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Anyone else feel like just giving up?

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"I used to cry because I had no shoes, until I met a man with no legs."


Bills fans ought to think about what it would be like being a Rams, Lions or Raiders fan before launching into the "woe is us" routine. How would you like to start the season wondering if you will even win one game?? As bad as it is missing the playoffs 10 straight years we have been in the hunt for most of those seasons. So to say we are the worst team in the NFL is an exaggeration.


But if you want to follow a different NFL team, go right ahead. No one is being held prisoner here. If there is a reason why real fans put up with this its that when we do hit the jackpot it will be the sweetest moment ever. Anyone can be a Yankees fan or a Pats* fan or a Chicago Bulls fan when Michael Jordan played. But what is the challenge in cheering for a team that is virtually guaranteed to win? There is no virtue in being a front runner.



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I guess only "true fans" are blindly loyal and don't allow themselves to lament or criticize years or decades of bad management or futility. Wish we all had your constitution.


APUS is another resident poster who knows better than to question the future and stability of the franchise. Don't take it personally, there are several of them around here that question the fact that we wonder if this team will ever return to being a top NFL team.


Mostly, these posters show up during the offseason to talk up how next season will be better. And without variation, they're wrong. I've seen it happen for three going on four offseasons now.

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i'm not blindly loyal, I just don't kick and scream and whine cause the team didnt make the moves I wanted them too, and I don't feel like I know more then they do, or that just because the media hasn't made info public that they aren't doing things behind the scenes. You will find that life can be much better if the decisions of the team bothers you so much if you just find a team that makes the choices you want. No one is holding a gun to your head to stay a fan. If you don't like the teams decisions, buy them and run them how you want, or, go become the GM, or head coach, or get a job working for the team. It can't be that hard, the fans here seem to always make the right choices

Clearly, it's futile to explain, but I think you've completely missed the poster's point. Suffice to say, he won't walk in your shoes, nor you in his.

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Is 2030 the year you'll graduate high school? :thumbsup:

Nope already have graduated High School, with a 94.567% GPA thank you very much, currently in college with a 3.689 GPA


Gotta love adults that like to insult other people over something so small (like me not seeing a movie). Shows how "mature" alot of adults like you are

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Fans are so deprived of a winner around here we seem to have some sort of blinding bliss every off season.


We all keep thinking that somehow the stars will align and the QB coach who never called plays before will become an offensive wizard.

The offensive line lacking its best player who was traded away will suddenly start playing like all pro's, even the 2 rookies and new center.

The QB's who took over 100+ hits this year will play like Brett Farve and the pain will never bother them, like timex watches they will keep ticking and play great.


The reality is that we know the team will stink because the coaches have a history of losing before they are even hired, or are first time coaches and for some inexplicable reason someone thinks they can suddenly be a head coach.


We all know if the Bills hire another wannabe it will be another long three years, very depressing.

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"I used to cry because I had no shoes, until I met a man with no legs."


Bills fans ought to think about what it would be like being a Rams, Lions or Raiders fan before launching into the "woe is us" routine. How would you like to start the season wondering if you will even win one game?? As bad as it is missing the playoffs 10 straight years we have been in the hunt for most of those seasons. So to say we are the worst team in the NFL is an exaggeration.


But if you want to follow a different NFL team, go right ahead. No one is being held prisoner here. If there is a reason why real fans put up with this its that when we do hit the jackpot it will be the sweetest moment ever. Anyone can be a Yankees fan or a Pats* fan or a Chicago Bulls fan when Michael Jordan played. But what is the challenge in cheering for a team that is virtually guaranteed to win? There is no virtue in being a front runner.




At least Rams and Raiders fans can say that they've won a championship. Lions fans, well.....even I feel bad for them.

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Nope already have graduated High School, with a 94.567% GPA thank you very much, currently in college with a 3.689 GPA


Gotta love adults that like to insult other people over something so small (like me not seeing a movie). Shows how "mature" alot of adults like you are




Thanks for posting your averages... It helped.



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How can anyone have not seen the movie Animal House? Back when I was in college, you had a 15% chance that the movie was playing somewhere in the dorm at any given moment.



it's a classic......do yourself a favor and rent it.


Idk, Ive never been a "big" old movie person. I usually only watch movies when I go to the movie theaters with my friends. And when I watch movies its based on history or sports. Because people so have preferences you know?


Maybe I will have to go rent it, since I have nothing to do this weekend anyways.

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Nope already have graduated High School, with a 94.567% GPA thank you very much, currently in college with a 3.689 GPA


Gotta love adults that like to insult other people over something so small (like me not seeing a movie). Shows how "mature" alot of adults like you are


Two questions:


1. Do you pity any janitors?

2. Do you go to school at an Ivy-League caliber university?

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Nope already have graduated High School, with a 94.567% GPA thank you very much, currently in college with a 3.689 GPA


Gotta love adults that like to insult other people over something so small (like me not seeing a movie). Shows how "mature" alot of adults like you are

I know that Murra acted like a jackass in the Sabres thread and set you off. But I was just trying to lighten things up by having a little fun with you and welcoming you into the club with some mildly witty repartee.

If that's how you're going to act every time somebody tries to have some fun with you perhaps you should just leave now because your onion skin isn't going to make it around here.

And btw if you're going to have a hissy fit because somebody says you don't know hockey, maybe you shouldn't be running around insulting people by telling them they're not real fans. :thumbsup:

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Ok, this thread was about giving up on the Bills. The FAR more important fact that has come out of this is that there is a football fan that has never seen Animal House AND he's in college.


Please re-title the thread to match the more important topic that has arisen.

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