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I don't think that link says he's coming back to Tampa at all. In fact, it makes it quite clear Dungy won't be returning to the NFL in any form in '10.


This is fantastic speculation, since it would make for one less avenue for our Buffalo Bill Cowher. There's no way he would work under TD. Amen for the ministry. This should also get the Vick out of the equation.


See how I said Speculation... that means, if it were to happen...


The only admirable quality I find in Tony Dungy - as far as being a Head Coach is concerned - is that he always stressed the importance of winning Division games. The last few "Head" coaches we've had never impressed anyone with the importance of winning the games against Division rivals. Greg Williams/LeBeau/Mularkey had the Division rivalry thing going on - but it was for the wrong friggin' Division - the AFCNorth. Dickless Jauron's pulse never quickened for any opponent - whomever they were. In fact, if he walked in on The Jills showering he'd probably just say, "It's hard to find a good shampoo in this league".

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