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Ye Ole' has received various PMs from the posters of this board requesting that Ye write a very special diddy in honor of the new Bills head coach (when such a coach is named, naturally). And to honor this grand occassion, it has been requested that Ye Ole's diddy be EPIC and GRANDEOUS! One for the ages! A real jazzy number! You will all have this splendid work of art to look forward to very soon.


Any requests for this song? What say you?


I guess we all need to just resign ourselves that no one any good is going to want to coach this team. So just forget about football until the draft. It will save your sanity.



Dear Cotton, kindly consider something akin to "Ode to Joy".

Guarantee you all the beat writers would approve of that selection ... :thumbdown:

How about something to the tune of "Elenor Rigby"?


"All the lonely Bills fans / Where do they all come from"


Perhaps a selection from the late, great Minnie Riperton anyone? Keep the feedback coming... Ye Ole' Cotton is in the lab!

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