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did you hear, Cowher's dog was cited in Moe's Soutwestern Grill on Transit Road in Buffalo ordering a Joey Bag O' Donuts with the extra hot salsa....and black beans...pretty telling, don't you think?


BTW, thanks for this quality thread to take me away from the Cowher madness for a while. :nana:
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I really love all of Sam Adams' Seasonal brews, my favorite being Winter Lager. If I walk into a bar and see Winter Lager on tap, it's like my mind has already made it's choice and I'm asking for the beer before even realizing it. Bud heavy is also a personal favorite as well as Blue Light.

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When I was in Pittsburgh over the summer, I went to this bar that had all different strange types of beer. I decided to take a deuce deuce called "Hebrew Rejewvenator" home from the bar. The beer was aweful IMO but it had a really cool name.

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I have Sam Adams Winter on tap at home right now. Normally have Yuengling on tap. (For those married guys, leave a ton of bottles and cans lying around until your wife warms to the idea of a kegerator.)


My favorite beers are Old Speckled Hen, Bass, and Newcastle. My favorite cheap beers are High Life or PBR.



I have a kegerator, which is usually flowing PBR because it's cheap and my buddies can empty a keg in a hurry. My beer of choice is Stella Artois. Keith's IPA is also up there.

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i really like the tommyknocker line....love their labels too


Guinness when cost isn't an issue. For average everyday beer, probably labatts. As far as an obscure beer that I like, it would have to be Tommyknocker Ornery Amber. It's made in Idaho Springs, CO and it's one of my all time favorites


Brewery website:


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