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Anyone else feel like just giving up?

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tbarrett should not receive the message that he is what he is because he is 21-years-old. That's sort of a 1970s, high school teacher in the middle of Appalachia mentality that hasn't died as quickly as it should it pockets of the states. That's simultaneously a very egregiously silly, destructive thing to say to a young person. Mostly 'cause it's not really true.


There are plenty of 21-year-olds who can handle being told they are wrong without having a 4 page long semantics argument or flying off the handle, plenty of 40-somethings who can't. That is much more an issue of personal responsibility to growing up and not being a lunatic then just generally growing up to be able to live in society.


With certain people, they're going to think when they're 40 that they were stupid when they were 20. Then when they're 60 it was that they were stupid when they were 40. And then 80 to 60. And so on.


And then you just realize that they went through their entire lives excusing themselves from being stupid. I should point out that I am not 21, nor am I attacking tbarrett (and I hope he understands that). There is little actual measurable evidence that says that a 45-year old has any sort of neurological advantage over a 21-year-old. In fact, quite the opposite. By 21, a far greater number of people have developed their full cognition than say, a 17-year-old, where its like 1 in 10.

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I know that Murra acted like a jackass in the Sabres thread and set you off. But I was just trying to lighten things up by having a little fun with you and welcoming you into the club with some mildly witty repartee.

If that's how you're going to act every time somebody tries to have some fun with you perhaps you should just leave now because your onion skin isn't going to make it around here.

And btw if you're going to have a hissy fit because somebody says you don't know hockey, maybe you shouldn't be running around insulting people by telling them they're not real fans. :wallbash:

Amen brother!

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"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt"


"Insults only make people stronger"



-I like the insults, keep them coming... Just shows peoples immaturity

my suggestion. dont let it get to you. i have been insulted before. here is how i react.


"If you feelin' like a pimp nigga, go and brush your shoulders off " jayz (best rapper alive)


im confident in who i am. thats how u have to be. you sound pretty confident. good grades. in college. "not mad at ya. got nothing but love for ya" (tu pac)


ps. if u are going to defend every little thing said to you, you will not have fun here. by all means, stay. but u will have hang a little bit. in other words, have fun with it.


and who cares what people think about you man? check it: i just made two rap references. you all may think thats my favorite music genre. its not.

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I got into a conversation last night with one of my neighbors who is also a Bills fan. We were talking about this year's disaster and the futility of the last 10 years. We discussed the coaching search and I told him my biggest fear is that we get another hot coordinator and it turns into another one of these 3 year disaster stints.


We also discussed why someone like Cowher might not want to coach the Bills. We love this team and we think that it should be a great job for every coach. As fans of the team we have trouble seeing through our own bias but when you stand back and look at the last 15 years it's not hard to understand. After an amazing SB run everyone responsible for that team is either fired or leaves prematurely. The only one that stuck around was Levy. Our owner is regarded as meddlesome and our management structure is laughable. Added to that pile of issues is the fact that our owner is 90+ years old and we have no idea what will happen to the team when he passes.


Every year I put myself through the emotional roller coaster of hope-reality-despair. Why do we continue to punish ourselves?


In the end, we both agreed that life would be simpler if we could just cut ties and jump to another team. The problem is that being a Bills fan isn't something you decide, it's something you are. Rooting for another team might give me hope but it just feels dirty.


So how to cope when your team is in disarray........................



I feel like giving up. I watch Bills games b/c it's habit but I no longer get excited and somewhat nervous watching them. i grew up spoiled during the Kelly era. I recall how excited I would be waking up Sunday morning. This has been an awful decade for my relationship with the Bills. And a sense of dread is beginning to take hold as I anticipate the Frazier hire; the same dread I felt with DJ hire.


I'm tired of watching "real" franchises operate in comparison to the Bills. How exciting it must be to for Seahawk and Redskin fans. Not to say that Carroll or Shanny succeed, but please!!


any hope, this is report smokes Cowher out?

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Well because im a loyal die hard Bills fan, clearly you are not if you have a urge to give up on supporting them



been routing for this team for 35+ years.. and if they leave Buffalo I'm not even watching the NFl anymore cause I will never be bale to have loyalty to any other city fo rany reason. Even though I live north of Seattle I still can't get into the Seahwks liek th eI do the Bills.


So if the Bills do not hire a proven experienced HC I will reduce my participation to fair weather fan, and if they look to be a SB contender again someday at that point I will jump back on.


But I'm not going to suffer through what we have the last 10 years. I barely watched 70% of hte games this year and there is no way I'm spending $300 on the sunday ticket/Superfan to watch this mess without a real reason like a real coach.



If any of you are really so stupid as to blindly follow this team because its better then not having a team well then you are a world class sucker

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Nope already have graduated High School, with a 94.567% GPA thank you very much, currently in college with a 3.689 GPA


Gotta love adults that like to insult other people over something so small (like me not seeing a movie). Shows how "mature" alot of adults like you are


Hamburger University seems to be dropping their minimum requirements these days huh?

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