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Why do we rip Poz?


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I am not understanding why we rip Poz here. 92 tackles and he missed 4 1/2 games. He drops into coverage a lot and does a good job at it. Is it his fault our d-line lets the RB's get 5-6 yards per play? Give him an average of 6 tackles in the 4 games he was out and he is in the top 5 MLB's in the league in tackles. He has 1 sack and most MLB's have 1 or 2. He is tied for 1st in the league with 3 int's for MLB's. Shall I go on or will all of the following post consist of "all of his tackles are past the line of scrimmage..." Our ILB's and OLB's suck, our d-line can't stop anyone at the line. If you don't think he is above average then please name 15 MLB's you would rather have. Enough with ripping Poz.

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I was thinking of starting a similar thread. He has been very strong the past few weeks. Surround him with a couple of above average OLB's and he'd be even better. One of the few bright spots and guys I think will be a part of the team for the long term.

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I am not understanding why we rip Poz here. 92 tackles and he missed 4 1/2 games. He drops into coverage a lot and does a good job at it. Is it his fault our d-line lets the RB's get 5-6 yards per play? Give him an average of 6 tackles in the 4 games he was out and he is in the top 5 MLB's in the league in tackles. He has 1 sack and most MLB's have 1 or 2. He is tied for 1st in the league with 3 int's for MLB's. Shall I go on or will all of the following post consist of "all of his tackles are past the line of scrimmage..." Our ILB's and OLB's suck, our d-line can't stop anyone at the line. If you don't think he is above average then please name 15 MLB's you would rather have. Enough with ripping Poz.

I agree. I have always been a fan of him, since his freshman year at PSU and I will always root for him. I remember watching the bowl game (FSU maybe?) that he hurt his knee. I felt horrible for him. He was a legend...I would honestly almost put him up there with Tebow in terms of popularity amongst college football fans. He was the MOST POPULAR at his position in quite some time. Just look at his stats...at PENN STATE...as a LINEBACKER!


I think he is great. Put him on the Ravens or Vikings defense...he would be a monster.


He is the soul of our defense...and I bet he will be for years. He will make 1 pro bowl in his career. At least 1.



***EDIT - DISCLAIMER: If it is better that he play OLB (I prefer him in the middle), then so be it...but he is a very good linebacker. Period.

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I am not understanding why we rip Poz here. 92 tackles and he missed 4 1/2 games. He drops into coverage a lot and does a good job at it. Is it his fault our d-line lets the RB's get 5-6 yards per play? Give him an average of 6 tackles in the 4 games he was out and he is in the top 5 MLB's in the league in tackles. He has 1 sack and most MLB's have 1 or 2. He is tied for 1st in the league with 3 int's for MLB's. Shall I go on or will all of the following post consist of "all of his tackles are past the line of scrimmage..." Our ILB's and OLB's suck, our d-line can't stop anyone at the line. If you don't think he is above average then please name 15 MLB's you would rather have. Enough with ripping Poz.


I personally like Poz and think he can be a top 10 MLB in the league when healthy and with a better D-line in front of him. BUT I think that some here bash him because he has had a few bad games this season and when he plays well he plays solid but isn't a game changer (Very few MLB's in this league are). I think the second reason people here bash him is his health issue, this season he has missed a few games and his rookie year he missed most of the season.


I think that the handful of bad games he had this season (Both Jet games and one or two others after he came back from injury) are a direct result from his injury. He broke his arm and rushed back from injury a few weeks later. I think that Poz isn't the issue with the defense at all. And I do think that this board has gotten all over him very unfairly at times.

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I am not understanding why we rip Poz here. 92 tackles and he missed 4 1/2 games. He drops into coverage a lot and does a good job at it. Is it his fault our d-line lets the RB's get 5-6 yards per play? Give him an average of 6 tackles in the 4 games he was out and he is in the top 5 MLB's in the league in tackles. He has 1 sack and most MLB's have 1 or 2. He is tied for 1st in the league with 3 int's for MLB's. Shall I go on or will all of the following post consist of "all of his tackles are past the line of scrimmage..." Our ILB's and OLB's suck, our d-line can't stop anyone at the line. If you don't think he is above average then please name 15 MLB's you would rather have. Enough with ripping Poz.

