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Rush Limbaugh hospitalized

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He is a complete hack who used to get women of ill repute for minor league baseball players. While his profession has changed, his personality hasn't. With that said, best wishes for a full recovery.


He's also the Son of Satan, likes to drink babies blood, was the 2nd shooter on the grassy knoll, told Bills management not to let JP play because he wanted to ruin JP's career, as well as some other things too scandalous and disturbing to post on an internet message board



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He's also the Son of Satan, likes to drink babies blood, was the 2nd shooter on the grassy knoll, told Bills management not to let JP play because he wanted to ruin JP's career, as well as some other things too scandalous and disturbing to post on an internet message board




That was Tom Donahue.

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Limbaugh is a considerably polarizing figure. Love his radio persona and voice though. He's a very very good rhetorician. As an amateur radio host in my own right, I look to some of the most successful pundits for inspiration. I pretty much disagree with his point of view, but he makes them so well and creatively.


Talk radio is just simply dominated by conservative voices. Hannity, Rush, Laura Ingraham all have very high listenership. Quite frankly, KB1520's liberals just don't get me interested at all. Alan Colmes is a snore. Ed Shultz isn't engaging enough. Maybe its the personalities and not the perspectives?

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Limbaugh is a considerably polarizing figure. Love his radio persona and voice though. He's a very very good rhetorician. As an amateur radio host in my own right, I look to some of the most successful pundits for inspiration. I pretty much disagree with his point of view, but he makes them so well and creatively.


Talk radio is just simply dominated by conservative voices. Hannity, Rush, Laura Ingraham all have very high listenership. Quite frankly, KB1520's liberals just don't get me interested at all. Alan Colmes is a snore. Ed Shultz isn't engaging enough. Maybe its the personalities and not the perspectives?

No. Who wants to listen to someone advocate that the government is the answer to all our problems, that capitalism is evil, we Americans are selfish in the extreme and terrible people, and that America is a bad country? Sign me up... not.

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Limbaugh is a considerably polarizing figure. Love his radio persona and voice though. He's a very very good rhetorician. As an amateur radio host in my own right, I look to some of the most successful pundits for inspiration. I pretty much disagree with his point of view, but he makes them so well and creatively.


Talk radio is just simply dominated by conservative voices. Hannity, Rush, Laura Ingraham all have very high listenership. Quite frankly, KB1520's liberals just don't get me interested at all. Alan Colmes is a snore. Ed Shultz isn't engaging enough. Maybe its the personalities and not the perspectives?

I can't believe KB is still going with the no-listener Lib format.


They were so good for so many years with the R&R format. I live in VA and USED to enjoy listening at night but like so many other things it's not there anymore!

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This is a joke, right?


It's a joke, and unfortunately he believes it.


Turn on 570am on the radio in Syracuse, and it's a continuous stream of conservative talking heads, starting with a local conservative in the morning, then going to Beck, Limbaugh, a local conservative who votes only based on who's against abortion, Hannity, and Savage. Then add Cunningham on the weekends. Turn to 1390am and it's more of the same, starting with Washington Times conservatives in the morning, then Laura Ingram, another local conservative, Dennis Miller, Fred Thompson, and Phil Hendrie. Thankfully there's at least a couple of sports talk stations. But you can't even find a moderate talk show. I guess conservatives really like to have their pre-conceived viewpoints validated by radio talking heads.


Regarding Limbaugh, I don't wish ill-health on anyone. His mistreatment of prescription drugs has probably taken its toll on his body, similar to what happened to Elvis. But I won't be suprised if he somehow turns his condition into a diatribe against health insurance reform.

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Hard to imagine considering how well he takes care of himself. I'm sure he has access to the best in healthcare and will no doubt be pounding Big Macs and popping Oxycontin like candy in no time. Get well soon big guy!


And these are exactly the types of people that our tax dollars are going to used to take care of.

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Bring out yer dead!


(Edit: The body collector should be from the private sector of course. If the Free Market dictates that no profit can be made from body collection, the dead can rot where they die.)


No, the body collector provides a legitimate, non-exclusive public health service, and can thus, in my opinion, safely be a government-provided service.


Grave site sales, on the other hand...

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