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Liberal, conservative or hypocrite (slightly edited)


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I really don't understand what either of the two are supposed to stand for, or if the people who call themselves either actually stand for anything. I just think each side wants the other to fail, regardless to the consequences to the country.


The liberals ripped Bush for the patriot act, yet want stricter screening at airports. The conservatives were for the patriot act, but seem to be against stricter screening. The liberals who were against the patriot act seem to be more for it now that they have their guy in the White House.


Conservatives accused liberals of counting deaths during the war, but now seem excited about the prospect of the damage that the health care bill may cause, since that may help their divine cause.


the Republicans are acting like they will capitalize on problems facing the democrats are facing now. The fact is, they are NOT the messiah that will step in and save the country. The fact is that we are a country of cowards who are scared into voting for the two parties as if they are the only option. This country is too gutless to vote independents into power. Absolutely gutless. Go ahead and defend whatever party you are affiliated as much as you want, I laugh at both parties.


Hope I didn't personally offend anyone as that was pretty harsh, but just reading through some of the stuff I have lately from both sides really is annoying. If anyone has a take, I'd really like to hear it- many people here are more informed than me. I'd be real happy if someone could prove me wrong.

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You wait Tom...some moron raghead will somehow make an explosive that he inhales and those !@#$turds at the TSA will pass a rule "No breathing the last two hours of a flight."


I'm waiting for someone to surgically implant a pound of explosives in their abdomen and fail to blow up a plane, so TSA can mandate pre-flight full-body X-rays and exploratory laparoscopies.

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