RkFast Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 Im not going to excuse some of the behavior. But as LA pointed out, AS LIKE WHEN A LEFT-SIDED PROTEST ATTRACTS THE FRINGE WEIRDOS, the right-sided ones do, too. Like the Larouche nuts. RThats part of the protest game. You have to expect and account for that. As far as the town hall meetings. Again...not very cool. But Ive been to town halls to discuss such "hot topics" like variances for multi-use bike paths and have seen similar behavior from some folks. So again...such behavior is part of the deal with meetings like that. its not right...its ugly...but its an aspect of it thats real, regardless of the subject or idealogy in play.
Gene Frenkle Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 Im not going to excuse some of the behavior. But as LA pointed out, AS LIKE WHEN A LEFT-SIDED PROTEST ATTRACTS THE FRINGE WEIRDOS, the right-sided ones do, too. Like the Larouche nuts. RThats part of the protest game. You have to expect and account for that. As far as the town hall meetings. Again...not very cool. But Ive been to town halls to discuss such "hot topics" like variances for multi-use bike paths and have seen similar behavior from some folks. So again...such behavior is part of the deal with meetings like that. its not right...its ugly...but its an aspect of it thats real, regardless of the subject or idealogy in play. Do what you will - we live in a democracy after all. If you go about it in the wrong way, people outside of the "movement" will not take you seriously, as evidenced by the fact that nobody seems to be paying attention right now. In my view, the term "Teabagger" has become nothing more than a (possibly negative) re-branding of "Republican" or "Conservative". Call yourselves what you will. Just my opinion of course.
John Adams Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 I seem to have hit a nerve. You jackasses sure seem passionate at least, kind of like rabid football fans. I think that all you need to know about the Teabag "movement" is their favorite tactic of shouting down anyone who doesn't agree with what they are saying. There is no expressed logic or reason to their protest. They simply don't like the president and have very public temper tantrums to convey this fact. Then you brainiacs come to the rescue with post-hoc rationalizations as to why these retards are acting like children. In the end, it really amount to nothing more than towing the party line, which is fine. It would just be nice if real debate was being employed instead of these silly tactics. I doubt many independents are swayed by such childish behavior. It does little to convince anyone who is not pre-convinced. Isn't shouting down people at meetings a traditional left-wing tactic? Why is the tactic a problem now?
Magox Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 If you were a true patriot you would support the office of president, right? Funking hypocrites! You see Gene, I did this ignorant generalization thingy that you always do, of course I don't believe that Libs are unpatriotic, or that they don't love America, I basically repeated what you just did, except I used the typical ignorant generalization that is used against Libs. Poor Gene, always the last one to get it. Talk about Hypocrite, look in the mirror fool
Gene Frenkle Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 Isn't shouting down people at meetings a traditional left-wing tactic? Why is the tactic a problem now? I can't speak for anyone else, but it's certainly not my tactic, dude. Plus, it doesn't matter who engages in such behavior - it's still awful. I would never support such a mentality outside of, say, the Ralph.
Magox Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 Yes, YOU did. After the fact. Not the morons shouting down whatever at town hall meeting. That's my point. It's post-hoc rationalization for childish behavior. Also, nobody is paying attention outside of the "movement". Good luck with that. Yet another ignorant and uninformed statement from Mr. Ignoramo http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2009/12/16/w...nd-republicans/ The loosely organized group made of up mostly conservative activists and independent voters that’s come to be known as the Tea Party movement currently boasts higher favorability ratings than either the Democratic or Republican Parties, according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll coming out later today. More than four in 10, 41%, of respondents said they had a very or somewhat favorable view of the Tea Party movement, while 24% said they had a somewhat or very negative view of the group. The Tea Party movement gained notoriety over the summer following a series of protests in Washington, D.C. and other cities over government spending and other U.S. economic policies. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party, which controls both the White House and Congress, has a 35% positive rating compared with a 45% negative rating. The Republican Party identifies closest to the Tea Party movement’s ideology, but the group has also caused splits within the GOP. Republicans currently hold a 28% favorability rating compared with a 43% negative one. You are on a roll today Gene, keep it up buddy
Gene Frenkle Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 You see Gene, I did this ignorant generalization thingy that you always do, of course I don't believe that Libs are unpatriotic, or that they don't love America, I basically repeated what you just did, except I used the typical ignorant generalization that is used against Libs. Poor Gene, always the last one to get it. Talk about Hypocrite, look in the mirror fool How am I a hypocrite? I'm simply repeating the all-too-common post-911 conservative battle cry.
Gene Frenkle Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 Yet another ignorant and uninformed statement from Mr. Ignoramo http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2009/12/16/w...nd-republicans/ You are on a roll today Gene, keep it up buddy You sure do seem to have your panties in a bunch today.
