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Congrats! At least we won't have to hear you whining about your job hunt! :D:doh:


We'll still get to hear him whine about how this new company has this hot chick working for them, but he doesn't know how to ask her out. :thumbdown:

I am happy to announce that I have been offered and subsequently accepted a position at a company called GSI Commerce. My tentative start date is February 1st. As a result I will be forced to make the move from lovely Richmond, VA, my home for the past 17+ years, to beautiful King of Prussia, PA. I will be working for and with several former Circuit City people, so I will have some familiar people up there when I get there. As many of you are probably all to aware of, this has been a really $hitty year for me and others and I cannot tell you how relieved I am that it is finally coming to an end. Everyone here has been incredibly patient and very supportive as I brought you along on this journey of mine. Thanks for all of the support and wishes as well as the B word slaps that knocked me out of my many funks. 2010 is shaping up pretty damned nicely! :D

Very happy for you POOJ!

We'll still get to hear him whine about how this new company has this hot chick working for them, but he doesn't know how to ask her out. :thumbdown:




Congrats Pooj! Virginia just won't be the same without you. :doh:























if you knew my boss and his boss, you would understand that that statement is completely false and they would take serious issue with it! :doh:


Excellent You might have to give up those AM bloody Marys though :D

Great news. Always good to start the year off on the right foot.


I don't know the area, but I've been there a couple of times to visit friends. Seems like a nice place, pretty close to some cool areas.


I visited Philly once two seasons ago and got to watch the Bills game at a downtown Philly bar with about 40 other Bills fans. It was awesome. It was also Trent Edwards' swan song victory over San Diego. Damn, things seemed so good then.

I am happy to announce that I have been offered and subsequently accepted a position at a company called GSI Commerce. My tentative start date is February 1st. As a result I will be forced to make the move from lovely Richmond, VA, my home for the past 17+ years, to beautiful King of Prussia, PA. I will be working for and with several former Circuit City people, so I will have some familiar people up there when I get there. As many of you are probably all to aware of, this has been a really $hitty year for me and others and I cannot tell you how relieved I am that it is finally coming to an end. Everyone here has been incredibly patient and very supportive as I brought you along on this journey of mine. Thanks for all of the support and wishes as well as the B word slaps that knocked me out of my many funks. 2010 is shaping up pretty damned nicely! :D

Congrats and good luck Pooj!!! :thumbdown::doh:

Who is this Dean character and how did he get so many posts? :D



Clearly he is a bot.

We'll still get to hear him whine about how this new company has this hot chick working for them, but he doesn't know how to ask her out. :D



Good to hear, Pooj.

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