proetect them. This organization has let pride and ego get in the way of winning, running some of the best football minds in the business out the door over petty arguements and personal vendettas. This organization has managed to turn what used to be one of the best blue collar franchises in American Sports history into a depressed joke of franchise that has become a punch line waiting to be put out of it's misery.


Medicority is not tollerated in my business, or in my life, and will not be tolerated by the franchises I chose to spend my very valuable time and money on. This is it Bills, start making some serious moves to make this organization better or start losing fans.


I encourage all Bills fans to hear this letter and demand today that the Bills truly commit to becoming a winning organization that we can be proud of. It is D-DAY in Bills Nation and the organization needs to hear our plea. Get to fixing these problems or dare I say it......... get the hell out of Wetsern New York and let us get on with our lives

Do you think Mr. Willson reads or even knows about this web site? My opinion is NO! Nor would he care if your not going to root for the Bills next year. Do us a favor and toss your computer out the window. Stop waisting the time of the fans who do care about the Bills. Don't just post threats. Do it!!

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So (to the OP) ... you're telling me that your first year as a fan was the year that we won the AFC East, clinching in week 12? That took a lot of dedication on your part. The problem with starting your fandom at that point is you became spoiled early on ... if only you were a fan a mere 5 years earlier and lived through back to back 2-14 years ... those are the seasons that cement your fanaticism for life. Be a fan of the team or don't be ... there is no need to tell us what you're doing.

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So (to the OP) ... you're telling me that your first year as a fan was the year that we won the AFC East, clinching in week 12? That took a lot of dedication on your part. The problem with starting your fandom at that point is you became spoiled early on ... if only you were a fan a mere 5 years earlier and lived through back to back 2-14 years ... those are the seasons that cement your fanaticism for life. Be a fan of the team or don't be ... there is no need to tell us what you're doing.

quoted for truth...only thing being done is drawing attention to yourself...and not in a positive way

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look at the opening paragraph in your post...you'll give up on the team if they hire a coordinator instead of someone who's proven.. why?

You seem to think you know we'll fail if we don't get a proven coach so that suggests psychic powers...if you ain't using them to win the lottery, you're wasting them.

Oh, and if you're gonna start calling me names, you better be man enough to do it to my face instead of from behind a keyboard like a coward



Dude how old are you? Ok bro I'm like 6'4 and 280 and I work out all the time so I can kick your ass!!!! Grow up man. By the way the post is about showing a commitment to the fans. Hiring a coordinator hardly does that...would you disagree?

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Dear Buffalo Bills and Bills Fans Worldwide:


(forgive me if this is a bit long)


I've been watching the Bills since I was 9 years old back in 1988. I have followed them through thick and thin. I can honestly say that if the Bills hire Leslie Frazier or another up and comming coordinator to be the head coach instead of doing whatever it takes to get a proven leader in here, than I am done with this organization. You will have to prove to me that this team is worth MY TIME instead of the other way around.


I do not take this decision lightly, nor do I go off spouting idle threats or feeling sorry for myself or other fans. This decision is based in common sense and logic. It has been a long time dream of mine to watch the Bills win a Superbowl standing next to my father as we celebrate together. But the older he gets, and this franchise becomes more of a joke, the time invested seems like a complete waste. The older I get, and more responsibilities I take on, I find myself having less and less time to commit to passions of my youth. All of my time has become a premium that must be divided among my family, firends, work, clients, and just living life. The older I get and more responsibilities I have as a husband, a son, a future father, and a business owner leaves me less and less time everyday for personal activiites like watching the Bills. The fact that my free time is decreasing everyday, every minute becomes more and more important and I have less and less of it to waste on an organization that is not commited to their fans.


The fact that this organization has lost for years is not what really depresses me, the idea that this team has become a joke, and the management will cease to do anything to correct it is what really concerns me. It should be TRAVESTY to this organization that qualified coaches are not jumping at that chance to captain this ship. The idea that the front office has bought into the idea that being the head coach of the Buffalo Bills is a second rate job is not only stunning and dissapointing, but also unbelievably disrespectful to the fans and the enitre region of Western New York.


This organization has shown zero commitment to make this franchise better for the people who have dedicated enormous amounts of their time, energy and money to it. This organization hired an inside candidate to take the GM position without even looking outside the organization, when the enitre NFL universe knows that the entire organization is completely dysfunctional, full of "yes men" and incompentant. This organization has ruined and injured countless promising players and ended careers prematurly due to the desire to not pay for competent help when players have been injured, thus leaving the players they actually do care about exposed to depending on teammates who are not skilled enough to proetect them. This organization has let pride and ego get in the way of winning, running some of the best football minds in the business out the door over petty arguements and personal vendettas. This organization has managed to turn what used to be one of the best blue collar franchises in American Sports history into a depressed joke of franchise that has become a punch line waiting to be put out of it's misery.


Medicority is not tollerated in my business, or in my life, and will not be tolerated by the franchises I chose to spend my very valuable time and money on. This is it Bills, start making some serious moves to make this organization better or start losing fans.


I encourage all Bills fans to hear this letter and demand today that the Bills truly commit to becoming a winning organization that we can be proud of. It is D-DAY in Bills Nation and the organization needs to hear our plea. Get to fixing these problems or dare I say it......... get the hell out of Wetsern New York and let us get on with our lives


I like the Bills being in WNY numb nuts speak for yourself. If the Bills get a coach you don't like you don't want to be a fan anymore boo hoo you'll be the first back on the wagon once they start winning. And by the way the whole 'Bills Nation' is such a douche phrase

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