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Orakpo a probowler?


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Orakpo plays DE for the most part.


No, Orakpo's the 'Skins strong-side linebacker. The 'Skins lacked a pass-rushing linebacker, so he's been lined up at LB since mini-camp, plays about 70% of the snaps at that position, and made the Pro-Bowl at that position. The reason being: the 'Skins don't believe he's mature enough yet to play end (specifically, he's not yet big enough and would get worn out quickly defending the run), but they're also smart enough to want to put his skills on the field.


Now you seriously want to tell me that the Bills "brain"-trust would manage him the same way, and he'd be just as successful? What possible evidence could anyone offer that the Bills would even consider making up for their lack of a pass-rushing linebacker by lining up a smallish but athletic rookie end at that position, considering they drafted a smallish but athletic rookie end and still haven't done it? :censored:

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No, Orakpo's the 'Skins strong-side linebacker. The 'Skins lacked a pass-rushing linebacker, so he's been lined up at LB since mini-camp, plays about 70% of the snaps at that position, and made the Pro-Bowl at that position. The reason being: the 'Skins don't believe he's mature enough yet to play end (specifically, he's not yet big enough and would get worn out quickly defending the run), but they're also smart enough to want to put his skills on the field.


Now you seriously want to tell me that the Bills "brain"-trust would manage him the same way, and he'd be just as successful? What possible evidence could anyone offer that the Bills would even consider making up for their lack of a pass-rushing linebacker by lining up a smallish but athletic rookie end at that position, considering they drafted a smallish but athletic rookie end and still haven't done it? :censored:

Orakpo is listed as strongside LB, and you are correct he has played more snaps at that position thus far. You originally stated that he had 11 sacks as a LB and that is false. 8 of Orakpo's 11 sacks have come from the DE position and the coaching staff is already transitioning him to a full-time DE.


The Bills "brain"-trust might not have managed him the same way but it is becoming obvious his talents are rushing from the DE position. I'm sure they could handle that. Nonetheless, do what you have to do, to convince yourself he'd be terrible here. Of course we all know Jim Zorn has always gotten the best out of his players. Perhaps he could have done the same with Maybin. :blink::lol::lol::lol:

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I'm not sure what point you're trying to make...but considering you're arguing for replacing a defensive end with a guy who got eleven sacks at linebacker, you're pretty much making my own point for me.


Go watch the games tard, he gets all his sacks from DE. He rarely blitzed- if ever. I also saw him beat many double teams - so dont claim his production was because of Haynesworth.... who missed three games this season, one being Orakpos 4 sack performance vrs Oak. He would have started from Day One at DE - Fact. He also could have started at OLB from day one - Fact. The Bills needed help at DE and LB from day one - fact.


What did you not understand?

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It is friggin amazing the pure !@#$ing stupidity of this franchise. I mean look at how many probowlers in the last few years were just sitting there for us to take? I think the Orakpo vs Maybin thing is what pisses me off the most.

Ngata is the one the pisses me off the most. I mean him and Stroud..


Throw in the Rack and Schobels season this year we a makings of a damn good defense.


Think of how many more INT's we would have with the secondary we have with the extra pressure....


Damn is the word that comes to mind :rolleyes:

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Ngata is the one the pisses me off the most. I mean him and Stroud..


Throw in the Rack and Schobels season this year we a makings of a damn good defense.


Think of how many more INT's we would have with the secondary we have with the extra pressure....


Damn is the word that comes to mind :rolleyes:

But but but . . . if we'd taken Ngata, we wouldn't have Donte Whitner! Where would the defense be without him? :death:


Granted, we'd still have a free safety who got more interceptions in his rookie season than Whitner's had in his whole career. No real dropoff from Whitner there. On the contrary.


We'd have good play at the strong safety position from guys like George Wilson and Bryan Scott. No real dropoff from Whitner there either. But there has to be a dropoff from Whitner's level of play somewhere, right? I was tempted to write that there'd be a dropoff at nickle cornerback. Then I remembered that our cornerback group is so deep it's not even funny. Maybe Whitner could be converted to linebacker? . . .

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You people do realize J Byrd was named to the Pro Bowl don't you? So you have to give the FO credit for that one. Who cares where a guy is drafted as long as he is a great player. J Byrd is, so be happy for the guy.

Way too much complaining by people when we have one of three rookies in the Pro Bowl.....that means we drafted a great player.

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It is friggin amazing the pure !@#$ing stupidity of this franchise. I mean look at how many probowlers in the last few years were just sitting there for us to take? I think the Orakpo vs Maybin thing is what pisses me off the most.


Don't worry. Wait until next year. I'm sure you will forget Orakpo vs. Maybin as there will be some other stupid pick to piss you off.

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But but but . . . if we'd taken Ngata, we wouldn't have Donte Whitner! Where would the defense be without him? :rolleyes:


Granted, we'd still have a free safety who got more interceptions in his rookie season than Whitner's had in his whole career. No real dropoff from Whitner there. On the contrary.


We'd have good play at the strong safety position from guys like George Wilson and Bryan Scott. No real dropoff from Whitner there either. But there has to be a dropoff from Whitner's level of play somewhere, right? I was tempted to write that there'd be a dropoff at nickle cornerback. Then I remembered that our cornerback group is so deep it's not even funny. Maybe Whitner could be converted to linebacker? . . .


!@#$ Whitner. I hope the next staff punt kicks is twittering ass off the team

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You people do realize J Byrd was named to the Pro Bowl don't you? So you have to give the FO credit for that one. Who cares where a guy is drafted as long as he is a great player. J Byrd is, so be happy for the guy.

Way too much complaining by people when we have one of three rookies in the Pro Bowl.....that means we drafted a great player.


Unfortunately, a lot Bills fans would rather focus on the negative than celebrate the positive. We only drafted one pro bowl rookie, it could have been 2. One season makes a career nowadays I guess.

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Unfortunately, a lot Bills fans would rather focus on the negative than celebrate the positive. We only drafted one pro bowl rookie, it could have been 2. One season makes a career nowadays I guess.

If your team fails to make the playoffs for ten consecutive years, if Ryan Fitzpatrick is named your starting quarterback, and if Demetrius Bell is your starting left tackle, there's going to be criticism. And rightly so.


That said, you have a point about the 2009 draft having been a very solid one, even if Maybin never amounts to anything. Guys like Byrd, Levitre, Wood, and possibly Nelson and others are very good additions to this football team.

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