Mike in Syracuse Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 I wasn't happy to hear that Welker was injured. It seems like that kind of mentality just begs for bad karma. I would have laughed hard though if the Houston CB had stood over him and screamed: "YOUR KNEE !@#$ING SUCKS"
Phlegm Alley Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 I hate the Pats* as much or more than the next Bills fan, but even I don't root for injuries, so, no, I wasn't happy to see this. That said, I don't really like Welker as a player, for some of the reasons above, plus the way he handled himself on the way out of Miami--he didn't thank them at all for taking a chance on him, and seemed to bad mouth them on his way out the door, which to me at least, showed very little class (similar to his overwrought displays on the field and his incessant whining to the refs, but that part may come with the New England* territory--after all, when you usually do get all the calls go your way, you may get used to that)...... I know he played for Miami, but he initially got his start as a UDFA picked up by Buddy Nix and the San Diego Chargers as a KR in 2004.
AttilatheOne Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 I feel kind of bad, but my first reaction to seeing Welker's injury was that of happiness and fulfillment. The fact that he injured himself doing one of his signature midget jukes on a play in the slot made it more fulfilling. The only possible injury that could make me happier is if Tony Siragusa gets his leg rolled on during a sideline update and has to eat meatballs one-handed on crutches for the rest of his life. Sorry for the venom. Just wanted to see if anyone else's initial reaction to the Welker injury was joy. I usually don't post here, but reading yours compelled me to do so.You should feel bad. As someone who has had two scopes, blown my ACL , and had it replaced (all on the same knee) from football, I find your post offensive and repugnant. That injury (ACL) is painful in a sick kind of way that you would have to experience to know, and I only hope that you never suffer a physical or mental loss/injury that endangers your livelihood. For the record, I was raised in Buffalo, attended games at the Rockpile (if you don't know what that is, your fan status is in question), worked one season in (then) Rich Stadium, and have suffered like the rest of Bills fans everywhere for many years. But, we are fans of our team, not what they do (I guess).
zazie Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 Darryl StingleyMike Utley Dennis Byrd Kevin Everett Joe Theisman "Just wanted to see if anyone else's initial reaction to the Welker injury was joy" Uh, no Theisman is just fine and pitching away products like crazy. The rest of these guys got it real bad; Joe does not belong he is happy and rich and probobly does not even feel it when it rains.
CodeMonkey Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 Just wanted to see if anyone else's initial reaction to the Welker injury was joy. No. I do not wish for anyone to be injured. And I certainly do not get any joy from anyone, even a key player for the cheatriats, getting injured. I do not think that any reasonable person who has had a serious injury themselves could get any of the twisted joy that you felt.
Mr. WEO Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 Welker was not a dud before he got to NE. In fact I think he caught 60 + passes his last year in Miami or about 20 more catches then Evans had this year. I do not like him, because he looks like a cocky little prick, but the guy is a football player & a competitor in every sense of the word. I wish the Bills had more players like Welker on the team. Actually , I wish the bills had A PLAYER like Welker on the team. Good post, Gordio. There is no one on this team who hustles like that guy. It takes a special kind of douchebag to start a thread like this.
Armchair GM Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 I'd have to say that I second that. Got what he deserved. You guys are total losers! Who roots for people to get injured...Though he plays for the team I hate the most, he's an incredible athlete and the best slot receiver in the league. What you deserve is a kick in the nutts, so you might as well do it yourself d-bags!
wonderbread Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 I'm going with DELLAPELLE JOHN. Dude pretending to be a 9 year old kid on an internet message board creeps me out. But he will be 10 on 1/16!
wonderbread Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 YOUR KNEE F****ING SUCKS!! B word. hahahaha. I remember him beating up on the Bills plenty of times and I think i was indifferent when I saw it happen. If it would have been a player on a different team other than the Pats* I might have felt "bad".
DELLAPELLE JOHN Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 i enjoyed it when he got hurt, and i still do!
CountDorkula Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 My initial reaction was "Man that sucks" but no i didnt wish that, ever seen Earl on TBS Karma man Karma... Did you enjoy our 20 players going on IR cause i sure as hell didnt?
Pneumonic Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 I feel kind of bad, but my first reaction to seeing Welker's injury was that of happiness and fulfillment. The fact that he injured himself doing one of his signature midget jukes on a play in the slot made it more fulfilling. The only possible injury that could make me happier is if Tony Siragusa gets his leg rolled on during a sideline update and has to eat meatballs one-handed on crutches for the rest of his life. Sorry for the venom. Just wanted to see if anyone else's initial reaction to the Welker injury was joy. Geez, what a dick you are. Parents must be proud!
Chalkie Gerzowski Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 I like the idea it's going to hinder their offense some.
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