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My early read on Nix

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Passing time here guys...


Simply based on his comments about a head coach and Aaron Maybin, I get the idea that Buddy's approach to this new GM gig is to go with what he thinks are low-risk, "sure things", to the extent that those options are available to him.


Paraphrasing here - in relation to the coaching search he said something very interesting, "it works like the draft - you rank your guys, and pursue them in order. They are either in or get out..." And, "I think guys that have been head coaches probably have an advantage." Sounds to me like even before any interviews, he has a good idea of who he wants, and is going after them in order. That means known commodities - anyone off the radar screen won't get a shot. So the chronology of the interviews is telling: Cowher (previous HC), then Frazier. And I suspect college coaches are out entirely (too risky), as are HC retreads that he for whatever reason doesn't think he can get along with or just doesn't like, like Billick, Fassel and Haslet.


In regard to Maybin, he said, paraphrasing, "you normally don't like to take one-year wonders - they can get you in trouble." Again, in a high stakes (early round) selection you go with the sure thing, proven with consistent on-the-field production.


Anyone else have a similar read? At least it's not another Cowher thread.

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I like Nix.


His Maybin read is right on. Maybin, to me, is a luxury pick. Luxury, in that when you are competitive team already loaded with talent and in the playoffs, he is a pick you select and then put on a shelf and allow him to develop to eventually take the reins. If he fails, ah well.


In the Bills case, we need instant success in our draft picks. We don't have the team to spend valued choices on luxuries.


Orakpo, Cushing, or even Oher would have been better selections.


I mean, for the love of Pete, let's be honest here guys!!


We could have fixed a great deal of our offensive line woes this year by drafting Oher AND Wood.


We could have a top defensive line for years to come if we had drafted Ngata instead of Whitner, Orakpo instead of Maybin, and made it impossible for Cameron Wake to sign with Miami. Nothing special would have had to be done. All of these choices were available to us.


But our decision makers are horrible!!!


Guy and Modrak should be fired.


Nix should change things, but success has slipped through our fingertips much too often this decade because of terrible player selections.

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I like Nix.


His Maybin read is right on. Maybin, to me, is a luxury pick. Luxury, in that when you are competitive team already loaded with talent and in the playoffs, he is a pick you select and then put on a shelf and allow him to develop to eventually take the reins. If he fails, ah well.


In the Bills case, we need instant success in our draft picks. We don't have the team to spend valued choices on luxuries.


Orakpo, Cushing, or even Oher would have been better selections.


I mean, for the love of Pete, let's be honest here guys!!


We could have fixed a great deal of our offensive line woes this year by drafting Oher AND Wood.


We could have a top defensive line for years to come if we had drafted Ngata instead of Whitner, Orakpo instead of Maybin, and made it impossible for Cameron Wake to sign with Miami. Nothing special would have had to be done. All of these choices were available to us.


But our decision makers are horrible!!!


Guy and Modrak should be fired.


Nix should change things, but success has slipped through our fingertips much too often this decade because of terrible player selections.


I don't disagree with a lot of your post but I'm still not sure about Modrak and Guy. We just don't know who was pulling the strings in the OBD war room on draft day. Guy has done a fair job going out and finding players when we were crushed by injuries. Granted, none of them were amazing but he could have done worse and we did get Brohm. That might be a steal, might not...only time will tell.

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I'm guardedly optimistic about Nix also. I liked when he said that in this era players that are drafted need to play soon, because they might only be around for four or five years. Now, compare Orakpo and Maybin, along the lines of contract, and assume it takes Maybin until year three to hit his potential. For what we're paying him, we get a couple of good years and then he's demanding money (like Peters) that we won't pay and he's gone... I'd rather take Orakpo, who might have a ceiling lower than Maybin's, but who is ready from the start.

Otherwise, I think our draft this year was a good one.

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I really hated the Maybin pick. I think Buddy's point is, a pick like that will either make you look really smart or really dumb. We know what the early indication is.


Even the reporter who recently interviewed him seemed to be taken aback about how seemingly unaware he is of how disappointed most fans are about his performance so far.

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