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Hot Girlfriend Whacks PS3


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She's not that hot. I don't care how hot the chick is, she destroys my PS3, her crazy ass is out on the street. There are plenty more chicks that will be just as hot and tolerate video game playing.


And if the girl is that frustrated, shes a dumbass or staying with him and not simply leaving him.


Well seeing she tells him to get a !@#$ing job to help pay the bills I he's staying with her. What a !@#$ing loser.


"Yo, yo, yo, what are you doing?" :thumbsup:

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I would love to be in on some of the history. It kinda looks like the guy is more of a douche than she is a B word. Just judging on what I can see/hear but obviously can't go just on that. I have to disagree on the hotness thing which is of course a matter of taste. To me shes smokin.


The key is her saying, "Why don't you get a job. . . . "

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Instead of taking the time to break his PS3, she should have been busy fixing his dinner and getting him a beer. She won't be so mad at him if she had her own hobbies. :thumbsup:


And she's all right but that takes away any hotness. Yuo can always find another girl but a PS3 is like $300 now.

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I'd do the same thing if he wasn't looking for a job, spending MY money and was sitting around in MY house playing PS3 all day.



Well seeing she tells him to get a !@#$ing job to help pay the bills I he's staying with her. What a !@#$ing loser.


"Yo, yo, yo, what are you doing?" :D



The key is her saying, "Why don't you get a job. . . . "



Exactly, but it's her own damn fault if she lets him get away with that :thumbsup: .

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And, who is filming this thing?




Your comment got me thinking about the old Sam Kinison bit on world hunger... :lol::lol:


"I'm like anyone else on this planet -- I'm very moved by world hunger. I see the same commercials, with those little kids, starving, and very depressed. I watch those kids and I go, '!@#$, I know the FILM crew could give this kid a sandwich!' There's a director five feet away going, 'DON'T FEED HIM YET! GET THAT SANDWICH OUTTA HERE! IT DOESN'T WORK UNLESS HE LOOKS HUNGRY!!!' But I'm not trying to make fun of world hunger. Matter of fact, I think I have the answer. You want to stop world hunger? Stop sending these people food. Don't send these people another bite, folks. You want to send them something, you want to help? Send them U-Hauls. Send them U-Hauls, some luggage, send them a guy out there who says, 'Hey, we been driving out here every day with your food, for, like, the last thirty or forty years, and we were driving out here today across the desert, and it occurred to us that there wouldn't BE world hunger, if you people would LIVE WHERE THE FOOD IS! YOU LIVE IN A DESERT! YOU LIVE IN A !@#$ING DESERT! NOTHING GROWS OUT HERE! NOTHING'S GONNA GROW OUT HERE! YOU SEE THIS? HUH? THIS IS SAND. KNOW WHAT IT'S GONNA BE A HUNDRED YEARS FROM NOW? IT'S GONNA BE SAND! YOU LIVE IN A !@#$ING DESERT! GET YOUR STUFF, GET YOUR ****, WE'LL MAKE ONE TRIP, WE'LL TAKE YOU TO WHERE THE FOOD IS! WE HAVE DESERTS IN AMERICA -- WE JUST DON'T LIVE IN THEM, !@#$S!"

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