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The Bills are so bad __________________

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Why do people have to be so negative about their favourite team? OK, we all know they're bad. We can see. Their are some positives of this team though, and i think we should talk about the positives instead of the negatives.

You're not very good at this game are you?


Try something like this...


The Bills are so bad...(how bad are they?)...well, they're so bad that they made a bison jump off a cliff. (insert laugh track here)

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Why do people have to be so negative about their favourite team? OK, we all know they're bad. We can see. Their are some positives of this team though, and i think we should talk about the positives instead of the negatives.



Has to be a Canadian post.


Only a canadian would spell 'favorite' the wrong way, and 'their' instead of 'there'.

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