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So why are Modrak & Guy not on the list?

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Modrak will not be let go - he hired Nix, and Nix complemented him for the 2009 draft. I will add that while it's easy criticize the Bills' drafts, don't assume that the draft pick is Modrak's rec. There's a certain 91 year old who's been known to follow his own hunches when it comes time to pick players.

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Modrak will not be let go - he hired Nix, and Nix complemented him for the 2009 draft. I will add that while it's easy criticize the Bills' drafts, don't assume that the draft pick is Modrak's rec. There's a certain 91 year old who's been known to follow his own hunches when it comes time to pick players.


Yeah that Maybin pick really panned out...

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i am not exactly sure on how things are done in the Bills offense but I don't think Modrak or Guy made the final decisions on players. I think they give the recommendations. Russ Brandon was never a football guy so of course he is going to lean towards those recommendations. Jauron has alot of say as well. With Buddy Nix as the GM he will basically make those decisions now.

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I don't think Modrak will go anywhere. First of all, he hired Nix last Feb. Second of all, being able to rate and identify talent is one thing, but you could have the greatest talent evaluators in the world, but if the guy actually making the decision doesn't know what they are doing, it makes no difference.

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