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Christmas eve or.............


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Growing up, it was always Christmas morning. My wife's family does it on Christmas Eve though, and since we live near them, that's what ends up winning. I don't like it, but what can you do? :(


That said, my wife and I do our own Christmas when we get back home from her parents' house -- this year it'll be Saturday (or Sunday, depending on how bad the snowstorm is in the midwest).

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Usually Christmas morning. This year, Kim and I opened our gifts this morning. Sadly, Kim has to go into work at 6:00 tonight, and 6:00 tomorrow night as well. That's what happens when you're a nurse. :(


I'm joining my folks for Christmas tomorrow afternoon, and we're doing Christmas with Kim's family on Saturday. She's also going over to my parents' house to open her gifts on Sunday.


So, we technically have four days of Christmas here. This has never happened before, and it's probably a one-time thing, even though Kim works every other Christmas.

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All on Christmas morning... as as possible, after coffee is in the cup.


I never quite understood the "one on Christmas Eve" idea. Christmas Eve is not the holiday. Do you let your kids open birthday presents the day before their birthday? It just doesn't make sense, unless you have family or friends over that won't be there for Christmas to see you open the presents... maybe.

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