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Biggest Douchebag of 2010 So Far


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"Tiger turn your faith, turn to the christian faith and you can make a total recovery and be a great example to the world"


exact words out of Brit Hume's mouth. So yeah, he told Tiger to become a christian. Which is horrible sanctimonious BS particularly coming out of the mouth of a "newsman." Sure Fox News, which is to news the Detroit Lions are to success, but some people pay attention to their nonsense.

I still do not see how this makes Brit Hume a douchebag. All he's doing is offering advice to Woods. He's not telling Woods, "Become a christian or your going to Hell", in which case he would be totally out of line. Seems to me that Woods could use some good advice, because he obviously was'nt doing much good for bringing all this pain to his family.

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