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Green Day sellout is complete

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And by the way, dude...nobody is criticizing you for liking this band. Everybody has different tastes and maybe XTC just speaks to you in a way that others don't see. I have some favorite artists that most people can't stand.


But you're no better than a religious converter, trying to ram this music down peoples' throats and insinuating that they're either stupid or misinformed if they don't like XTC. Get over yourself.

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For the record, that argument is perfectly acceptable. The only two points I want you to get through that thick skull of yours is that XTC are first rate (pop) musicians and they are retro-artists.


Which you later admit in this thread is impossible to prove. So who's being hypocritical? Can you see how silly you sound?


Oh, and saying XTC (a band no one here heard of) is the equivalent of the Beatles (a band some of us might know) proves you're cuckoo for cuckoo-puffs.

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Haha!!!!!!!!!!! In your wet dreams maybe!



Wow is that painful. "Our House, in the middle of the street, Our house, was a castle and a keep" minus the part where it sticks in your head for all damn eternity.


Every time you link a song, it just proves that they are a new wave band who didn't make the cut for radio play. It's OK but you can link to every song they play and they will still be a mildly talented new wave band who missed their brief moment of opportunity.

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Do you understand the meaning of the term hyperbole??? People employ it everyday, like when you say "man, this is the best beer" to proclaim your immediate satisfaction with something that is at hand. Learn, terms! "literal Annie"!!!!!!


The words you posted did not make your case, they were the sword on which you fell.

While it is true that people say these things, not everyone has their screen name match their favorite band or whatever while on a football board. I'm sure you'll understand that based on past history people might be a little wary of such names.

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Wow is that painful. "Our House, in the middle of the street, Our house, was a castle and a keep" minus the part where it sticks in your head for all damn eternity.


Every time you link a song, it just proves that they are a new wave band who didn't make the cut for radio play. It's OK but you can link to every song they play and they will still be a mildly talented new wave band who missed their brief moment of opportunity.

Did you even pay attention to the tambourine guy? That was some of the most original tambourining in the history of music.

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And by the way, dude...nobody is criticizing you for liking this band. Everybody has different tastes and maybe XTC just speaks to you in a way that others don't see. I have some favorite artists that most people can't stand.


But you're no better than a religious converter, trying to ram this music down peoples' throats and insinuating that they're either stupid or misinformed if they don't like XTC. Get over yourself.


I do not ram anything, I asked them to do me a favor and NOT listen. They are the ones who insist on keeping this thread alive! They keep pulling quotes and listening to XTC themselves, THEY are the ones who can't let it go. All in all very flattering. :thumbsup:

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Wow is that painful. "Our House, in the middle of the street, Our house, was a castle and a keep" minus the part where it sticks in your head for all damn eternity.


Every time you link a song, it just proves that they are a new wave band who didn't make the cut for radio play. It's OK but you can link to every song they play and they will still be a mildly talented new wave band who missed their brief moment of opportunity.


You are not worth the keystrokes frankly, GG and Chef are light years beyond you in intellect ,so stop butting in. :thumbsup:

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Wow is that painful. "Our House, in the middle of the street, Our house, was a castle and a keep" minus the part where it sticks in your head for all damn eternity.


Every time you link a song, it just proves that they are a new wave band who didn't make the cut for radio play. It's OK but you can link to every song they play and they will still be a mildly talented new wave band who missed their brief moment of opportunity.


This is bordering on sheer madness.

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You are not worth the keystrokes frankly, GG and Chef are light years beyond you in intellect ,so stop butting in. :thumbsup:


Sorry that you can't convince us that XTC is a first rate pop band of talented musicians. You're the one with his breasts in a wringer over the fact that we don't like your middling underground new wave guys. Music is subjective. You like a sucky band. Bully for you.


I am sure my iPod is filled with bands you hate. And if you attack them on a message board, I won't engage you in a dialog to convince you that you're wrong.


BTW, your Moulding guuy couldn't clean the mold from John Myung's third bathroom.

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I am sorry that proving your point proves to be too difficult for you. I will keep that in mind in the future.





Gosh, so I really need the opinion of a third-rate flop with 25 years of experience under his belt? Nah, I think I would rather rely on the opinions of folks who have...you know...accomplished something besides playing in a bar band their whole lives. Some of you are a riot! :thumbsup:

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Gosh, so I really need the opinion of a third-rate flop with 25 years of experience under his belt? Nah, I think I would rather rely on the opinions of folks who have...you know...accomplished something besides playing in a bar band their whole lives. Some of you are a riot! :thumbsup:


Proving your point is hard. I can see why you are spending so much time trying to avoid it.




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