Poz has beautiful hair and has played pretty well this year. That is the plus side.


On the downside, he put in a good word for Maybinot and that guy is killing us. He should stick to linebacking.

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I frankly don't understand it. I've thought Pos played quite well this year considering the number of injuries this team has had and a defensive line that is weak against the run. I think he's fine, but has to have a help from the other linebackers. I see us addressing that in free agency and when some of our injured return.

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why? because everyone wants to have something to complain about since the season sucks so bad, and since they are unhappy with the FO, they attack all of the recent picks. even the ones who are playing well.


they attack him cause he's a name on the defense and people expect that he should be carrying the D even though he has a below-average line in front of him and poor LBs on either side of him.


his game could probably use some improvements, but that could be said for any NFL player.


dude is all over the field. our D hasnt been all that bad and has kept us in games.


people just want to have a new target.

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He needs a SOLB.


I feel like a broken record.


Line upgrades are a luxury.


OLB upgrades are a MUST.





The problem is more the LBs not being able to scrape off blocks and make the stop on running plays, mainly due to their (lack of) size. That, plus a scheme where they are actually playing the edge more instead of playing the gaps and being inside of the DEs so often. IF the Bills had LBs big enough to stop a RB once they shot those gaps, it would make sense. But when you line up w/ 220lb LBs, the scheme looks a bit odd and it leads to a lot of big gains to the outside (compounded by the fact that the DEs are suckers for misdirection plays, too).

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The problem is more the LBs not being able to scrape off blocks and make the stop on running plays, mainly due to their (lack of) size. That, plus a scheme where they are actually playing the edge more instead of playing the gaps and being inside of the DEs so often. IF the Bills had LBs big enough to stop a RB once they shot those gaps, it would make sense. But when you line up w/ 220lb LBs, the scheme looks a bit odd and it leads to a lot of big gains to the outside (compounded by the fact that the DEs are suckers for misdirection plays, too).

Do you agree about Poz' hair?

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I am not understanding why we rip Poz here. 92 tackles and he missed 4 1/2 games. He drops into coverage a lot and does a good job at it. Is it his fault our d-line lets the RB's get 5-6 yards per play? Give him an average of 6 tackles in the 4 games he was out and he is in the top 5 MLB's in the league in tackles. He has 1 sack and most MLB's have 1 or 2. He is tied for 1st in the league with 3 int's for MLB's. Shall I go on or will all of the following post consist of "all of his tackles are past the line of scrimmage..." Our ILB's and OLB's suck, our d-line can't stop anyone at the line. If you don't think he is above average then please name 15 MLB's you would rather have. Enough with ripping Poz.

No its the Offense's fault and for the billionth time our D line is supposed to penetrate and they do an excellent job of that. I think he is an excellent linebacker but people want to shred everyone on the team without looking at the whole picture kinda what like what you just did with our D line.

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He has played very well this year. INTs, making big plays. Made the two best defensive plays against the Pats this week. He frequently is asked to drop back into coverage. People, league wide (not just disenchanted Bills fans) who have more perspective have said he has had a very good year especially since he missed 4 1/2 games. Anyone who has watched him play the past 4 games probably realizes he is a very good MLB and he really now is in his second season. He has the attitude you want in a LB.

He has a very mediocre DL in front of him and a very subpar complement of LBs playing side by side. He has stood out as a very good defensive player this year. I know nobody wants to admit we have good players but we have some.

We need a QB more than any other position and that is the main reaon no playoffs in 10 years.

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He's too beautiful to play MLB. He should be a wr, kicker or 3rd string QB.


MLBs need to be ugly (like Merv Krakau), smell bad, have a front tooth missing, talk trash all game long, get personal fouls, foam at the mouth, have blood on their uniform, a scruffy beard (Poz has no facial hair), cuss out the officials, spit a lot (especially at opposing players), and a helmet with a lot of dings in it.


Dick Butkus, Jack Lambert, Chris Spielman, Ray Nitchke, Sam Huff... one of them must have a son or nephew that has some of there genes.

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I've been down on him this season but he has played well the last few weeks. I still don't think he's physical enough to be a force at MLB. Time will tell I guess. Many think that moving him outside and picking Mclain would be a significant upgrade to both spots. That's something I would be in favor of as well.

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