IDBillzFan Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 I think that all you need to know about the Teabag "movement" is their favorite tactic of shouting down anyone who doesn't agree with what they are saying. There is no expressed logic or reason to their protest. They simply don't like the president and have very public temper tantrums to convey this fact. Then you brainiacs come to the rescue with post-hoc rationalizations as to why these retards are acting like children. In the end, it really amount to nothing more than towing the party line, which is fine. It would just be nice if real debate was being employed instead of these silly tactics. I doubt many independents are swayed by such childish behavior. It does little to convince anyone who is not pre-convinced. You're living off of DailyKos talking points, and I can't blame you for that, but you can't STOP thinking once you get to a point that you like. Yes, initially there was a lot of yelling and shouting because people were pissed about what was going on in DC, and the thing the left keeps missing is that the town hall shoutdowns WERE spontaneous. I know it makes you feel better to call it astroturf and manufactured, but that is simply not the truth, which is turning out to be a major strategic mistake made by the left. So tens of thousands of people start screaming and yelling at their representatives, with no clear leader or specific message. Some are yelling about spending, and some are yelling about health care, and some are yelling about foreign policy, and the message is not only jumbled, but also easily debated because, as an example expressed here repeatedly, if you're going to shout about spending, you have to know how to respond when a liberal yells something like "Well, where were you when Bush was doing this?" This is what led to so many people, including myself, not only reading up and getting educated about topics, but also realizing that shouting for the sake of shouting does no good if we don't completely understand and admit our own political shortcomings. If you could take just a moment and give some consideration to my earlier point, you'd see the truth: these people are getting smarter, and they've figured out how to get organized and target their collective messages. Information that was previously considered "too difficult to find" is suddenly at their fingertips; things like online versions of health care bills, names/addresses/phone numbers of every representative who could have an effect on a certain bill. There's a reason so many liberals are hiding during the break. There's a reason DC phone lines are crashing. There's a reason that five California spending bills got absolutely crushed last year. Hell, they almost got a last-minute unknown in NY23 elected. Unfortunately, the left refuses to acknowledge these trutyhs, and instead is too busy calling people names and trying to sell America on perception to fully realize the ass-whooping that's a-coming. The ONLY hope the left has to escape 2010 with as little pain as possible is to fix the economy and unemployment, and unfortunately for the left, everything they're doing is hurting both of those items. So keep trotting out those DailyKos points and I'll keep trying to get people who are fiscally responsible into elected offices in November. Let's see who is going to have more success, mmmkay?
Magox Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 You jackasses sure seem passionate at least, kind of like rabid football fans. Says the angry Jackass. There is no expressed logic or reason to their protest. Another ignorant statement. I doubt many independents are swayed by such childish behavior. It does little to convince anyone who is not pre-convinced. yet again, another ignorant uninformed statement. That's 4 so far that I've found in just the last half hour. Keep it up
Gene Frenkle Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 Well boys, opinions are of course like arseholes. Good luck with your "movement". I hope it all comes out ok in the end. Totally off-topic, it's so weird to me when posters refer to me as Gene. I might start asking real people to call me that.
Magox Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 Well boys, opinions are of course like arseholes. Good luck with your "movement". I hope it all comes out ok in the end. Totally off-topic, it's so weird to me when posters refer to me as Gene. I might start asking real people to call me that. What would you like for us to call you?
Gene Frenkle Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 What would you like for us to call you? I have no preference. It was just an observation.
Magox Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 I have no preference. It was just an observation. How about Larry David? And why do you enjoy wearing women's undies?
1billsfan Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 Tea bagging in Nashville with Sarah Palin http://www.surgeusa.org/actions/tea/nashville.htm I know the GOP has been doing all in its power to: * Make sure millions of Americans will never be able to see a doctor for a check up. Evil? * Ensure there is more dirty air by opposing cap and trade * I imagine they will be against any financial regulations, even though the system just melted down--I know, I know, it was all gay Barney, big government and the poor blacks fault Gotta love the GOP argument there! Gays, blacks and bureaucrats, oh my! * Anything else Obama does, unless its spending more on wars But, will this be enough to appease these tea baggers? Will they challange any incumbanents like they did in the House race in New York? The GOP has eough problems already without the fire in their rear. Teabagged... Corzine Deeds Dodd Dorgan Ritter Soon to be Teabagged... Reid Nelson Lincoln (and many more)
RkFast Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 Thats kind of funny. Id rather be a teabaggER than teabaggED.
Gene Frenkle Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 How about Larry David? And why do you enjoy wearing women's undies? Because I'm trying to convince Susie that the panties she found in Jeff's car are mine. Taking one for the team if you will.
Magox Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 Because I'm trying to convince Susie that the panties she found in Jeff's car are mine. Taking one for the team if you will. In that case, carry on...
keepthefaith Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 I actually don't care about that. All I know is that this bill will extend coverage to people that can't afford to go now. I know people that can't go. I just look at all the excuses being made to try and stop that is all so much partisan, ideological and even racist clap trap. After this is passed the outrage crowd will completely forget about it--just like the anti-medicare crowd of the 1960's did--and move on to the next thing that will "destroy our freedoms" and yelp and bark about that. So be it Not letting you off the hook that easy. You stated " millions of Americans will never be able to see a doctor for a check up. Evil." Now you're saying it's racist? I say bullshyt. People expecting free coverage is the problem. It's never free. Someone has to pay for it. Polls show that most Americans want reform. The disagreement is how to do it. The Democrats in Congress want and are supporting a program that: 1. Allows the government to tax some people in order pay for others 2. Allows them to control the level of benefits people recieve 3. Forces business to fund health care benefits or be taxed 4. Is not deficit neutral even with tax increases and creates another expensive entitlement program 5. Cuts Medicare 6. Expands Medicaid meaning unfunded mandates to the states 7. Does not reduce health care costs as per CBO estimates 8. Is being rushed through the process regardless of the genuine concerns being raised Tell me why you or anyone else should support this? You don't think these are real concerns? You think this is the best way to solve the problem?
keepthefaith Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 Do what you will - we live in a democracy after all. If you go about it in the wrong way, people outside of the "movement" will not take you seriously, as evidenced by the fact that nobody seems to be paying attention right now. In my view, the term "Teabagger" has become nothing more than a (possibly negative) re-branding of "Republican" or "Conservative". Call yourselves what you will. Just my opinion of course. With the big decisions that have been made in Washington over the past year and those being proposed, you don't see cause for concern?
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