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Here's a Tidbit from Paterson's State of the State Address

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Gov. Paterson mentioned a few things in his address the other day that sounded exciting. The challenge is, how does he pull it off with the most corrupt, lazy, do nothing legislature on the planet?


Notebale, among other things, he stated...


* upstate has been ignored way too long and must be the epicenter for NY revitalization

* going to revitalize and expand the Erie Canal corridor

* focus on three upstate cities to bring back manf. and high tech jobs... Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse.

* Buffalo is the first and primary focus as there is an inventory of 23,000 homes that would be attractive and could house the influx of people with the tech and manufacturing jobs.


One bit of activity that will take place soon is the remake of the Thruway between the toll booths at the east and southern ends of Buffalo. I believe that is starting up this spring, as I am close to the person who is with the company that floated the bond for that projecxt as well as the recent reconstruction of the Thruway east bound from Weedsport to Baldwinsville.


Obviously... as far as the fiscal matters, Patterson has had the biggest set of balls I've seen form a NYS governor in years... especially for a democrat. He hammered specifically on the union folk... although he used the term special interest and powerful lobby that only serve there own interest at the expense of the rest of the NewYorkers. I was also shocked that a Dem would call for term limits, new ethics charter that makes it mandatory for any poltician to dsiclose what businesses they are affiliated or envoled in, and an ethics board... that's right, an ethics board to police the criminals we elected.


Although his poll numbers for re-election were bad a few months ago, he's had a resurgence. If nothing else, he's put the legislature on notice and setting them up for a blood bath at the polls this fall. The voters clearly favor Paterson over the legislature and are with him on the changes he's called for. The funny thing is, that it's his own party that's opposing him. If the legislature still doesn't get it now, we'll remind them in November. There's going to be some serious carnage, and the Dems could take a thrashing this fall.


Lets hope ther's a huge shake up in Albany... it can't make the Bills situation any worse... only better.

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If he really wants to help Buffalo and WNY, pass UB2020 already. UB is planning a huge expansion of students and is going to build a new downtown campus. There's also some money going into new athletic facilities to make UB more attractive to recruits.



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is he serious about this? Is there any more specifics in what he is planning to do here?


Dude... It's an election year for him and the Dems have thrown him under the bus. He's running for re-election which has totally pissed off the DNC because now they can't put up their chosen one, Andrew Cuomo, for office... also known as more of the same liberla tax and spend hooey.


So... the things he said he wants, if his own party doesn't get behind him on, they are going down big time in November. NY taxpayers have had enough... and the most wealthy are packing up and leaving (see Bob Golisano).


He's doing away with the empire zone bull **** in lieu of the excelsior program which targets big business... like Intel, Toyota, etc.


He also wants national chains and franchises to be headquartered upstate.


yeah... he's serious... but he can't do **** without the legislature behind him... which is basically all Dems.


we'll see.

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Gov. Paterson mentioned a few things in his address the other day that sounded exciting. The challenge is, how does he pull it off with the most corrupt, lazy, do nothing legislature on the planet?


Notebale, among other things, he stated...


* upstate has been ignored way too long and must be the epicenter for NY revitalization

* going to revitalize and expand the Erie Canal corridor

* focus on three upstate cities to bring back manf. and high tech jobs... Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse.

* Buffalo is the first and primary focus as there is an inventory of 23,000 homes that would be attractive and could house the influx of people with the tech and manufacturing jobs.


One bit of activity that will take place soon is the remake of the Thruway between the toll booths at the east and southern ends of Buffalo. I believe that is starting up this spring, as I am close to the person who is with the company that floated the bond for that projecxt as well as the recent reconstruction of the Thruway east bound from Weedsport to Baldwinsville.


Obviously... as far as the fiscal matters, Patterson has had the biggest set of balls I've seen form a NYS governor in years... especially for a democrat. He hammered specifically on the union folk... although he used the term special interest and powerful lobby that only serve there own interest at the expense of the rest of the NewYorkers. I was also shocked that a Dem would call for term limits, new ethics charter that makes it mandatory for any poltician to dsiclose what businesses they are affiliated or envoled in, and an ethics board... that's right, an ethics board to police the criminals we elected.


Although his poll numbers for re-election were bad a few months ago, he's had a resurgence. If nothing else, he's put the legislature on notice and setting them up for a blood bath at the polls this fall. The voters clearly favor Paterson over the legislature and are with him on the changes he's called for. The funny thing is, that it's his own party that's opposing him. If the legislature still doesn't get it now, we'll remind them in November. There's going to be some serious carnage, and the Dems could take a thrashing this fall.


Lets hope ther's a huge shake up in Albany... it can't make the Bills situation any worse... only better.

If I were living in NY, I'd be voting for this guy without a doubt. He's supporting WNY, unlike that b***h Clinton who used NY as a stepping stone and did nothing for WNY as Senator.

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If I were living in NY, I'd be voting for this guy without a doubt. He's supporting WNY, unlike that b***h Clinton who used NY as a stepping stone and did nothing for WNY as Senator.


If he's not talking about huge state-wide spending cuts, supporting WNY alone won't get NYS out of the woods.

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