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while iranians fought for their lives...



and radical islamofascists attempted to blow up another plane...




and a suicide bomber killed 100 in pakistan...




obama was doing this



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apples and oranges. as far as im concerned if bush cutting brush a few weeks a year is the price for 7+ years of no terrorist attacks on american soil then so be it.


Bush cutting brush and goofing off for weeks at a time lost us our economy. But screw the economy and our rights to privacy and all that stuff so long as we remain scared to death of these a-hole terrorist. Yeah, that's great logic sport. Here's some more of your great logic: Obama is a bad president because he played golf while people died over seas in countries where people die every day for the same crap they died of today.... right, sure, why not. I mean during times of war people die and if he was eating dinner at the time when someone died then by God he's a horrible person. Your logic is the same as asking why did the guy sleep last night while someone overseas shot at our troops.


Do me a favor OK? never vote... ever. Not because you'll vote for a Republican... that's not my problem. Your logic is so stupid here that I would rather you not vote or ever put together a single political thought again. So... yeah, comment on the Bills instead. If this same logic you use holds up on this topic then you will want to trade Josh Reed for Peyton Manning right?

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Bush cutting brush and goofing off for weeks at a time lost us our economy. But screw the economy and our rights to privacy and all that stuff so long as we remain scared to death of these a-hole terrorist. Yeah, that's great logic sport. Here's some more of your great logic: Obama is a bad president because he played golf while people died over seas in countries where people die every day for the same crap they died of today.... right, sure, why not. I mean during times of war people die and if he was eating dinner at the time when someone died then by God he's a horrible person. Your logic is the same as asking why did the guy sleep last night while someone overseas shot at our troops.


Do me a favor OK? never vote... ever. Not because you'll vote for a Republican... that's not my problem. Your logic is so stupid here that I would rather you not vote or ever put together a single political thought again. So... yeah, comment on the Bills instead. If this same logic you use holds up on this topic then you will want to trade Josh Reed for Peyton Manning right?


You do realize that Sarah Palin is starting to look more competent than Barry, don't you?

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apples and oranges. as far as im concerned if bush cutting brush a few weeks a year is the price for 7+ years of no terrorist attacks on american soil then so be it.


Yeah, too bad he was president for the whole 8 years, including that little footnote called 9/11, which you revisionists conveniently like to forget. And the shoe bomber. And the mysterious 11/12/01 crash in Queens. But who's counting? Oh, you are!




You do realize that Sarah Palin is starting to look more competent than Barry, don't you?


Hard to tell since she quit before she had to make any hard decisions.

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Yeah, too bad he was president for the whole 8 years, including that little footnote called 9/11, which you revisionists conveniently like to forget. And the shoe bomber. And the mysterious 11/12/01 crash in Queens. But who's counting? Oh, you are!


Mysterious? The Airbus shed it's vertical stabilizer. How the !@#$ is that Bush's fault?



You're all morons. :lol: These things don't happen based on whether or not the President is actually in the White House at the time.

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Yeah, too bad he was president for the whole 8 years, including that little footnote called 9/11, which you revisionists conveniently like to forget. And the shoe bomber. And the mysterious 11/12/01 crash in Queens. But who's counting? Oh, you are!






Hard to tell since she quit before she had to make any hard decisions.

dereliction of duty


Lt. Col. Patterson offers a damning list of anecdotes and charges against the President, including how Clinton lost the nuclear codes and shrugged it off; how he stalled and lost the opportunity to launch a direct strike on Osama bin Laden at a confirmed location;

I think your buddy Bill had more to do with 9/11 then the president of 8 months Bush. Maybe if the sore loser Democrats hadn't wasted what should have been his time to assemble a transition team by challenging every drool mark on a Florida voter card, He could have gotten down to presidential busness sooner and prevented 9/11.

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Mysterious? The Airbus shed it's vertical stabilizer. How the !@#$ is that Bush's fault?



You're all morons. :lol: These things don't happen based on whether or not the President is actually in the White House at the time.


I was wondering if he was referring to the JFK crash where there was indisputable evidence of the cause?

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Mysterious? The Airbus shed it's vertical stabilizer. How the !@#$ is that Bush's fault?



You're all morons. :lol: These things don't happen based on whether or not the President is actually in the White House at the time.

That seems to be the new excuse for everything for these Liberals. Bush did it!

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Yeah, too bad he was president for the whole 8 years, including that little footnote called 9/11, which you revisionists conveniently like to forget. And the shoe bomber. And the mysterious 11/12/01 crash in Queens. But who's counting? Oh, you are!






Hard to tell since she quit before she had to make any hard decisions.

She quit because the Liberal warchest has no bottom...especially when it is federally funded like ACORN. She was to busy disproving false accusations to run her state out, of her own pocket, Not out of Barry Obamas*.

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while iranians fought for their lives...



and radical islamofascists attempted to blow up another plane...




and a suicide bomber killed 100 in pakistan...




obama was doing this




I don't think it's fair to criticize the guy for taking a vacation or when or where he takes it. When he's not vacationing is when we should worry.

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